Andrew Whipple

The most sensational, inspirational, celebrational, muppetational

Things I Learned Building A Silly Little iOS App

Published 03/20/2024

Hello future employers! This is an example of me being a technically engaged member of the profession, in that I spent my week where I was contractually forbidden from having fun during off my off hours (1) working on a little side project.

I love and have used for years a little app called “Highball” for cocktail recipes. It’s very pretty, very simple, and gets the job done! But one thing is annoying about it, and one thing is concerning about it:

  • Annoying: It’s hard to transfer recipes from one person to another, or one device to another
  • Concerning: It’s a side project from the Studio Neat product design company, and is a companion app to some cocktail products they no longer make, so it’s unreasonable to expect that the app will continue to survive future iOS updates

And, I kinda wanted to learn how to make iOS apps. And so I put together a more-or-less functional proof of concept of a cocktail app that is mostly just a worse version of Highball, but with one tool where you can take a photo of a recipe and it’ll use ~~~~~AI~~~~~ to convert the text in the photo and import it into the app (and some extra abilities to export and import recipes.)

It basically works, which is surprising imo, given I probably spent…. let’s say 20 hours total on it, having never written an iOS app before?

main view recipe view

But anyway, for the SEO gods when a future prospective employer searches “Andrew Whipple developer”, here’s some stuff I learned.


I think I generally like writing Swift code, in a way that suggests I’d probably like writing Typescript. At the most basic level, while I’m very hardcoded into my Python developer brain, I like silly things like brackets, I like let and var, I like it being a typed language but having type inference. None of it is stuff that would make me switch or anything, but it’s generally intuitive and enjoyable. On the flip side, I like snake_case more than camelCase, so Python I have not abandoned you!

But overall, I like Python for its readability and its (by convention) explicitness, so I enjoy the parts of Swift that are readable and (by convention or by language design) explicit.

I really like Swift closure syntax, these make a ton of sense to me.

recipe.ingredients.contains { ingredient in

// as opposed a more python-y way like
recipe.ingredients.contains(lambda ingredient:

// yes i know this is me mixing Swift and Python syntax

I theoretically like required named parameters, and the Apple-y way of using parameter names to construct pseudo-sentences out of function calls

// Read this out loud and it more or less is a sentence!
try? jsonString.write(to: tempURL, atomically: true, encoding: .utf8)

some” still breaks my brain. I get it intellectually, but not at all intuitively.

var body: some View {}

I don’t like do/catch, I much prefer Python’s try/except

do {
  try <a thing that throws>
} catch {
  //handle exception


try {
  <a thing that throws>
} except {
  //handle exception

And Swift still has the same color of functions thing that Python does, but obviously async/await fits well with my Python brain. .task/Task() though is easier for me to latch onto than the various asyncio.gather() et al that I have to google every time I ever need to use it.

Also, decoder/encoder are way more confusing to me than the python equivalent json handlers; part of this is I’m sure just unfamiliarity, but also my kingdom for whoever made (or will make) the Swift equivalent of Pydantic for automatic data validation and conversion.

SwiftUI (+ iOS)

My brain does not fundamentally get declarative code (yet.) I can tell because I have a View for a recipe card that currently looks like this:

import SwiftUI

struct CardView: View {
    let recipe: Recipe

    private func ingredientChip(_ ingredient: String) -> some View {

    private func getIngredientChips(ingredients: [Ingredient]) -> some View {
        let possibleIngredients = ["Rum", "Vodka", "Gin", "Tequila", "Mezcal", "Whisky", "Whiskey", "Scotch", "Rye", "Bourbon"]

        var presentIngredients = [String]()

        for ingredient in possibleIngredients {
            let filteredIngredients = ingredients.filter { $}
            if !filteredIngredients.isEmpty {

        let result = HStack {
            ForEach(presentIngredients, id: \.self) { ingredient in

        return result

    var body: some View {
        VStack(alignment: .leading) {
            getIngredientChips(ingredients: recipe.ingredients) // this is bad

And I know that I’m chucking in this random imperative bit with getIngredientChips(), and I’m sure there’s a declarative way to do this, but this is just where my brain goes first. To get from zero -> working, I think in imperative, and declarative comes later (if at all.)

Related to this, I am happy that this project has shown I have enough basic programming knowledge to be able to sense when it feels like I’m doing things the wrong way. For instance, I’d been trying to have the LLM Model loaded on app startup in the background, but accessed several views deep in the screen for editing an individual recipe. What works is passing it down from the App -> RecipesView -> DetailView -> DetailEditView, but that feels gross, so I strongly believe there’s a better way to do it (and did figure out a way to do it with @EnvironmentObject; maybe still not the right way, but at least feels better.) But I feel good that it feels gross, that implies I have some learned instincts!

I still don’t really get the difference between @State, @StateObject, and @Binding.

The use of enums all over the place is interesting.

  .foregroundColor(.secondary) // note the .secondary enum

I think I like it, re: the earlier point about how I like readability and explicitness. That said, being new to SwiftUI and iOS frameworks, I have no intuition or knowledge about what those enums will be and where they’ll show up (though Xcode is tolerable for code completion suggestions on that front.)

And overall—aforementioned fact that my brain works in imperative aside—I think SwiftUI looks like a fantastic way to get from zero -> functional in terms of design, and definitely faster than any of my previous half-hearted attempts over the past decade to learn UIKit + MVC patterns.

It seems much much much more difficult to get from functional to good (let alone great) unless you are committed to making your app just look like an Apple sample app. I’ve heard through podcasts with real iOS developers that there are some hard and fast limits to things you can do with SwiftUI, and it’s not fully-featured enough for a complex production app without having to dip into UIKit, but I haven’t experienced that (outside of some file handling/VisionKit stuff, but nothing actually UI related.)

However, my app is very simple, and has no custom style yet, so I’m a terrible test case!

Also lol I have no idea how to do tests in Swift or iOS or SwiftUI. So I didn’t!

AI (as a pair programmer)

I ended up using AI a lot in two different ways on this mini project: one is as a pair programmer (/fancy google) to help guide and build stuff, which I’ll talk about here!

I started playing around with ChatGPT et al probably 3 months ago, and started (in my work context) using Copilot autocomplete and Amazon Q a bit for VSCode. For this, I’m working directly in Xcode, so I’m not accessing Copilot or Q (plus I think my Q access is through my work account.) So in this case, I’ve mostly been using the free version ChatGPT with a bit of a test of Claude, and using their chat interfaces.

Also, in a work context, I’m mostly working on things I understand pretty well at this point (using Python to write endpoints for FastAPI and Django apps) so I fall out to ChatGPT et al about as often as I would’ve fallen out to Google (and even still, I’ll usually send the same query to vanilla google and ChatGPT/Q.)

In this case, I’m new to iOS and Swift! So I used ChatGPT a ton!

As I’ve compared notes with coworkers, I’ve found this use of AI chat tools for coding to be most useful in contexts where:

  • I already know how to do a thing, I just don’t want to do it manually (“convert this if/else block into a switch statement” or “fill out this enum” or the equivalent)
  • I already know how to do a thing in another context, but don’t know how to do it here (“What’s the Django equivalent of some SQL statement?” or “What’s the mongoengine equivalent of some Django query?”)
  • I know what I want done but don’t know how to do it, and I don’t care (or can’t tell) if the results are good

I ran into a couple cases of the first two (“How do I format the string for a double without any decimal points in swift?” or “Make this codable (a big class that I don’t want to write out the coding keys for).” But most of this project has involved the 3rd: I have no compunctions, cares, or even ability to tell whether I’m writing good Swift, I just want to write working Swift!

To that end, a key element of #3 is that it needs to be something I can verify immediately, which is where Swift being a compiled language is nice; it’ll crash out at the build phase when (and yes when, not if, lol) ChatGPT gets something wrong. I generally find then if I just give ChatGPT the error string, it’ll figure it out. Whether it figures out the right or best solution, I can’t tell, but usually gets to working.

In contrast, I find I cannot really use ChatGPT et al for any sizable amount of Python code because I have too high standards for any Python code that goes out with my name on the commit. And it is frequently (again, to my style preferences) bad. In particular, it’s overly verbose and overly twisty in its logic and control flow. The “AIs are your army of junior programmers” quip seems to hold true, because for Python I do think it bears a striking similarity to the work I would’ve done as a junior developer. Which I guess same as above, where this has been an ego boost proving to myself I do have some legitimate programming instincts, I now get the opportunity to cringe at the equivalent of what I would’ve written years ago. Or, the opportunity to cringe at the Swift I am currently writing, because I assume it is bad and amateurish and I don’t care!

Similarly, I am not a good front-end developer, and so I like using ChatGPT at work for simple front-ends to internal tools. It is clunky, bad, not scalable, but:

  • I can’t immediately tell like I can with Python, so it doesn’t offend me in the same way, and
  • it’s fair game for internal tools where working > good. Unacceptable for actual customer-facing code, but fit for purpose there.

So yeah, overall ChatGPT has been a helpful companion as an on-demand Swift/SwiftUI/iOS tutor.

I’ve also re-confirmed in this experience that as I get older I’ve lost the patience to learn via working through a sample project; I’ve tried for years off and on learning Swift and iOS via tutorials and sample projects, and I always get bored because it’s not solving a problem I actually care about solving. Whereas here I feel like I’ve learned a lot, and I’ve had the motivation to continue because I want to make my own thing better.

To that, some of Apple’s instructional material has been very useful, and I got the basic UI shell running by following an unrelated Apple tutorial, but picking and choosing which lessons to follow and swapping in all of their sample app details (in their case a Scrum Meeting timer) with stuff for my cocktail app. Once I got past that point, that’s where ChatGPT became the most useful, again as more or less an on-demand tutor I could ask for instructions on specific challenges as I encountered them.

To that end, I do feel like I learned a reasonable amount, and that’s probably because I went step by step. If I had asked ChatGPT for a whole app skeleton, then nothing would stick, but by asking for each step individually I got the opportunity to actually learn how, for example, PhotoPicker works.

But it was also dumb and bad

That said, a major gigantic whiff was using ChatGPT for any instructions on how to download, convert, and embed a small LLM into my app bundle for use in the image -> recipe parsing.

I spent probably 5-6 hours going in circles as ChatGPT gave me instructions for things that would fail, hallucinated libraries that didn’t exist, gave me instructions for libraries that had breaking changes a year ago, and so on. I tried Claude as an alternative to see if it would be better, and it gave me different guidance and suggestions, but equally wrong ones.

Eventually I had enough examples to figure out the right terms to google and find some Apple documentation that lead to some sample code I was able to read and copy out that eventually worked well enough. But what a total fail on the AI assistant front.

I have some sympathy because LLM tools (currently) are specifically bad at following fast-moving things because they don’t “learn” much after their training cutoff, and AI development is very very fast-moving. So this is a worst-case scenario for the current models. That said, it was massively frustrating, especially in contrast to what a (relatively) useful tool they were on the iOS and SwiftUI front.

AI (as a thing to include in the app)

A lot of talk in the last two weeks in the Apple press has been about how Apple is behind the eight-ball on AI in general, and specifically with how AI integrates into Siri, with the AI-powered Siri features being disastrously behind schedule compared to their public announcements last year.

While that’s damning in terms of highlighting dysfunction between Apple’s marketing and engineering teams, to me the way bigger black mark is that Apple has (kinda by accident) built phones and devices with chips that are incredibly well suited to running AI models locally, and yet it is so difficult to figure out how to do that, and then actually do it in any sort of practical way.

As much as I’m frustrated at ChatGPT and Claude for leading me in circles around how to do this, if I take a step back I’m more frustrated at Apple. As it stands now it sure seems like LLMs themselves veer towards being commodities, where it’s pretty easy for other model developers to catch up to the state of the art (in part because Facebook and Deepseek are very invested in making them open-source commodities.) Apple, however, has a lead in chip performance for devices, millions of devices already out in the world, a huge amount of distribution and platform ownership advantages, and a brand that’s all about privacy and security.

So to my outside eye it looks like the natural “unfair advantage” they could pursue is leveraging their killer hardware, distribution quasi-monopolies, and brand promise to say to developers that iOS is the best platform for them to deploy local AI. I find it hard to believe that Apple will be able to make a better integrated LLM assistant than, say, Google, but I find it very easy to believe that Apple could make a much more attractive developer platform for integrating AI into 3rd party apps than Google ever could.

And yet!!!!!!! How is there not an easy-to-find developer doc saying “Here’s how you do it!”? How is it that I was only able to figure out a way to do it by eventually finding my way to a library that is clearly just a research project, then to the example repo linked from that library (which the example repo for some reason had the actual packages I needed to install), and then to sample code that actually showed me what to do?

And that isn’t even what I actually I wanted to do: my goal was to download a model to my Mac, get it into whatever format Apple needed, bundle it into my application bundle, and ship the model with the application. Ideally I’d love to fine tune it or quantize it or something along the way. Instead the only approach that ended up working was using the Apple research library to download a version of llama on app startup (which takes a about 90-120 seconds, and the app needs to be open in the foreground the whole time) and then store that in what I believe is temporary storage on the device. And of course, the app sometimes crashes because it uses too much memory trying to load this far-too-big-for-purpose full-fledged LLM (and I assume would fully crash out if I wasn’t using an iPhone 15 Pro Max.)

I fully agree with John Siracusa in this week’s episode of Upgrade that the real solution Apple should do is have system APIs that plug into central Apple-provided AI and LLM capabilities that run locally, rather than requiring every app ship a model with its app bundle. But until you do that, it should at least be well-documented how to do the alternative!!!!!!

As it stands now, based on my experience with this little demo app, the best way for an iOS developer to integrate AI into their products is absolutely to get an OpenAI api key and send every request over the network. The fact that that’s the best solution when Apple has the best consumer-grade AI hardware and, again, a brand promise focused on privacy and security is ludicrous.

And especially when it stands in contrast to Apple’s earlier AI features (branded under “ML” lol.) It was 6 hours of work and a bunch of custom code to get to a pseudo-solution for my problem of “How do I parse the freeform text of a recipe into a structured Recipe object?.”

What about “how do I read the text from a user’s photo?” 10 minutes of good Apple documentation and 30 lines of code, mostly just error handling.

import Vision
import UIKit

func recognizeText(from image: UIImage, completion: @escaping (String?) -> Void) {
    guard let cgImage = image.cgImage else {

    let requestHandler = VNImageRequestHandler(cgImage: cgImage, options: [:])
    let request = VNRecognizeTextRequest { request, error in
        guard let results = request.results as? [VNRecognizedTextObservation] else {

        let recognizedText = results.compactMap { $0.topCandidates(1).first?.string }.joined(separator: "\n")

    do {
        try requestHandler.perform([request])
    } catch {
        print("Error performing OCR: \(error)")

“Ask an LLM to pull some structured text out of this freeform text” and “Ask an ML model to pull text out of this photo” are similar questions that should have similar APIs, and I have less than zero complaints about how Apple handles the latter. It felt like magic to be able to add that feature in 10 minutes of work! And it’s absolutely to your benefit as a developer platform to give people that magical feeling as often as you can.

I did not have that feeling working with the LLM.

If this does ever become a real app I release, I’m absolutely pivoting it to the “Just use OpenAI (or Claude or whatever) over the network” approach.

Anyway, rant aside, what I’m actually doing is using MLX to load llama 3.2, certainly overkill for my case, but of the models in the MLX model registry only that, Gemma 2, and Phi 3.5 had anything close to a reasonable balance of workable results and not immediately crashing out due to memory or other installation issues. I tried loading it at app startup and tried loading only when I’m on the Edit view where it can be triggered, and the latter was way worse for performance (basically killing the app if I loaded two Edit views within the same session.) This does mean my app uses way too much memory for normal “just browsing recipes” use, again why if this ever becomes a real app I’ll switch to offloading the LLM stuff to a 3rd party service.

I found it worked much better both in terms of real performance and perceived performance to split the recipe parsing into 3 discrete steps: one to grab the name, one to grab the ingredients, one to grab the instructions (and show a progress bar as it goes through each step) vs trying to fetch the full structured JSON of a recipe.

import Foundation
import MLX
import MLXLLM
import MLXLMCommon

class RecipeParser: ObservableObject {
    private var modelContainer: ModelContainer?

    @Published var loaded: Bool = false

    let maxTokens = 1000

    init() async throws {
        loaded = false
        print("Initializing parser")
        let modelConfiguration = ModelRegistry.llama3_2_3B_4bit
        do {
            self.modelContainer = try await LLMModelFactory.shared.loadContainer(configuration: modelConfiguration)
            loaded = true
            print("Model loaded")
        } catch {
            print("Error loading model")

    private func generate(systemPrompt: String, prompt: String) async throws -> String {
        if loaded {
            let result = try await modelContainer!.perform { context in
                let input = try await context.processor.prepare(
                    input: .init(
                        messages: [
                            ["role": "system", "content": systemPrompt],
                            ["role": "user", "content": prompt],
                return try MLXLMCommon.generate(
                    input: input, parameters: GenerateParameters(), context: context
                ) { tokens in
                    //print(context.tokenizer.decode(tokens: tokens))
                    if tokens.count >= maxTokens {
                        return .stop
                    } else {
                        return .more

            return result.output
        return ""

    func parseName(recipeText: String) async throws -> String {
        let systemPrompt = """
        You are a simple tool to help parse freeform cocktail recipe text into something more structured.

        You will be given text of a recipe. Extract the name of the recipe and return that. Return only the recipe name
        and no other text. Do not return any other commentary other than the recipe name.
        return try await generate(systemPrompt: systemPrompt, prompt: recipeText)


    func parseInstructions(recipeText: String) async throws -> String {
        let systemPrompt = """
        You are a simple tool to help parse freeform cocktail recipe text into something more structured.

        You will be given text of a recipe. Extract the instructions of the recipe and return that. Return only the cocktail instructions
        and no other text.

        As an example "01:52
        2 oz BOURBON
        ¼ oz SIMPLE SYRUP (1:1)
        Stir the bourbon, simple syrup, and bitters in a mixing glass with ice. Strain into a rocks glass with one large ice cube. Garnish with an orange peel.
        QTY: 1" should return "Stir the bourbon, simple syrup, and bitters in a mixing glass with ice. Strain into a rocks glass with one large ice cube. Garnish with an orange peel."
        and "BLINKER
        42 oz GRENADINE
        2 oz RYE
        Shake and strain" should return "Shake and strain"

        Do not return any commentary or explanation other than what is in the provided text. 
        If you can't find any instructions to parse, return nothing.
        return try await generate(systemPrompt: systemPrompt, prompt: recipeText)


    func parseIngredients(recipeText: String) async throws -> [Ingredient] {
        let systemPrompt = """
        You are a simple tool to help parse freeform cocktail recipe text into something more structured.

        You will be given text of a recipe. Extract the ingredients of the recipe and return them in json of the form
                  "name": string,
                  "unit": string,
                  "amount": float

        Make sure to convert any fractional amounts to a valid float. For example, an ingredient like "1/2 oz of vodka" should be returned as
            "name": "Vodka",
            "unit": "oz",
            "amount": 0.5

        Return only this array of ingredients and make sure it is valid JSON with no comments. Do not provide any additional commentary. 
        If you can't parse, return []

        var ingredients = [Ingredient]()

        let rawIngredientString = try await generate(systemPrompt: systemPrompt, prompt: recipeText)
        let trimmedIngredientString = extractJSONArray(from: rawIngredientString)
        let dataString = "\(trimmedIngredientString)".data(using: .utf8)

        let decoder = JSONDecoder()
        do {
            let partialIngredients: [PartialIngredient] = try decoder.decode([PartialIngredient].self, from: dataString!)

            for partialIngredient in partialIngredients {
                let newIngredient = Ingredient(name:, unit: partialIngredient.unit, amount: partialIngredient.amount)
        } catch let decodingError as DecodingError {

        return ingredients


    private func extractJSONArray(from text: String) -> String {
        guard let startIndex = text.firstIndex(of: "["),
              let endIndex = text.lastIndex(of: "]") else {
            return "[]"

        return String(text[startIndex...endIndex])

I also found a little bit of prompt engineering went a long way, at least with llama; Phi 3.5 worked well out of the gate, but was more resource intensive than llama, whereas llama worked well for parsing name and instructions, but parsing out ingredients was sketchier until I added examples to the system prompt.

Anyway, these are my learnings turned rant. Overall neat little experiment, I’m sure it’ll be like 6 years before I try to make another iOS app lol.

As a reward for making it through this tome, here is what I think is the best cocktail recipe I ever created(2):

Lost World

(1): also known in the tech industry as being “on-call”

(2): So called because it’s a Last Word formula (equal parts base spirit, sweet liqueur, herbal liqueur, and acid) using the passionfruit and Campari of the Lost Lake cocktail, and because it’s funny to name it after a Jurassic Park sequel.

Oscars 2k24

Published 03/2/2024

Personal Oscars

2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018


Personal first, these are who I would pick if I had the ability to dictatorially force the awards bodies to my personal preferences.

My personal winner is bolded and italicized.

Supporting Actor

  • Austin Butler (Dune Part Two)
  • Tom Hardy (The Bikeriders)
  • Karren Karagulian (Anora)
  • Edward Norton (A Complete Unknown)
  • Jesse Plemons (Civil War)

Supporting Actress

  • Maria Bakalova (The Apprentice)
  • Monica Barbaro (A Complete Unknown)
  • Rebecca Ferguson (Dune Part Two)
  • Ariana Grande (Wicked)
  • Helena Howard (I Saw The TV Glow)


  • Adrian Brody (The Brutalist)
  • Mike Faist (Challengers)
  • Ralph Fiennes (Conclave)
  • Josh O'Connor (Challengers)
  • Justice Smith (I Saw The TV Glow)


  • Felicity Jones (The Brutalist)
  • Mikey Madison (Anora)
  • Demi Moore (The Substance)
  • Renata Reinsve (Handling The Undead)
  • Zendaya (Challengers)


  • The Bikeriders
  • Conclave
  • Dune Part Two
  • Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga
  • Saturday Night


  • Volker Bertelmann (Conclave)
  • Daniel Blumberg (The Brutalist)
  • Alex G (I Saw The TV Glow)
  • Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross (Challengers)
  • Alex Somers, Scott Alario (Nickel Boys)


Includes both Adapted and Original

  • Justin Kuritzkes (Challengers)
  • Sean Baker (Anora)
  • Jesse Eisenberg (A Real Pain)
  • Peter Straughan (Conclave)
  • Denis Villeneuve, John Spaihts (Dune Part Two)

Debut Film

Has to be the director's first full-length narrative film, shorts and student films and (generally) TV movies aren't counted against them

  • Jack Begert (Little Death)
  • Thea Hvistendahl (Handling The Undead)
  • Sam and Andy Zuchero (Love Me)


  • Edward Berger (Conclave)
  • Brady Corbet (The Brutalist)
  • Coralie Fargeat (The Substance)
  • Luca Guadignino (Challengers)
  • Denis Villeneuve (Dune Part Two)


  • Anora
  • The Apprentice
  • The Brutalist
  • Challengers
  • Civil War
  • A Complete Unknown
  • Conclave
  • Dune Part Two
  • Handling The Undead
  • A Real Pain

Real Oscars

Here are my picks for the actual real Oscars that are real! Last year I got 18/23

Original Screenplay

Should Win: Anora

Will Win: Anora

Adapted Screenplay

Should Win: Dune Part Two

Will Win: Conclave

Visual Effects

Should Win: Dune Part Two

Will Win: Dune Part Two


Should Win: A Complete Unknown

Will Win: Dune Part Two

Live Action Short

Should Win: ¯\(ツ)

Will Win: The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent

Animated Short

Should Win: ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)

Will Win: Yuck!

Production Design:

Should Win: Conclave

Will Win: Wicked

Original Song

Should Win: El Mal (Emilia Perez)

Will Win: El Mal (Emilia Perez)


Should Win: Conclave

Will Win: The Brutalist

Makeup And Hairstyling

Should Win: The Substance

Will Win: The Subtance

International Feature

Should Win: Emilia Perez (by default, it's the only one I saw)

Will Win: I'm Still Here


Should Win: Anora

Will Win: Anora

Documentary Short

Should Win: ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)

Will Win: I Am Ready Warden

Documentary Feature

Should Win: ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)

Will Win: No Other Land


Should Win: Brady Corbet (The Brutalist)

Will Win: Sean Baker (Anora)

Costume Design

Should Win: A Complete Unknown

Will Win: Wicked


Should Win: The Brutalist

Will Win: The Brutalist

Animated Feature

Should Win: ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)

Will Win: The Wild Robot

Supporting Actress

Should Win: Ariana Grande (Wicked)

Will Win: Zoe Saldana (Emilia Perez)

Supporting Actor

Should Win: Kieran Culkin (A Real Pain)

Will Win: Kieran Culkin (A Real Pain)


Should Win: Mikey Madison (Anora)

Will Win: Demi Moore (The Substance)


Should Win: Ralph Fiennes (Conclave)

Will Win: Timothee Chalamet (A Complete Unknown)


Should Win: Dune Part Two

Will Win: Anora

2024 In Lists

Published 12/31/2024

This is also available on my newsletter!

A fair warning, this year I basically watched no movies and listened to no music! 🥳

Previous years: 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2017 - 2016 Podcasts - 2016 Albums

Top 10 TV Or Internet Shows I Watched In 2024 (that weren’t all from 2024)

  • 10) Culinary Class Wars (Netflix)
  • 9) the first season of The Traitors US (Peacock)
  • 8) Just One More Watch (Youtube)
  • 7) Foureyes Furniture (Youtube)
  • 6) the first season of Lost (Netflix)
  • 5) American Crime Story: OJ Simpson (Hulu)
  • 4) the 2024 F1 Season
  • 3) Wristwatch Revival (Youtube)
  • 2) the last two seasons of The Wire (Max)
  • 1) the first two seasons of Veronica Mars (Hulu)

Top 10 Theatrical Things I Saw In 2024

  • 10) Life And Trust - Conwell Tower (NYC, NY)
  • 9) Les Démons - Comédie Française (Paris, FR)
  • 8) American Moor - St Stephen's Theater (Philadelphia, PA)
  • 7) Laser Kiwi: Rise Of The Olive - Edinburgh Fringe Festival (Edinburgh, UK)
  • 6) The Comeuppance - Wilma Theater (Philadelphia, PA)
  • 5) Ulysses - Fringe Arts (Philadelphia, PA)
  • 4) My Mother's Funeral: The Show - Edinburgh Fringe Festival (Edinburgh, UK)
  • 3) The Lehman Trilogy - Arden Theater (Philadelphia, PA)
  • 2) Flight - Edinburgh Fringe Festival (Edinburgh, UK)
  • 1) Sleep No More - The McKittrick Hotel (NYC, NY)

Months, Ranked By The Best Play I Saw During Them, In Som-Mai And My Goal To See At Least A Play A Month In 2024

  • 12) April (Macbeth - Quintessance; Philadelphia, PA)
  • 11) February (God of Carnage - Stagecrafters Theater; Philadelphia, PA)
  • 10) October (Tick Tick Boom - Theatre Horizon; Philadelphia, PA)
  • 9) June (Little Bear Ridge Road - Steppenwolf; Chicago, IL)
  • 8) July (Life and Trust - Conwell Tower; NYC, NY)
  • 7) May (Les Démons - Comédie Française; Paris, FR)
  • 6) November (American Moor - St Stephen's Theater; Philadelphia, PA)
  • 5) December (The Comeuppance - Wilma Theater; Philadelphia, PA)
  • 4) September (Ulysses - Fringe Arts; Philadelphia, PA)
  • 3) March (The Lehman Trilogy - Arden Theater; Philadelphia, PA)
  • 2) August (Flight - Edinburgh Fringe Festival; Edinburgh, UK)
  • 1) January (Sleep No More - The McKittrick Hotel; NYC, NY)

Top 5 Most Financially Devastating Hobbies I Participated In In 2024

  • 5) Leathercrafting (new!)
  • 4) Woodworking/guitarmaking
  • 3) Theater-going
  • 2) Theme parks
  • 1) Watch collecting/watch repair (new!)

Top 6 Theme Parks I Visited In 2024

  • 6) Six Flags Great Adventure (Jackson, NJ)
  • 5) Walt Disney Studios (Disneyland Paris; Paris, FR)
  • 4) EPCOT (Walt Disney World; Orlando, FL)
  • 3) Magic Kingdom (Walt Disney World; Orlando, FL)
  • 2) Hollywood Studios (Walt Disney World; Orlando, FL)
  • 1) Disneyland Paris (Disneyland Paris; Paris, FR)

Top 10 Best Theme Park Foods I Had In 2024

  • 10) Orange Slush at Les Vins des Chefs de France (France Pavilion, EPCOT, Walt Disney World, Orlando, FL)
  • 9) plant-based Ronto Wrap at Ronto Roasters (Galaxy's Edge, Hollywood Studios, Walt Disney World, Orlando, FL)
  • 8) Grapefruit Cake + Cobb Salad + Martini Flight at Hollywood Brown Derby (Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood Studios, Walt Disney World, Orlando, FL)
  • 7) spiked Iced Mint Tea at Spice Road Table Bar (Morocco Pavilion, EPCOT, Walt Disney World, Orlando, FL)
  • 6) Surly Sarlacc + Endorian Fried Chicken Tip Yip at Docking Bay 7 (Galaxy's Edge, Hollywood Studios, Walt Disney World, Orlando, FL)
  • 5) Creepy Clam Flatbread at Pinocchio Village Haus* (Fantasyland, Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney World, Orlando, FL)
  • 4) Cheese Fritters + It Tastes Like Chicken (Because It Is) at Skipper Canteen (Adventureland, Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney World, Orlando, FL)
  • 3) Ube Green Tea Slushie at Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe* (Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney World, Orlando, FL)
  • 2) Beverly soda + Suan Mei Tang soda at Club Cool (EPCOT, Walt Disney World, Orlando, FL)
  • 1) literally anything at Jiko (Animal Kingdom Lodge, Animal Kingdom, Walt Disney World, Orlando, FL)

\Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party exclusive*

Top 10 Favorite Watches I Purchased Or Received In 2024

  • 10) Zodiac Super Sea Wolf GMT

Zodiac Super Sea Wolf GMT

  • 9) ~1980s Cartier Formula Ferrari

Formula Ferrari

  • 8) Brew Retrograph Relic (Alton Brown Edition)

Brew Retrograph Relic

  • 7) Orient Mako II

Orient Mako II

  • 6) ~1940s Longines Par Avion MA

Longines Par Avion MA

  • 5) ~1970s unknown model white gold plated manual wind Tissot


  • 4) ~1990s Ulysse Nardin San Marco GMT

Ulysse Nardin San Marco GMT

  • 3) Erebus Ascent

Erebus Ascent

  • 2) My Grandpa's ~1950s LeCoultre Futurematic

LeCoultre Futurematic

  • 1) Mark Time M5 prototype

Mark Time M5 prototype

The Watch I Probably Wore The Most In 2024

  • 1) Orient Mako II

Top 6 Honorable Mention Albums Of 2024

The Tortured Poets Department - Taylor Swift; Elle - Dagny; Everyone's Getting Involved: A Tribute To Talking Heads' Stop Making Sense - Various Artists; Cowboy Carter - Beyoncé; Obsessed - Morgan Wade; Bleachers - Bleachers; Dive - Twice

Top 1 Concert I Went To In 2024

  • 1) Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour - La Défense (Paris, FR)

Top 10 Albums Of 2024

Also available at my music tracking site thing

  • 10) FOREVER - Charly Bliss
  • 9) The Angels Are Calling - Katie McBride
  • 8) brat - Charli XCX
  • 7) Manning Fireworks - MJ Lenderman
  • 6) We Really Felt Something - Tiny Stills
  • 5) rosie - Rosé
  • 4) The Anthology* - Taylor Swift
  • 3) GNX - Kendrick Lamar
  • 2) brat and it's completely different but also still brat** - Charli XCX
  • 1) Imaginal Disk - Magdelena Bay

\yes I count this as different*

\*also this too*

Top 5 Honorable Mention Restaurants Or Bars I Went To In 2024

Chez Davia (Nice, FR); Lucette Fait des Crepes (Paris, FR); River Twice (Philadelphia, PA); Parc (Philadelphia, PA); Sushi by Bou (Philadelphia, PA)

Top 10 Restaurants Or Bars I Went To In 2024

  • 10) Skipper Canteen (Walt Disney World, Orlando, FL)
  • 9) Nine Bar (Chicago, IL)
  • 8) Elma (Philadelphia, PA)
  • 7) R&D Cocktail Bar (Philadelphia, PA)
  • 6) Le 10 Bar/Le Comptoir General* (Paris, FR)
  • 5) Kensington Quarters (RIP) (Philadelphia, PA)
  • 4) Kalaya (brunch this time) (Philadelphia, PA)
  • 3) The Bamboo Room at Three Dots And A Dash (Chicago, IL)
  • 2) Jiko (Walt Disney World, Orlando, FL)
  • 1) Le Pré Catelan (Paris, FR)

\Combining these two as my "yay the places I loved when studying abroad held up 10 years later!" pick*

Top 5 New (Or New To Me) Podcasts Of 2024

  • 5) Panic World
  • 4) Western Kabuki
  • 3) Hodinkee Radio
  • 2) Money Stuff
  • 1) The Rest Is History

Top 10 Podcasts Of 2024

  • 10) The Ringer F1 Show
  • 9) Fighting In The War Room
  • 8) Podcast The Ride
  • 7) The Ezra Klein Show
  • 6) Lovett Or Leave It
  • 5) Odd Lots
  • 4) Search Engine
  • 3) Accidental Tech Podcast
  • 2) Doughboys
  • 1) Blank Check

Top 3 Honorable Mention Movies Of 2024

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga; Disney's Animatronics: A Living History; Little Death

Top 5 Movies Not From 2024 That I Saw For The First Time In 2024

  • 5) The Piano
  • 4) Showing Up
  • 3) Millennium Actress
  • 2) Paprika
  • 1) The Last Temptation Of Christ

Top 5 Movies Not From 2024 That I Rewatched In 2024

  • 5) Oppenheimer
  • 4) Asteroid City
  • 3) Fantasia
  • 2) The Shining
  • 1) Scream

Every 2024 Movie I Saw, Ranked

Top 10 2024 Movies I Didn't See But Want To

  • 10) Jim Henson: Idea Man
  • 9) Kinds Of Kindness
  • 8) Hit Man
  • 7) Evil Does Not Exist
  • 6) Kneecap
  • 5) The Beast
  • 4) Nickel Boys
  • 3) The Brutalist
  • 2) Anora
  • 1) Nosferatu

Top 10 Movies Of 2024

  • 10) Late Night With The Devil
  • 9) Longlegs
  • 8) I Saw The TV Glow
  • 7) Saturday Night
  • 6) The Bikeriders
  • 5) Handling The Undead
  • 4) Conclave
  • 3) Civil War
  • 2) Dune: Part Two
  • 1) Challengers

Oscars 2k23

Published 03/10/2024

Personal Oscars

2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018


We begin with the personal picks, if I had the power to make my own nominations. I count (generally) based on US theatrical or streaming wide release, which I think only really impacts one movie this year, but we'll see.

My personal winner is bolded and italicized.

Supporting Actor

  • Swann Arlaud (Anatomy Of A Fall)
  • Robert De Niro (Killers Of The Flower Moon)
  • Robert Downey Jr. (Oppenheimer)
  • Tom Hanks (Asteroid City)
  • John Magaro (Past Lives)

Supporting Actress

  • Maya Hawke (Maestro)
  • Kathryn Hunter (Poor Things)
  • Rachel McAdams (Are You There God? It's Me Margaret)
  • Cara Jade Myers (Killers Of The Flower Moon)
  • Tilda Swinton (The Killer)


  • Ryan Gosling (Barbie)
  • Charles Melton (May December)
  • Cillian Murphy (Oppenheimer)
  • Jason Schwartzman (Asteroid City)
  • Jeffrey Wright (American Fiction)


  • Lily Gladstone (Killers Of The Flower Moon)
  • Park Ji-min (Return To Seoul)
  • Cailee Spaeny (Priscilla)
  • Emma Stone (Poor Things)
  • Michelle Williams (Showing Up)


  • Asteroid City
  • Barbie
  • How To Blow Up A Pipeline
  • Killers Of The Flower Moon
  • Oppenheimer


  • Jerskin Fendrix (Poor Things)
  • Ludwig Goransson (Oppenheimer)
  • Joe Hisaishi (The Boy And The Heron)
  • Daniel Pemberton (Spider-man: Across The Spider-verse)
  • Robbie Robertson (Killers Of The Flower Moon)


Includes both Adapted and Original

  • Wes Anderson, Roman Coppola (Asteroid City)
  • Kelly Fremon Craig (Are You There God? It's Me Margaret)
  • Matt Johnson, Matthew Miller (Blackberry)
  • Christopher Nolan (Oppenheimer)
  • Eric Roth, Martin Scorcese (Killers Of The Flower Moon)

Debut Film

Has to be the director's first full-length narrative film, shorts and student films and (generally) TV movies aren't counted against them

  • Raine Allen-Miller (Rye Lane)
  • Cord Jefferson (American Fiction)
  • Celine Song (Past Lives)


  • Wes Anderson (Asteroid City)
  • Sofia Coppola (Priscilla)
  • Daniel Goldhaber (How To Blow Up A Pipeline)
  • Christopher Nolan (Oppenheimer)
  • Kelly Reichardt (Showing Up)


  • Anatomy Of A Fall
  • Asteroid City
  • The Boy And The Heron
  • How To Blow Up A Pipeline
  • Killers Of The Flower Moon
  • Oppenheimer
  • Poor Things
  • Priscilla
  • Return To Seoul
  • Showing Up

Real Oscars

The Oscars are an actual thing that also exists, so here are my picks for that! Last year I got 17/23

Original Screenplay

Should Win: Anatomy Of A Fall

Will Win: Anatomy Of A Fall

Adapted Screenplay

Should Win: Oppenheimer

Will Win: American Fiction

Visual Effects

Should Win: ¯\(ツ)

Will Win: Godzilla Minus One


Should Win: Oppenheimer

Will Win: Oppenheimer

Live Action Short

Should Win: ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)

Will Win: The Wonderful Story Of Henry Sugar

Animated Short

Should Win: ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)

Will Win: Letter To A Pig

Production Design:

Should Win: Barbie

Will Win: Poor Things

Original Song

Should Win: I'm Just Ken (Barbie)

Will Win: What Was I Made For? (Barbie)


Should Win: Killers Of The Flower Moon

Will Win: Oppenheimer

Makeup And Hairstyling

Should Win: Oppenheimer

Will Win: Maestro

International Feature

Should Win: ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)

Will Win: The Zone Of Interest


Should Win: Oppenheimer

Will Win: Oppenheimer

Documentary Short

Should Win: ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)

Will Win: The ABCs of Book Banning

Documentary Feature

Should Win: ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)

Will Win: 20 Days In Mariupol


Should Win: Christopher Nolan (Oppenheimer)

Will Win: Christopher Nolan (Oppenheimer)

Costume Design

Should Win: Poor Things

Will Win: Poor Things


Should Win: Oppenheimer

Will Win: Oppenheimer

Animated Feature

Should Win: The Boy And The Heron

Will Win: The Boy And The Heron

Supporting Actress

Should Win: probably Da'vine Joy Randolph? I didn't see The Holdovers but I affirmatively think Emily Blunt and America Ferrera should NOT win

Will Win: Da'vine Joy Randolph (The Holdovers)

Supporting Actor

Should Win: Robert De Niro (Killers Of The Flower Moon)

Will Win: Robert Downey Jr. (Oppenheimer)


Should Win: truly a 50/50 tie between Lily Gladstone (Killers Of The Flower Moon) and Emma Stone (Poor Things)

Will Win: Lily Gladstone (Killers Of The Flower Moon)


Should Win: Cillian Murphy (Oppenheimer)

Will Win: Cillian Murphy (Oppenheimer)


Should Win: Oppenheimer

Will Win: Oppenheimer

2023 In Lists

Published 12/31/2023

This is also available on my newsletter!

This year, we're making a LIST, and checking it once, and then hitting publish without really checking for typos.

Previous years: 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2017 - 2016 Podcasts - 2016 Albums

Top 10 TV Or Internet Shows I Watched In 2023 (that weren’t all from 2023)

  • 10) the first two seasons of The OC (Fox, Hulu)
  • 9) Blacktail Studios (Youtube)
  • 8) the final season of The West Wing (NBC, HBO Max)
  • 7) Drive To Survive (Netflix)
  • 6) The Fall Of The House Of Usher (Netflix)
  • 5) Foureyes Furniture (Youtube)
  • 4) Succession (HBO, HBO Max)
  • 3) the last three seasons of The Sopranos (HBO, HBO Max)
  • 2) Scott Pilgrim Takes Off (Netflix)
  • 1) the first three seasons of The Wire (HBO, HBO Max)

Top 5 Theatrical Things I Saw In 2023

  • 5) Leopoldstadt - Longacre Theater (NYC, NY)
  • 4) The Seagull/Woodstock, NY - Pershing Square Signature Theater (NYC, NY)
  • 3) Lovett or Leave It: The Errors Tour - The Fillmore (Philadelphia, PA)
  • 2) Blank Check: 8th Anniversary Live - The Opera House (Brooklyn, NY)
  • 1) Sleep No More - The McKittrick Hotel (NYC, NY)

Top 10 Honorable Mention Albums Of 2023

The Land Is Inhospitable And So Are We - Mitski; Tomorrow's Fire - Squirrel Flower; Rat Saw God - Wednesday; Psychopath - Morgan Wade; The Answer Is Always, Yes - Alex Lahey

Top 3 Concerts I Went To In 2023

  • 3) Charly Bliss* - Johnny Brendas (Philadelphia, PA)
  • 2) The Gaslight Anthem - Hard Rock Hotel (Atlantic City, NJ)
  • 1) Pet Symmetry - Ukie Club (Philadelphia, PA)

*asterisk, sadly had to leave the concert early so didn't actually see CB 😢

Top 10 Albums Of 2023

Also available at my new music tracking site thing

  • 10) History Books - The Gaslight Anthem
  • 9) Desire, I Want To Turn Into You - Caroline Polachek
  • 8) Scaring The Hoes - Danny Brown, JPEGMAFIA
  • 7) No Joy - Spanish Love Songs
  • 6) The Record - boygenius
  • 5) Guts - Olivia Rodrigo
  • 4) 152 - Taking Back Sunday
  • 3) After The Magic - Parannoul
  • 2) softscars - yeule
  • 1) The Weakness - Ruston Kelly

Top 10 Honorable Mention Restaurants Or Bars I Went To In 2023

Hook & Master (Philadelphia, PA) (RIP); South Philly Barbacoa (Philadelphia, PA); Izakaya By Yanaga (Philadelphia, PA); Empanada Mama (NYC, NY); Ember & Ash (Philadelphia, PA); Gilda (Philadelphia, PA); DwitGolMak (Los Angeles, CA); Southwark (Philadelphia, PA); Ramen Tatsu-ya (Austin, TX); Honey's Sit 'n Eat (Philadelphia, PA)

Top 10 Restaurants Or Bars I Went To In 2023

  • 10) Talula's Garden (Philadelphia, PA)
  • 9) Hav & Mar (NYC, NY)
  • 8) Phocific Standard Time (Seattle, WA)
  • 7) Cassell's (Los Angeles, CA)
  • 6) Blue Bayou (Disneyland, Anaheim, CA)
  • 5) Kalaya (Philadelphia, PA)
  • 4) Tiki Tatsu-ya (Austin, TX)
  • 3) Murph's (Philadelphia, PA)
  • 2) Carthay Circle Lounge (Disney's California Adventure, Anaheim, CA)
  • 1) Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar (Disneyland, Anaheim, CA)

Top 10 New (Or New To Me) Podcasts Of 2023

  • 10) Fintech Takes
  • 9) WTF1
  • 8) Slate Money
  • 7) Plain English
  • 6) Unhedged
  • 5) Judging Sam
  • 4) U Springin' Springsteen On My Bean?
  • 3) The Ringer F1 Show
  • 2) Popcast: Deluxe
  • 1) Search Engine

Top 10 Podcasts Of 2023

  • 10) The Vergecast
  • 9) Fighting In The War Room
  • 8) Accidental Tech Podcast
  • 7) Podcast The Ride
  • 6) The Ezra Klein Show
  • 5) The Town
  • 4) Odd Lots
  • 3) Lovett Or Leave It
  • 2) Doughboys
  • 1) Blank Check

Top 10 Honorable Mention Movies Of 2023

Maestro; Past Lives; Barbie; Blackberry; The Killer; Scream VI; Master Gardener; Rye Lane; M3GAN; May December

Top 5 Movies Not From 2023 That I Saw For The First Time In 2023

  • 5) The History Of The Seattle Mariners
  • 4) Unforgiven
  • 3) In The Cut
  • 2) JFK
  • 1) Sympathy For Lady Vengeance

Top 5 Movies Not From 2023 That I Rewatched In 2023

  • 5) Heat
  • 4) Stop Making Sense
  • 3) The Empire Strikes Back
  • 2) Toy Story 2
  • 1) The Social Network

Every 2023 Movie I Saw, Ranked

Top 10 2023 Movies I Didn't See But Want To

  • 10) Wonka
  • 9) Eileen
  • 8) Bottoms
  • 7) Talk To Me
  • 6) Napoleon
  • 5) Skinamarink
  • 4) Ferrari
  • 3) Beau Is Afraid
  • 2) The Zone Of Interest
  • 1) Poor Things

Top 10 Movies Of 2023

  • 10) Anatomy Of A Fall
  • 9) Spider-Man: Across The Spiderverse
  • 8) Air
  • 7) How To Blow Up A Pipeline
  • 6) Priscilla
  • 5) Return To Seoul
  • 4) The Boy And The Heron
  • 3) Oppenheimer
  • 2) Asteroid City
  • 1) Killers Of The Flower Moon

Oscars 2k22

Published 03/12/2023

Personal Oscars

2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018


Personal picks first, which do not track with either Academy nominations or Academy eligibility rules! Generally speaking I go off when it had its wide theatrical or streaming US release, aka The Worst Person In The World counts as a 2k22 movie for me.

My personal winner is bolded and italicized.

Supporting Actor

  • Stephen Lang (Avatar: The Way Of Water)
  • Tobey Maguire (Babylon)
  • Ben Whishaw (Women Talking)
  • Michael Wincott (Nope)
  • Steven Yeun (Nope)

Supporting Actress

  • Kerry Condon (The Banshees Of Inishirin)
  • Chloe East (The Fabelmans)
  • Nina Hoss (Tár)
  • Sheila McCarthy (Women Talking)
  • Sigourney Weaver (Avatar: The Way Of Water)


  • Austin Butler (Elvis)
  • Colin Farrell (After Yang)
  • Brendon Fraser (The Whale)
  • Cooper Raiff (Cha Cha Real Smooth)
  • Ke Huy Quan (Everything Everywhere All At Once)


  • Cate Blanchett (Tár)
  • Mia Goth (Pearl)
  • Renata Reinsve (The Worst Person In The World)
  • Tang Wei (Decision To Leave)
  • Michelle Yeoh (Everything Everywhere All At Once)

Ensemble (new!)

  • Babylon
  • Everything Everywhere All At Once
  • Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery
  • Top Gun: Maverick
  • Women Talking

Score (new!)

  • Tyler Bates, Tim Williams (Pearl)
  • Justin Hurwitz (Babylon)
  • Alex Lasarenko, Kevin Perjurer (Disney Channel's Theme: A History Mystery)
  • Aska Matsumiya (After Yang)
  • Jo Yeong-wook (Decision To Leave)

Screenplay (new!)

Includes both Adapted and Original

  • Sarah DeLappe, Kristen Roupenian (Bodies Bodies Bodies)
  • Todd Field (Tár)
  • Daniel Kwan, Daniel Scheinert (Everything Everywhere All At Once)
  • Martin McDonagh (The Banshees Of Inishirin)
  • Joachim Tier, Eskil Vogt (The Worst Person In The World)

Debut Film (new!)

Has to be the director's first full-length film, shorts and student films and (generally) TV movies aren't counted against them

  • Michael Morris (To Leslie)
  • Halina Reijn (Bodies Bodies Bodies)
  • Jane Schoenbrun (We're All Going To The World's Fair)
  • Domee Shi (Turning Red)
  • Charlotte Wells (Aftersun)


  • James Cameron (Avatar: The Way Of Water)
  • Todd Field (Tár)
  • Daniel Kwan, Daniel Scheinert (Everything Everywhere All At Once)
  • Jordan Peele (Nope)
  • Ti West (Pearl)


  • Aftersun
  • After Yang
  • Babylon
  • Decision To Leave
  • Everything Everywhere All At Once
  • The Fabelmans
  • Nope
  • Tár
  • Pearl
  • The Worst Person In The World

Real Oscars

The Oscars are an actual thing that also exists, so here are my picks for that!

Original Screenplay

Should Win: Tár

Will Win: Everything Everywhere All At Once

Adapted Screenplay

Should Win: Women Talking

Will Win: Women Talking

Visual Effects

Should Win: Avatar: The Way Of Water

Will Win: Avatar: The Way Of Water


Should Win: Top Gun: Maverick

Will Win: Top Gun: Maverick

Live Action Short

Should Win: ¯\(ツ)

Will Win: An Irish Goodbye

Animated Short

Should Win: ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)

Will Win: The Boy, The Mole, The Fox, And The Horse

Production Design:

Should Win: Babylon

Will Win: Babylon

Original Song

Should Win: Naatu Naatu (RRR)

Will Win: Naatu Naatu (RRR)


Should Win: Babylon

Will Win: Babylon

Makeup And Hairstyling

Should Win: The Batman

Will Win: Elvis

International Feature

Should Win: ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)

Will Win: All Quiet On The Western Front


Should Win: Tár

Will Win: Everything Everywhere All At Once

Documentary Short

Should Win: ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)

Will Win: The Elephant Whisperers

Documentary Feature

Should Win: ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)

Will Win: Navalny


Should Win: Daniel Kwan & Daniel Scheinert (Everything Everywhere All At Once)

Will Win: Daniel Kwan & Daniel Scheinert (Everything Everywhere All At Once)

Costume Design

Should Win: Everything Everywhere All At Once

Will Win: Elvis


Should Win: Tár

Will Win: All Quiet On The Western Front

Animated Feature

Should Win: Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio

Will Win: Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio

Supporting Actress

Should Win: Kerry Condon (The Banshees Of Inishirin)

Will Win: Jamie Lee Curtis (Everything Everywhere All At Once)

Supporting Actor

Should Win: Ke Huy Quan (Everything Everywhere All At Once)

Will Win: Ke Huy Quan (Everything Everywhere All At Once)


Should Win: Cate Blanchett (Tár)

Will Win: Cate Blanchett (Tár)


Should Win: Austin Butler (Elvis)

Will Win: Austin Butler (Elvis)


Should Win: Tár

Will Win: Everything Everywhere All At Once

How To Debug Docker-ized Python Apps in Visual Studio Code

Published 2/7/23

This is absolutely just a post written for me so I have a reference point to come back to when I forget how to do this in like 2 weeks!

I'm currently a backend engineer, working in Python, using Visual Studio Code as my editor of choice. And at the company I work at, my team has already done the hard work of Docker-izing all of it's applications and leveraging docker-compose files for local development. Additionally, our team is very live-and-let-live when it comes to each team member picking their own personal IDEs and setup, so I use VS Code, others use VS Code + devcontainers, others use Pycharm, others use emacs, etc etc etc.

Fortunately, VS Code provides great debugging tooling for Python and for Docker! Unfortunately, all of my googling so far led to docs about how to create dockerfiles or docker-compose files for use in debugging, and typically for standalone applications. I couldn't find anything to clearly lay out how to start debugging on an already-existing docker-compose file that may contain many different services and containers other than the app you're trying to debug (like dependencies or databases) and that has to be maintained for all the other people working on the application alongside you.

So, that's what this is! It works! Maybe there's a better way, but this is My Way!

1: Install debugpy

debugpy is the Python debugging tool that VS Code uses, so you need to make sure it's installed on the container that will run the application. If you have a requirements file ( or requirements.txt) include debugpy in that. If you separate out requirements files for local, dev, or test environments separate from your production requirements, I'd highly recommend only including it in your local/dev/test!

Alternatively, make sure that when your Docker container is created you at some point run pip install debugpy prior to starting up your actual application.

2: Expose port 5678

In your docker-compose file, for the service you want to debug, make sure to expose port 5678. This involves adding a line something like this:

      # any existing port mappings you have
      - "5678:5678"

This tells Docker to expose the container's local 5678 port as port 5678 on the Docker network (which best I can tell will default to localhost)

3: Start the app in the context of debugpy

In your docker-compose file there's probably some command that is given to container on startup and that probably starts the application. At the very least, all the examples I have to deal with do!

If so, one of those commands will probably either be a python command to start the application (ex for django something like python runserver) or, if you're running a web application, some command to start up a webserver (ex for a FastAPI app using uvicorn, uvicorn app.main:app)

If it's the former, then modify that command to start up debugpy as part of it. If for example it's a django app with the command python runserver, change that to python -m debugpy --wait-for-client --listen runserver

This tells python to start up debugpy, have it halt execution of the subsequent script until a debugger is connected, and to listen on port 5678 of host

If you aren't already starting your app via a python call, then you can turn it into one with python -m. If for example you have a FastAPI app with a startup command like uvicorn app.main:app then you can modify it to python -m debugpy --wait-for-client --listen -m uvicorn app.main:app

This does the same thing as the django example, except instead of debugpy overseeing the running of a script, it oversees python running the uvicorn command.

4: Add a launch.json configuration

In .vscode/launch.json add the following to the configurations array:

    "configurations": [
            "name": "Attach (remote debug)",
            "type": "python",
            "request": "attach",
            "port": 5678,
            "host": "",
            "pathMappings": [
                  "localRoot": "${workspaceFolder}",
                  "remoteRoot": "."

This creates a command for VS Code called "Attach (remote debug)" that will tell it to attach a python debugger to If you've been paying attention, that should mean the debugger is now attaching to the port exposed by the application container that is being listened to by debugpy.

5: Start debugging!

Run docker-compose up to start up your application like normal. It should hang on startup because we passed that --wait-for-client flag in the initial debugpy command.

Then in VS Code go to "Run and Debug" (cmd-shift-D), select "Attach (remote debug)", and press the green triangle.

From there, your debugger should attach to the running container, the rest of the application startup should continue, and you should be able to do all the cool fun stuff the VS Code debugger allows!

2022 In Lists

Published 12/31/2022

This is also available on my newsletter!

The thing about a year is that it must have LISTS! And these, therefore, are them.

Previous years: 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2017 - 2016 Podcasts - 2016 Albums

Top 10 TV Or Internet Shows I Watched In 2022 (that weren’t all from 2022)

  • 10) House Of The Dragon (HBO Max)*
  • 9) The Bear (Hulu)*
  • 8) Evan And Katelyn (Youtube)
  • 7) Jim Lill (Youtube)
  • 6) The Sandman (Netflix)
  • 5) Foureyes Furniture (Youtube)
  • 4) Top Of The Lake (Sundance, Hulu)
  • 3) the first three seasons of Cheers (CBS, Hulu)
  • 2) the first three seasons of The Sopranos (HBO, HBO Max)
  • 1) the first six seasons of The West Wing (NBC, HBO Max)

*Did not finish! Because spoiler, didn’t actually finish much new TV this year!

Every Book I Read In 2022 (unranked)

Top 10 Books I Read In 2022 (that weren't all from 2022)

  • 10) Minor Detail - Adania Shibli
  • 9) The Murder On The Links - Agatha Christie
  • 8) Luster - Raven Leilani
  • 7) The Murder Of Roger Ackroyd - Agatha Christie
  • 6) Go Ahead In The Rain - Hanif Abdurraqib
  • 5) Dracula - Bram Stoker*
  • 4) The Sympathizer - Viet Thanh Nguyen
  • 3) The Master And Margarita - Mikahil Bulgakov
  • 2) Arcadia - Tom Stoppard*
  • 1) The White Album - Joan Didion


Top 10 Honorable Mention Albums Of 2022

The Loneliest Time - Carly Rae Jepsen; Sometimes, Forever - Soccer Mommy; Are We Gonna Be Alright? - Fickle Friends; MUNA - MUNA; Anaïs Mitchell - Anaïs Mitchell; Emotional Creature - Beach Bunny; Save The Baby - Enumclaw; Laurel Hell - Mitski; - WILLOW; Hold The Girl - Rina Sawayama

Top 10 Songs Of 2022

One per artist!

  • 10) Chaise Longue - Wet Leg
  • 9) Home By Now - MUNA
  • 8) Talk That Talk - Twice
  • 7) The Only Heartbreaker - Mitski
  • 6) Quicksand - Hatchie
  • 5) Old Friends Like Lost Teeth - The Wonder Years
  • 4) Wretched - Bartees Strange
  • 3) Anti-Hero - Taylor Swift
  • 2) Pink Venom - Blackpink
  • 1) American Teenager - Ethel Cain

Top 9 Concerts I Went To In 2022

  • 9) Soccer Mommy - Franklin Music Hall (Philadelphia, PA)
  • 8) Carly Rae Jepsen - The Met (Philadelphia, PA)
  • 7) Mitski/The Weather Station - Bold Point Park (Providence, RI)
  • 6) Bartees Strange - The Foundry (Philadelphia, PA)
  • 5) Rina Sawayama - The Fillmore (Philadelphia, PA)
  • 4) The Weather Station - World Cafe Live (Philadelphia, PA)
  • 3) Pet Symmetry - First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia (Philadelphia, PA)
  • 2) The Wonder Years/Spanish Love Songs/Origami Angel - Concord Music Hall (Chicago, IL)
  • 1) Blackpink - Prudential Center (Newark, NJ)

Top 8 Songs on Blackpink’s “Born Pink”

  • 8) The Happiest Girl
  • 7) Tally
  • 6) Ready For Love
  • 5) Typa Girl
  • 4) Hard To Love
  • 3) Shut Down
  • 2) Yeah Yeah Yeah
  • 1) Pink Venom

Top 2 Blackpink Albums

  • 2) The Album (2020)
  • 1) Born Pink (2022)

Top 20 Songs On Taylor Swift’s “Midnights” (the 3am edition)

  • 20) Vigilante Shit
  • 19) Bejeweled
  • 18) Glitch
  • 17) Dear Reader
  • 16) Sweet Nothing
  • 15) Question…?
  • 14) High Infidelity
  • 13) Paris
  • 12) You’re On Your Own, Kid
  • 11) Labyrinth
  • 10) The Great War
  • 9) Bigger Than The Whole Sky
  • 8) Lavender Haze
  • 7) Maroon
  • 6) Snow On The Beach
  • 5) Midnight Rain
  • 4) Karma
  • 3) Mastermind
  • 2) Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve
  • 1) Anti-Hero

Top 10 Taylor Swift Albums

  • 10) Lover (2019)
  • 9) Midnights (2022)
  • 8) Self-titled (2006)
  • 7) Fearless (2008)
  • 6) Speak Now (2010)
  • 5) folklore (2020)
  • 4) reputation (2017)
  • 3) 1989 (2014)
  • 2) evermore (2020)
  • 1) Red (2012)

Top 10 Albums Of 2022

  • 10) Preacher’s Daughter - Ethel Cain
  • 9) Wet Leg - Wet Leg
  • 8) Giving The World Away - Hatchie
  • 7) Surrender - Maggie Rogers
  • 6) Expert In A Dying Field - The Beths
  • 5) Midnights - Taylor Swift
  • 4) Born Pink - Blackpink
  • 3) MOTOMAMI - Rosalía
  • 2) The Hum Goes On Forever - The Wonder Years
  • 1) Farm To Table - Bartees Strange

Top 10 Honorable Mention Restaurants Or Bars I Went To In 2022

Spice Finch (Philadelphia, PA); Aki Nom Nom (Philadelphia, PA); Spicy Moon (New York City, NY); Il Cantuccio (Nerano, Italy); La Capannina (Capri, Italy); Volvér (Philadelphia, PA); Lokal (Berlin, Germany); otto (Berlin, Germany); Suraya (Philadelphia, PA); Pizza Shackamaxon (Philadelphia, PA)

Top 10 Restaurants Or Bars I Went To In 2022

  • 10) Kensington Quarters (Philadelphia, PA)
  • 9) The Backdoor (Seattle, WA)
  • 8) Friday, Saturday, Sunday (Philadelphia, PA)
  • 7) Barbuzzo (Philadelphia, PA)
  • 6) Monk’s Cafe (Philadelphia, PA)
  • 5) Haisous (Chicago, IL)
  • 4) Glass Hostaria (Rome, Italy)
  • 3) Three Dots And A Dash (Chicago, IL)
  • 2) Ella Elli (Chicago, IL)
  • 1) The Girl And The Goat (Chicago, IL)

Top 10 New (Or New To Me) Podcasts Of 2022

  • 10) Downstream
  • 9) Tape Notes
  • 8) The Vinepair Podcast
  • 7) Sharp Tech
  • 6) Cartoon Avatars
  • 5) Odd Lots
  • 4) The Town
  • 3) The Vergecast
  • 2) Crypto Island
  • 1) Dead Cat

Top 10 Podcasts Of 2022

  • 10) The Big Picture
  • 9) The Content Mines
  • 8) Reconcilable Differences
  • 7) NYT Popcast
  • 6) Holy Swift
  • 5) Lovett Or Leave It
  • 4) Accidental Tech Podcast
  • 3) Fighting In The War Room
  • 2) Doughboys
  • 1) Blank Check

Top 10 Honorable Mention Movies Of 2022

The Banshees Of Inishirin; Avatar: The Way Of Water; RRR; Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio; Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers; The Batman; The Northman; Kimi; Bodies Bodies Bodies; Scream

Top 5 Movies Not From 2022 That I Saw For The First Time In 2022

  • 5) The Tragedy Of Macbeth (2021)
  • 4) Beginners
  • 3) West Side Story (2021)
  • 2) Perfect Blue
  • 1) The Royal Tenenbaums

Top 5 Movies Not From 2022 That I Rewatched In 2022

  • 5) Margin Call
  • 4) Happy Death Day
  • 3) Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
  • 2) Beauty And The Beast
  • 1) Princess Mononoke

Every 2022 Movie I Saw, Ranked

Top 10 2022 Movies I Didn't See But Want To

  • 10) Stars At Noon
  • 9) Triangle Of Sadness
  • 8) Armageddon Time
  • 7) Emily The Criminal
  • 6) Dual
  • 5) Aftersun
  • 4) Women Talking
  • 3) Bones And All
  • 2) Return To Seoul
  • 1) The Menu

Top 10 Movies Of 2022

  • 10) Cha Cha Real Smooth
  • 9) Everything Everywhere All At Once
  • 8) Nope
  • 7) The Fabelmans
  • 6) After Yang
  • 5) Decision To Leave
  • 4) Pearl
  • 3) Babylon
  • 2) TÁR
  • 1) The Worst Person In The World

Oscars 2k21

Published 03/27/2022

Personal Oscars

2020 - 2019 - 2018

Once more it's time for OSCIES.

First we begin as always with personal picks, having no bearing on the Academy, and to quote from the last few years: I don't go by Oscar eligibility rules, necessarily. My eligibility criteria is generally if it had its wide theatrical or (if no theatrical) wide streaming/buying/rental debut in 2k21, it counts. Guess what, that means Dead Pigs is a 2k21 movie, not a 2k18 one!!! My rules!!!!!! Similarly movies that were in the Oscars last year due to the weird pandemic eligibility rules (Minari, One Night In Miami, Promising Young Woman, etc) are in the mix this year for me.

My personal winner is bolded and italicized.

Supporting Actor

  • Ben Affleck (The Last Duel)
  • Bradley Cooper (Licorice Pizza)
  • Colman Domingo (Zola)
  • Alex Hassell (The Tragedy Of Macbeth)
  • Mike Faist (West Side Story)

Supporting Actress

  • Stephanie Beatriz (In The Heights)
  • Ariana Debose (West Side Story)
  • Ana De Armas (No Time To Die)
  • Kathryn Hunter (The Tragedy Of Macbeth)
  • Park Yoo-rim (Drive My Car)


  • Andrew Garfield (Tick Tick Boom)
  • Oscar Isaac (The Card Counter)
  • Dev Patel (The Green Knight)
  • Anthony Ramos (In The Heights)
  • Denzel Washington (The Tragedy Of Macbeth)


  • Jodie Comer (The Last Duel)
  • Carey Mulligan (Promising Young Woman)
  • Rachel Sennott (Shiva Baby)
  • Kristen Stewart (Spencer)
  • Vivan Wu (Dead Pigs)


  • Jane Campion (The Power Of The Dog)
  • Pablo Larraín (Spencer)
  • Steven Spielberg (West Side Story)
  • Denis Villeneuve (Dune)
  • Cathy Yan (Dead Pigs)


  • Annette
  • Dead Pigs
  • Drive My Car
  • Dune
  • No Time To Die
  • The Power Of The Dog
  • Spencer
  • Tick Tick Boom
  • The Tragedy Of Macbeth
  • West Side Story

Real Oscars

Okay but fine I guess we gotta acknowledge the Real Oscars are also happening, so here's my picks.

Original Screenplay

Should Win: Licorice Pizza

Will Win: Licorice Pizza

Adapted Screenplay

Should Win: Drive My Car

Will Win: Coda

Visual Effects

Should Win: Dune

Will Win: Dune


Should Win: Dune

Will Win: Dune

Live Action Short

Should Win: ¯\(ツ)

Will Win: The Long Goodbye

Animated Short

Should Win: ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)

Will Win: Robin Robin

Production Design:

Should Win: Dune

Will Win: Dune

Original Song

Should Win: Encanto

Will Win: No Time To Die


Should Win: Dune

Will Win: Dune

Makeup And Hairstyling

Should Win: Dune

Will Win: The Eyes Of Tammy Faye

International Feature

Should Win: Drive My Car

Will Win: Drive My Car


Should Win: Tick Tick Boom

Will Win: The Power Of The Dog

Documentary Short

Should Win: ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)

Will Win: The Queen Of Basketball

Documentary Feature

Should Win: ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)

Will Win: Summer Of Soul


Should Win: Steven Spielberg (West Side Story)

Will Win: Jane Campion (The Power Of The Dog)

Costume Design

Should Win: Cruella

Will Win: Cruella


Should Win: West Side Story

Will Win: Dune

Animated Feature

Should Win: Luca

Will Win: Encanto

Supporting Actress

Should Win: Ariana Debose (West Side Story)

Will Win: Ariana Debose (West Side Story)

Supporting Actor

Should Win: Kodi Smit-McPhee (The Power Of The Dog)

Will Win: Troy Kotsur (CODA)


Should Win: Kristen Stewart (Spencer)

Will Win: Jessica Chastain (The Eyes Of Tammy Faye)


Should Win: Andrew Garfield (Tick Tick Boom)

Will Win: Will Smith (King Richard)

Best Picture

Should Win: West Side Story

Will Win: The Power Of The Dog

CODA being the alt will-win!

2021 In Lists

Published 12/31/2021

This is also available on my newsletter!

Lists lists lists lists LISTS. 2021; weird year, good year? Or at least good second half of a year? Or at least good second half of a year pre-omicron and pre-Manchin???

Previous years: 2020 - 2019 - 2017 - 2016 Podcasts - 2016 Albums

Top 10 TV Or Internet Shows Of 2021

*Season 10 specifically; if we were counting the non-2021 seasons that I watched twice in 2021, this would be number one with a bullet

Every Book I Read In 2021 (unranked)

Top 10 Books I Read In 2021 (that weren't all from 2021)

  • 10) Why We're Polarized - Ezra Klein
  • 9) Mexican Gothic - Silvia Moreno-Garcia
  • 8) Asymmetry - Lisa Halliday
  • 7) Uncanny Valley - Anna Weiner
  • 6) Human Acts - Han Kang
  • 5) Lanny - Max Porter
  • 4) Attrib. And Other Stories - Eley Williams
  • 3) To Be A Machine - Mark O'Connell
  • 2) Normal People - Sally Rooney
  • 1) Trust Exercise - Susan Choi

Top 10 Honorable Mention Albums Of 2021

Take The Sadness Out Of Saturday Night - Bleachers; How Long Do You Think It's Gonna Last? - Big Red Machine; Absolutely - Dijon; Valentine - Snail Mail; Home Video - Lucy Dacus; Nurture - Porter Robinson; Formula Of Love: O+T=<3 - Twice; Mythopoetics - Half Waif; Hell To Be You Baby - MNDR; Call Me If You Get Lost - Tyler, The Creator

Top 5 Songs That Most Improved Upon Being Rerecorded By Taylor Swift In 2021 (even if they already ruled originally)

  • 5) The Way I Loved You
  • 4) The Last Time
  • 3) Red
  • 2) Babe
  • 1) I Almost Do

Top 10 Songs Of 2021 (if I'm only allowing 1 per artist)

  • 10) Perfect World - Twice
  • 9) Chinatown (ft. Bruce Springsteen) - Bleachers
  • 8) Silk Chiffon (ft. Phoebe Bridgers) - Muna
  • 7) Self-destruct - Origami Angel
  • 6) rom com 2004 - Soccer Mommy
  • 5) Wilder Days - Morgan Wade
  • 4) All Eyes On Me - Bo Burnham
  • 3) Tried To Tell You - The Weather Station
  • 2) I Almost Do (Taylor's Version) - Taylor Swift
  • 1) good 4 u - Olivia Rodrigo

Top 10 Songs Of 2021 (if I'm following my heart and can have as many songs per artist as I like)

  • 10) Tried To Tell You - The Weather Station
  • 9) Treacherous (Taylor's Version) - Taylor Swift
  • 8) drivers license - Olivia Rodrigo
  • 7) Forever Winter (Taylor's Version) (From The Vault) - Taylor Swift
  • 6) Mr. Perfectly Fine (Taylor's Version) (From The Vault) - Taylor Swift
  • 5) Red (Taylor's Version) - Taylor Swift
  • 4) deja vu - Olivia Rodrigo
  • 3) Babe (Taylor's Version) (From The Vault) - Taylor Swift
  • 2) I Almost Do (Taylor's Version) - Taylor Swift
  • 1) good 4 u - Olivia Rodrigo

Top 5 Albums From Previous Years I Discovered Or Rediscovered (either organically or on a suggestion)

  • 5) 4 Walls - f(x)
  • 4) Islander - Finn Anderson
  • 3) Bleed American - Jimmy Eat World
  • 2) Imploding The Mirage - The Killers
  • 1) Aims - Vienna Teng

Where The (Taylor's Version) Albums Would Rank If I Counted Them In My Albums List

  • Fearless (Taylor's Version): #38
  • Red (Taylor's Version): #1

Top 10 Albums Of 2021

  • 10) Montero - Lil Nas X
  • 9) Future Suits - Pet Symmetry
  • 8) Ska Dream - Jeff Rosenstock
  • 7) Pressure Machine - The Killers
  • 6) To See The Next Part Of The Dream - Parannoul
  • 5) Reckless - Morgan Wade
  • 4) Gami Gang - Origami Angel
  • 3) Screen Violence - CHVRCHES
  • 2) Ignorance - The Weather Station
  • 1) Sour - Olivia Rodrigo

Top 5 New (Or New To Me) Podcasts Of 2021

  • 5) NYT Book Review
  • 4) Wheel Bearings
  • 3) City Cast Chicago
  • 2) Time To Say Goodbye
  • 1) The Letterboxd Show

Top 10 Podcasts Of 2021

  • 10) The Dropout: Elizabeth Holmes On Trial
  • 9) NYT Popcast
  • 8) The Big Picture
  • 7) Reconcilable Differences
  • 6) Lovett Or Leave It
  • 5) Holy Swift
  • 4) Doughboys
  • 3) Fighting In The War Room
  • 2) The Content Mines
  • 1) Blank Check

Top 10 Honorable Mention Movies Of 2021

The Card Counter; House Of Gucci; The Power Of The Dog; Bo Burnham's Inside; Last Night In Soho; Black Widow; No Sudden Move; In The Heights; Romeo & Juliet; Minari

Every 2021 Movie I Saw, Ranked

Top 10 Movies Watched During Date Nights In 2021 (ranked as movies qua movies, not as dates (💕))

  • 10) National Treasure
  • 9) Gosford Park
  • 8) This Means War
  • 7) Police Story
  • 6) Holes
  • 5) Tick, Tick, Boom
  • 4) Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl
  • 3) The Nice Guys
  • 2) The Social Network
  • 1) Ocean's Eleven

Top 10 Movies That Are On Our Date Night Options List That I Want To Watch (👀)

  • 10) Cinderella (2015)
  • 9) 21 Jump Street
  • 8) The Princess Diaries
  • 7) Cats
  • 6) Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed
  • 5) The Phantom Of The Opera (<--- this is my This Means War, I think)
  • 4) Venom
  • 3) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
  • 2) The Addams Family
  • 1) Much Ado About Nothing (the Branagh one)

Top 5 2021 Movies I Didn't See But Want To

  • 5) The Humans
  • 4) Spider Man: No Way Home
  • 3) Licorice Pizza
  • 2) The Tragedy Of Macbeth
  • 1) West Side Story

Goddamn covid and seattle snow wrecking my plans to knock out those top 4 hopefully in the last week 😡

Top 2 Movies That Will Almost Certainly Rank Higher On Rewatch

  • 2) The Power Of The Dog
  • 1) Drive My Car

Top 10 Movies Of 2021

  • 10) Titane
  • 9) Derek DelGaudio's In & Of Itself
  • 8) Cruella
  • 7) The Green Knight
  • 6) Dune
  • 5) No Time To Die
  • 4) Drive My Car
  • 3) tick, tick...BOOM!
  • 2) Annette
  • 1) Dead Pigs

Oscars 2k20

Published 04/25/2021

Personal Oscars

2019 - 2018

OSCIES!!! Weird that it's so late this year huh I wonder why, seems odd.

First up personal picks, ignoring the academy entirely, and also of note I don't go by Oscar eligibility rules, necessarily. My eligibility criteria is generally if it had its wide theatrical or (if no theatrical) wide streaming/buying/rental debut in 2k20, it counts. Which is my way of saying Portrait Of A Lady On Fire is a 2k20 movie.

Conversely, movies that didn't have their release until 2021 may be Real-Oscar eligible (cough, Minari, One Night In Miami, Promising Young Woman, Judas And The Black Messiah, etc) but nope! We're saving those for 2k21 Oscies! Them's the rules!

My personal winner is bolded and italicized.

Supporting Actor

  • Chadwick Boseman (Da 5 Bloods)
  • Ewan McGregor (Birds Of Prey)
  • Ben Mendelsohn (Babyteeth)
  • Robert Pattinson (Tenet)
  • Paul Raci (Sound of Metal)

Supporting Actress

  • Mia Goth (Emma)
  • Adèle Haenel (Portrait Of A Lady On Fire)
  • Anna Lore (My Valentine)
  • Amanda Seyfried (Mank)
  • Mary Elizabeth Winstead (Birds Of Prey)


  • Riz Ahmed (Sound of Metal)
  • Chadwick Boseman (Ma Rainey's Black Bottom)
  • Hugh Jackman (Bad Education)
  • Delroy Lindo (Da 5 Bloods)
  • Mads Mikkelsen (Another Round)


  • Jessie Buckley (I'm Thinking Of Ending Things)
  • Mariana Di Girolamo (Ema)
  • Julia Garner (The Assistant)
  • Eliza Scanlen (Babyteeth)
  • Anya Taylor-Joy (Emma)


  • Steve McQueen (Lover's Rock)
  • Andrew Patterson (The Vast Of Night)
  • Rob Savage (Host)
  • Celine Sciamma (Portrait Of A Lady On Fire)
  • Cathy Yan (Birds Of Prey)


  • Babyteeth
  • Bad Education
  • Birds Of Prey
  • Lover's Rock
  • Mank
  • Palm Springs
  • Portrait Of A Lady On Fire
  • Unpregnant
  • The Vast Of Night
  • Wolfwalkers

(I decided to not include documentaries and filmed live shows on the Best Picture list, otherwise Hamilton, Dick Johnson Is Dead, and Blackpink: Light Up The Sky would be included.)

Real Oscars

Okay but fine I guess we gotta acknowledge the Real Oscars are also happening, so here's my picks.

Original Screenplay

Should Win: Judas And The Black Messiah

Will Win: The Trial Of The Chicago 7

Adapted Screenplay

Should Win: One Night In Miami

Will Win: The Father

Visual Effects

Should Win: Tenet

Will Win: Tenet


Should Win: Sound Of Metal

Will Win: Sound Of Metal

Live Action Short

Should Win: ¯\(ツ)

Will Win: Two Distant Strangers

Animated Short

Should Win: ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)

Will Win: If Anything Happens, I Love You

Production Design:

Should Win: Mank

Will Win: Mank

Original Song

Should Win: Husavik (Eurovision Song Contest)

Will Win: Speak Now (One Night In Miami)


Should Win: Minari

Will Win: Minari

Makeup And Hairstyling

Should Win: Emma

Will Win: Ma Rainey's Black Bottom

International Feature

Should Win: Another Round

Will Win: Another Round


Should Win: The Trial Of The Chicago 7

Will Win: Sound Of Metal

Documentary Short

Should Win: ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)

Will Win: A Concerto Is A Conversation

Documentary Feature

Should Win: ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)

Will Win: My Octopus Teacher


Should Win: Thomas Vinterberg (Another Round)

Will Win: Chloé Zhao (Nomadland)

Costume Design

Should Win: Emma

Will Win: Emma


Should Win: Nomadland

Will Win: Nomadland

Animated Feature

Should Win: Wolfwalkers

Will Win: Soul

Supporting Actress

Should Win: Amanda Seyfried (Mank)

Will Win: Yuh-jung Youn (Minari)

Supporting Actor

Should Win: Daniel Kaluuya (Judas And The Black Messiah)

Will Win: Daniel Kaluuya (Judas And The Black Messiah)


Should Win: Carey Mulligan (Promising Young Woman)

Will Win: Carey Mulligan (Promising Young Woman)


Should Win: Chadwick Boseman (Ma Rainey's Black Bottom)

Will Win: Chadwick Boseman (Ma Rainey's Black Bottom)

Best Picture

Should Win: Minari

Will Win: Minari

(When Nomadland ends up winning instead I'll be very mildly sad.)

2020 In Lists

Published 12/31/2020

What if I started this post with a whole "2020 was a challenging year blah blah blah" spiel. NOPE it's time for LISTS!

Previous years: 2019 - 2017 - 2016 Podcasts - 2016 Albums

Top 7 Video Games I Played In 2020 (that weren't all from 2020)

  • 7) Far Cry 5 (PS4)
  • 6) Superstar JYP/Superstar SM/Superstar YG (iOS)
  • 5) Mario Kart 8 (Switch)
  • 4) Cyberpunk 2077 (Stadia)
  • 3) The Return Of The Obra Dinn (Switch)
  • 2) The Outer Wilds (PS4)
  • 1) Breath of the Wild: The Champions Ballad (Switch)

Top 10 TV Or Internet Shows Of 2020

*Just my luck that I get into Amazing Saturday, a wonderful show, and fully fall in love with Hyeri literally WEEKS before she leaves the show.

**Also, notably there is no Bachelor/ette on here because this year was BAD! BAD I say!!

Top 6 Honorable Mention Albums Of 2020

Strangers/Lovers - Dagny; miss_anthropocene - Grimes; Fetch The Bolt Cutters - Fiona Apple; Punisher - Phoebe Bridgers; how i'm feeling now - Charli XCX; RTJ4 - Run The Jewels

Top 9 Blackpink Songs of 2020

  • 9) You Never Know
  • 8) How You Like That
  • 7) Ice Cream
  • 6) Crazy Over You
  • 5) Love To Hate Me
  • 4) Sour Candy
  • 3) Pretty Savage
  • 2) Bet You Wanna
  • 1) Lovesick Girls

Folkmore Ranked

  • 32) hoax
  • 31) mad woman
  • 30) epiphany
  • 29) betty
  • 28) evermore
  • 27) peace
  • 26) closure
  • 25) happiness
  • 24) the 1
  • 23) tolerate it
  • 22) the last great american dynasty
  • 21) dorothea
  • 20) the lakes
  • 19) willow
  • 18) marjorie
  • 17) invisible string
  • 16) champagne problems
  • 15) 'tis the damn season
  • 14) cardigan
  • 13) coney island
  • 12) my tears ricochet
  • 11) this is my trying
  • 10) exile
  • 9) illicit affairs
  • 8) no body, no crime
  • 7) ivy
  • 6) mirrorball
  • 5) long story short
  • 4) gold rush
  • 3) cowboy like me
  • 2) august
  • 1) seven

Top 11 Albums Of 2020

  • 11) Ungodly Hour - Chloe X Halle
  • 10) Kinsey: A Memoir - Roy Kinsey
  • 9) Eyes Wide Open - Twice
  • 8) Anime, Trauma, And Divorce - Open Mike Eagle
  • 7) Honeymoon - Beach Bunny
  • 6) Brave Faces Everyone - Spanish Love Songs
  • 5) folklore - Taylor Swift
  • 4) Future Nostalgia - Dua Lipa
  • 3) The Album - Blackpink
  • 2) evermore - Taylor Swift
  • 1) SAWAYAMA - Rina Sawayama

Top 11 Blackpink Miscellany Of 2020

Top 5 New Podcasts Of 2020

  • 5) Setlist In Seattle
  • 4) Dead Eyes
  • 3) Recipe Club
  • 2) The Scaredy Cats Horror Show
  • 1) The Content Mines

Top 5 Podcasts That Were New To Me In 2020

  • 5) Cannes I Kick It
  • 4) Podcast Like It's 1999
  • 3) Blink-155
  • 2) The Modern Maker Podcast
  • 1) Screen Drafts

Top 7 Podcasts That Were Dormant But Made A Glorious Return In 2020, Either Because People Were Bored, Needed Money During The Pandemic, Or Other Extenuating Circumstances Like A New Taylor Swift Album, For Example

  • 7) The Besties
  • 6) The Relentless Picnic
  • 5) Kinda Neat
  • 4) We Have Concerns
  • 3) Don't Get Me Started
  • 2) Holy Swift
  • 1) Election Profit Makers

Top 10 Podcasts That Aren't On Any Of Those Lists

  • 10) Reply All
  • 9) You Must Remember This
  • 8) The Weeds
  • 7) Fighting In The War Room
  • 6) Do By Friday
  • 5) Doughboys
  • 4) Lovett Or Leave It
  • 3) The Big Picture
  • 2) Reconcilable Differences
  • 1) Blank Check

Top 10 Honorable Mention Movies Of 2020

Palm Springs, Unpregnant, The Vast Of Night, The Trial Of The Chicago 7, On The Rocks, I'm Thinking of Ending Things, Never Rarely Sometimes Always, Tenet, The Sound Of Metal, Da 5 Bloods

Every 2020 Movie I Saw, Ranked

Top 4 Times I Watched Blackpink: Light Up The Sky on Netflix

  • 4) The third time in two weeks
  • 3) The fourth time, on NYE where it ended literally a minute before midnight
  • 2) The first time
  • 1) The second time in two days

Top 10 Movies I Discovered During Quarantine

  • 10) Polytechnique
  • 9) Inside Man
  • 8) Jaws
  • 7) Red Eye
  • 6) The Town
  • 5) Battle Royale
  • 4) Arrival
  • 3) The Wind Rises
  • 2) Chicago
  • 1) Princess Mononoke

Top 5 2020 Movies I Didn't See But Want To

  • 5) Color Out Of Space
  • 4) The Way Back
  • 3) Bloody Nose, Empty Pockets
  • 2) Possessor
  • 1) Shithouse

Top 10 Movies Of 2020

  • 10) Dick Johnson Is Dead
  • 9) Blackpink: Light Up The Sky
  • 8) Mank
  • 7) Babyteeth
  • 6) Wolfwalkers
  • 5) Bad Education
  • 4) Hamilton
  • 3) Lovers Rock
  • 2) Birds Of Prey
  • 1) Portrait Of A Lady On Fire

The SECOND New Taylor Swift Album

Published 12/11/2020

is maybe even better than the last one???

The New Blackpink Album

Published 10/02/2020

is also very good!!

The New Taylor Swift Album

Published 07/27/2020

is really very good.

Turn Photos Into Chords 🔗

Published 05/27/2020 (Permalink 📌)

Inspired by this very very very good talk on polyrythms and how everything (sorta) is a polyrhythm, I started playing around with Glitch again and put together this neat little proof-of-concept app. If you upload a photo, it will extract the color palette from the image and then each main color will be associated with a note, and you can see what kind of music your photos make!

And, it being Glitch, you can remix it and edit your own version! Which is cool!!

Top 100 Favorite Albums Of The 2010s

Published 03/25/2020

I was going to actually write out bits for each of them, then forgot, and then it was March.

100: Stay Gold - First Aid Kit

99: Norman Fucking Rockwell - Lana Del Rey

98: Teenage Dream - Katy Perry

97: Better Oblivion Community Center - Better Oblivion Community Center

96: Every Open Eye - CHVRCHES

95: Ivy Tripp - Waxahatchee

94: Try Not To Freak Out - Sløtface

93: Glass Riffer - Dan Deacon

92: Visions - Grimes

91: Strange Desire - Bleachers

90: Yeezus - Kanye West

89: Fences - Fences

88: Celebration Rock - Japandroids

87: Puberty 2 - Mitski

86: Suburbia I've Given You All And Now I'm Nothing - The Wonder Years

85 Heard It In A Past Life - Maggie Rogers

84: PC Music Vol. 1 - PC Music, Various Artists

83: We Cool? - Jeff Rosenstock

82: Number 1 Angel - Charli XCX

81: Teenage Retirement - Chumped

80: American Slang - The Gaslight Anthem

79: Brothers - The Black Keys

78: Superorganism - Superorganism

77: Barton Hollow - The Civil Wars

76: My Dinosaur Life - Motion City Soundtrack

75: Coloring Book - Chance The Rapper

74: Lover - Taylor Swift

73: Collection - Soccer Mommy

72: Good Kid, M.A.A.D. City - Kendrick Lamar

71: Reputation - Taylor Swift

70: The Hunger Games: Songs From District 12 And Beyond - Various Artists

69: Channel Orange - Frank Ocean

68: Pang - Caroline Polachek

67: Sun Midnight Sun - Sara Watkins

66: Blisters In The Pit Of My Heart - Martha

65: Who's Feeling Young Now? - Punch Brothers

64: Hurry Up, We're Dreaming - M83

63: My Woman - Angel Olsen

62: Sunchokes - Remember Sports

61: Laughing Into The Void - Tiny Stills

60: Plastic Beach - Gorillaz

59: Young Enough - Charly Bliss

58: Tape Deck Heart - Frank Turner

57: The Poison I Keep - Hannah Moroz

56: The Both - The Both

55: Mouth Moods - Neil Cicierega

54: We Got It From Here... Thank You 4 Your Service - A Tribe Called Quest

53: Adult Teen - Lisa Prank

52: Vision - Pet Symmetry

51: Blonde - Frank Ocean

50: Sprained Ankle - Julien Baker

49: No Cities To Love - Sleater-Kinney

48: After The Party - The Menzingers

47: Days Are Gone - Haim

46: Future Me Hates Me - The Beths

45: Golden Hour - Kacey Musgraves

44: Sucker - Charli XCX

43: Montevallo - Sam Hunt

42: The Firewatcher's Daughter - Brandi Carlile

41: Wake The Town - Flearoy

40: Arrows - The Lonely Forest

39: Hanadriel - HANA

38: Lush - Snail Mail

37: The Front Bottoms - The Front Bottoms

36: Endless Fantasy - Anamanaguchi

35: My Mind Makes Noises - Pale Waves

34: Pure Heroine - Lorde

33: Saved - Now, Now

32: Because The Internet - Childish Gambino

31: Record Collection - Mark Ronson & The Business INTL

30: The Civil Wars - The Civil Wars

29: The Brutalist Bricks - Ted Leo & The Pharmacists

28: Kiss - Carly Rae Jepsen

27: boygenius - boygenius

26: Black Panther: The Album - Kendrick Lamar, Various Artists

25: Transgender Dysphoria Blues - Against Me!

24: Gone Now - Bleachers

23: Pop 2 - Charli XCX

22: Dark Comedy - Open Mike Eagle

21: DAMN. - Kendrick Lamar

20: Body Talk - Robyn

19: Miami Garden Club - Kitty

18 - E•MO•TION Side B - Carly Rae Jepsen

17: Lemonade - Beyonce

16: Clean - Soccer Mommy

15: Celebrasion - Sleeper Agent

14: Handwritten - The Gaslight Anthem

13: Electra Heart - Marina & The Diamonds

12: Guppy - Charly Bliss

11: Elsie - The Horrible Crowes

10: To Pimp A Butterfly - Kendrick Lamar

9: Talon Of The Hawk - The Front Bottoms

8: My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy - Kanye West

7: Red - Taylor Swift

6: Stranger In The Alps - Phoebe Bridgers

5: Art Angels - Grimes

4: The Bones Of What You Believe - CHVRCHES

3: E•MO•TION - Carly Rae Jepsen

2: 1989 - Taylor Swift

1: Melodrama - Lorde


Artists Who Show Up Multiple Times:

  • Taylor Swift (4)
  • Kendrick Lamar (4)
  • Carly Rae Jepsen (3)
  • Charli XCX (3)
  • Bleachers (2)
  • Charly Bliss (2)
  • CHVRCHES (2)
  • Frank Ocean (2)
  • Grimes (2)
  • Kanye West (2)
  • Lorde (2)
  • Soccer Mommy (2)
  • The Civil Wars (2)
  • The Front Bottoms (2)
  • The Gaslight Anthem (2)

Oscars 2k19

Published 02/09/2020

Personal Oscars


That time again, let's do some Oscies Picks!!!! First up are my personal picks as if I were able to snap my fingers and make my own nomination slate law.

My personal winner is the one who is bolded and italicized.

Supporting Actor

  • Chris Evans (Knives Out)
  • Al Pacino (The Irishman)
  • Joe Pesci (The Irishman)
  • Brad Pitt (Once Upon A Time In Hollywood)
  • Wesley Snipes (Dolemite Is My Name)

Supporting Actress

  • Billie Lourd (Booksmart)
  • Florence Pugh (Little Women)
  • Margaret Qualley (Once Upon A Time In Hollywood)
  • Zhao Shuzhen (The Farewell)
  • Park So-dam (Parasite)


  • Leonardo DiCaprio (Once Upon A Time In Hollywood)
  • Song Kang-ho (Parasite)
  • Eddie Murphey (Dolemite Is My Name)
  • Brad Pitt (Ad Astra)
  • Adam Sandler (Uncut Gems)


  • Awkwafina (The Farewell)
  • Jessie Buckley (Wild Rose)
  • Lupita Nyong'o (Us)
  • Florence Pugh (Midsommar)
  • Saoirse Ronan (Little Women)

Note: Yeah that's right DOUBLE PUGH BAYBEEEEEE


  • Ari Aster (Midsommar)
  • Greta Gerwig (Little Women)
  • Rian Johnson (Knives Out)
  • Bong Joon-ho (Parasite)
  • Lulu Wang (The Farewell)


  • Ad Astra
  • Avengers Endgame
  • Booksmart
  • The Farewell
  • Knives Out
  • Little Women
  • Midsommar
  • Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
  • Parasite
  • Ready Or Not

Real Oscars

And now the picks of the real nominees.

Original Screenplay

Should Win: Parasite

Will Win: Parasite

Adapted Screenplay

Should Win: Little Women

Will Win: Jojo Rabbit

Visual Effects

Should Win: 1917

Will Win: 1917

Sound Mixing

Should Win: Once Upon A Time In Hollywood

Will Win: 1917

Sound Editing

Should Win: Ford v Ferrari

Will Win: 1917

Live Action Short

Should Win: ¯\(ツ)

Will Win: Brotherhood

Animated Short

Should Win: ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)

Will Win: Hair Love

Production Design:

Should Win: Parasite

Will Win: Once Upon A Time In Hollywood

Original Song

Should Win: Idk I guess the rocketman song

Will Win: Stand Up (Harriet)


Should Win: Little Women

Will Win: Joker

Makeup And Hairstyling

Should Win: Bombshell

Will Win: Bombshell

Foreign Language Film

Should Win: Parasite

Will Win: Parasite


Should Win: Ford v Ferrari

Will Win: Ford v Ferrari

Documentary Short

Should Win: ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)

Will Win: Learning To Skateboard In A War Zone

Documentary Feature

Should Win: American Factory

Will Win: American Factory


Should Win: Bong Joon-ho (Parasite)

Will Win: Sam Mendes (1917)

Costume Design

Should Win: Once Upon A Time In Hollywood

Will Win: Little Women


Should Win: 1917

Will Win: 1917

Animated Feature

Should Win: Klaus

Will Win: Klaus

Supporting Actress

Should Win: Florence Pugh (Little Women)

Will Win: Laura Dern (Marriage Story)

Supporting Actor

Should Win: Al Pacino (The Irishman)

Will Win: Brad Pitt (Once Upon A Time In Hollywood)


Should Win: Saoirse Ronan (Little Women)

Will Win: Charlize Theron (Bombshell)


Should Win: Leonardo DiCaprio (Once Upon A Time In Hollywood)

Will Win: Joaquin Phoenix (Joker)

Best Picture

Should Win: Little Women

Will Win: Parasite

2019 In Lists

Published 12/31/2019

Lists lists lists! Here are things I liked in 2019!!!

Top 7 Books/Plays I Read in 2019 (that weren't all from 2019)

  • 7) The Girls - Emma Cline
  • 6) Trick Mirror - Jia Tolentino
  • 5) Arcadia - Tom Stoppard
  • 4) Grief Is The Thing With Feathers - Max Porter
  • 3) The Wolves - Sarah Delappe
  • 2) How To Do Nothing - Jenny Odell
  • 1) Dead Girls - Alice Bolan (re-read for the billionth time)

Top 6 Plays I Saw in 2019

  • 6) The Winter's Tale (Goodman)
  • 5) The Ferrynman (NYC)
  • 4) Dance Nation (Steppenwolf)
  • 3) An Inspector Calls (CST)
  • 2) Six (CST)
  • 1) Hadestown (NYC)

Top 2 Video Games I Played in 2019

  • 2) Sayonara Wild Hearts
  • 1) Luigi's Mansion 3

(I didn't play many video games this year)

Top 10 TV Shows of 2019

  • 10) The Mandalorion
  • 9) Russian Doll
  • 8) The Politician
  • 7) Are You The One
  • 6) Veronica Mars
  • 5) Chernobyl
  • 4) Fleabag
  • 3) Succession
  • 2) The Bon Appetit Youtube Channel
  • 1) Watchmen

Top 10 Albums of 2019

  • 10) Crush On Me - Sir Babygirl
  • 9) Sayonara Wild Hearts - Linnea Olsson, Jonathan Eng, Daniel Olsén
  • 8) Perfect Love Song - Lisa Prank
  • 7) Norman Fucking Rockwell - Lana Del Rey
  • 6) Better Oblivion Community Center - Better Oblivion Community Center
  • 5) Heard It In A Past Life - Maggie Rogers
  • 4) Lover - Taylor Swift
  • 3) Pang - Caroline Polachek
  • 2) Young Enough - Charly Bliss
  • 1) Hanadriel - HANA

Top 6 Honorable Mention Favorite Movies of 2019

Uncut Gems, Wild Rose, Happy Death Day 2U, The Irishman, Marriage Story, High Flying Bird

Full list of every movie I saw in 2019 ranked

Top 3 G.O.A.T.-level Florence Pugh Performances of 2019

  • 3) Paige in Fighting With My Family
  • 1) Amy in Little Women (tie)
  • 1) Dani in Midsommar (tie)

Top 10 Movies of 2019

  • 10) The Farewell
  • 9) Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
  • 8) Knives Out
  • 7) Booksmart
  • 6) Avengers Endgame
  • 5) Ready Or Not
  • 4) Ad Astra
  • 3) Parasite
  • 2) Little Women
  • 1) Midsommar

Top 5 Podcasts That Were New To 2019

  • 5) Business Casual
  • 4) The A24 Podcast
  • 3) The Dropout
  • 2) In Voorhees We Trust
  • 1) The Chernobyl Podcast

Top 10 Podcasts That Were New To Me In 2019

  • 10) The Bill Simmons Podcast
  • 9) You Feel Me?
  • 8) Pivot
  • 7) Little Gold Men
  • 6) The Director's Cut
  • 5) Binge Mode
  • 4) Popcast
  • 3) Bachelor Party
  • 2) Doughboys
  • 1) The Big Picture

Top 10 Podcasts That Aren't In One Of The Other Lists

  • 10) Podcast The Ride
  • 9) The Weeds
  • 8) Fighting In The War Room
  • 7) Bracket
  • 6) Lovett Or Leave It
  • 5) Reconcilable Differences
  • 4) Night Call
  • 3) Holy Swift
  • 2) Do By Friday
  • 1) Blank Check

Oscars 2k18 Update

Published 02/25/2019

Oscars 2k18

Published 02/24/2019

Personal Oscars

If I were the capricious god that could pick the nominees and winners of the Oscars, these would be the ones that would be my picks!!

My personal winner is the one who is bolded and italicized.

Supporting Actor

  • Sam Eliot (A Star Is Born)
  • Richard E. Grant (Can You Ever Forgive Me)
  • Michael B. Jordan (Black Panther)
  • Jesse Plemons (Game Night)
  • Anton Yelchin (Thoroughbreds)

Supporting Actress

  • Olivia Colman (The Favourite)
  • Elizabeth Debicki (Widows)
  • Mia Goth (Suspiria)
  • Blake Lively (A Simple Favor)
  • Michelle Yeoh (Crazy Rich Asians)

Note: Anne Hathaway in Ocean's 8 is my number 6.


  • Bradley Cooper (A Star Is Born)
  • Daveed Diggs (Blindspotting)
  • Ryan Gosling (First Man)
  • Ethan Hawke (First Reformed)
  • Robert Redford (The Old Man And The Gun)


  • Yalitza Aparicio (Roma)
  • Elsie Fisher (Eighth Grade)
  • Helena Howard (Madeline's Madeline)
  • Dakota Johnson (Suspiria)
  • Emma Stone (The Favourite)

Note: To think we're in a world where I give neither Dakota Johnson nor Emma Stone a fake Oscar. This is the degree to which Helena Howard rules.

Note 2: Rachel McAdams in Game Night is my VERY VERY CLOSE number 6.


  • Ryan Coogler (Black Panther)
  • Bradley Cooper (A Star Is Born)
  • Josephine Decker (Madeline's Madeline)
  • Coralie Fargeat (Revenge)
  • Luca Guadagnino (Suspiria)


  • Eighth Grade
  • The Favourite
  • Game Night
  • Revenge
  • Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse
  • A Star Is Born
  • Support The Girls
  • Suspiria
  • Thoroughbreds
  • Widows

Real Oscars

Because the universe is cruel and we don't live in the world where I get to capriciously and unilaterally pick the awards, here are my picks within the world of what actually got nominated.

Original Screenplay

Should Win: The Favourite

Will Win: The Favourite

Adapted Screenplay

Should Win: Can You Ever Forgive Me?

Will Win: BlackKklansmen

Visual Effects

Should Win: First Man

Will Win: Avengers Infinity War

Sound Mixing

Should Win: A Star Is Born

Will Win: Bohemian Rhapsody

Sound Editing

Should Win: Black Panther

Will Win: Bohemian Rhapsody

Live Action Short

Should Win: Idk, didn't see any

Will Win: Margeurite

Animated Short

Should Win: I guess Bao by default, but I didn't see any others

Will Win: Bao

Production Design:

Should Win: Black Panther

Will Win: The Favourite

Original Song

Should Win: Shallow (A Star Is Born)

Will Win: Shallow (A Star Is Born)


Should Win: Black Panther

Will Win: If Beale Street Could Talk

Makeup And Hairstyling

Should Win: Vice

Will Win: Vice

Foreign Language Film

Should Win: Cold War (though I never got around to watching Shoplifters so maybe that would change)

Will Win: Roma


Should Win: BlackKklansmen

Will Win: Bohemian Rhapsody

Documentary Short

Should Win: ¯\(ツ)

Will Win: A Night At The Garden

Documentary Feature

Should Win: Minding The Gap

Will Win: RBG


Should Win: Spike Lee (BlackKklansmen)

Will Win: Alfonso Cuaron (Roma)

Costume Design

Should Win: Black Panther

Will Win: Black Panther


Should Win: A Star Is Born

Will Win: Roma

Animated Feature

Should Win: Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse

Will Win: Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse

Supporting Actress

Should Win: Emma Stone (The Favourite) ((I haven't seen Beale Street yet so maybe that would change my pick))

Will Win: Regina King (If Beale Street Could Talk)

Supporting Actor

Should Win: Richard E. Grant (Can You Ever Forgive Me?)

Will Win: Richard E. Grant (Can You Ever Forgive Me?)


Should Win: Olivia Colman (The Favourite)

Will Win: Glenn Close (The Wife)


Should Win: Bradley Cooper (A Star Is Born)

Will Win: Rami Malek (Bohemian Rhapsody)

Best Picture

Should Win: A Star Is Born

Will Win: Roma

My Top 5 Opening Numbers

Published 02/07/2019

Of note I can't fairly count "This Is Halloween" because it's purely from a movie musical with no real stage equivalent.

5: "Omigod You Guys" from Legally Blonde

4: "Belle" from Beauty And The Beast (I don't count the prologue.)

3: "Willkkommen" from Cabaret

2: "In The Heights" from In The Heights

1: "Bikini Bottom Day" from Spongebob Squarepants

My Top 100 Disney Songs Ranked

Published 12/16/2018

My Top 100 Disney Songs - Ranked

This is how I choose to spend my sunday nights.

100: God Help The Outcasts (The Hunchback Of Notre Dame)

99: Honor To Us All (Mulan)

98: The Rain Rain Rain Came Down (Winnie The Pooh)

97: Love Is An Open Door (Frozen)

96: A Star Is Born (Hercules)

95: You'll Be In My Heart (Tarzan)

94: Perfect World (The Emperor's New Groove)

93: Whistle While You Work (Snow White)

92: That's What Friends Are For (Jungle Book)

91: Bella Note (Lady & The Tramp)

90: A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes (Cinderella)

89: Up Down And Touch The Ground (Winnie The Pooh)

88: Ma Belle Evangeline (The Princess & The Frog)

87: A Girl Worth Fighting For (Mulan)

86: One Last Hope (Hercules)

85: Heffalumps and Woozles (Winnie The Pooh)

84: Les Poissons (The Little Mermaid)

83: Getcha Head In The Game (High School Musical)

82: The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers (Winnie The Pooh)

81: The Court Of Miracles (The Hunchback Of Notre Dame)

80: Not In Nottingham (Robin Hood)

79: The Three Caballeros (The Three Caballeros)

78: Hellfire (The Hunchback Of Notre Dame)

77: Once Upon A Dream (Sleeping Beauty)

76: We Know The Way (Moana)

75: The Gospel Truth (Hercules)

74: I See The Light (Tangled)

73: Everybody Wants To Be A Cat (Aristocats)

72: Sally's Song (The Nightmare Before Christmas)

71: A Rather Blustery Day (Winnie The Pooh)

70: The Unbirthday Song (Alice In Wonderland)

69: Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride (Lilo & Stitch)

68: Reflection (Mulan)

67: Breaking Free (High School Musical)

66: Zip-a-dee-doo-dah (Song Of The South)

65: Baby Mine (Dumbo)

64: Winnie The Pooh (Winnie The Pooh)

63: Colors Of The Wind (Pocahontas)

62: Why Should I Worry (Oliver & Company)

61: We're All In This Together (High School Musical)

60: What I've Been Looking For (High School Musical)

59: Kidnap The Sandy Claws (The Nightmare Before Christmas)

58: Out There (The Hunchback Of Notre Dame)

57: Cruella De Vil (101 Dalmations)

56: Cabin Fever (Muppet Treasure Island)

55: Let's Go Fly A Kite (Mary Poppins)

54: When You Wish Upon A Star (Pinocchio)

53: When She Loved Me (Toy Story 2)

52: Stick To The Status Quo (High School Musical)

51: Almost There (The Princess & The Frog)

50: Just Around The Riverbend (Pocahontas)

49: Down In New Orleans (The Princess & The Frog)

48: Jack's Lament (The Nightmare Before Christmas)

47: Prince Ali (Aladdin)

46: The Bare Necessities (Jungle Book)

45: Something There (Beauty & The Beast)

44: Friends On The Other Side (The Princess & The Frog)

43: Family (James & The Giant Peach)

42: Start Of Something New (High School Musical)

41: Mother Knows Best (Tangled)

40: Where You Are (Moana)

39: A Place Called Slaughter Race (Ralph Breaks The Internet)

38: Hakuna Matata (The Lion King)

37: I Wanna Be Like You (Jungle Book)

36: Step In Time (Mary Poppins)

35: Oogie Boogie's Song (The Nightmare Before Christmas)

34: One Jump Ahead (Aladdin)

33: What's This (The Nightmare Before Christmas)

32: If I Didn't Have You (Monsters Inc)

31: A Spoonful Of Sugar (Mary Poppins)

30: Gaston (Beauty & The Beast)

29: You're Welcome (Moana)

28: Shiny (Moana)

27: Supercallifragiilsticexpialidocious (Mary Poppins)

26: How Far I'll Go (Moana)

25: Circle Of Life (The Lion King)

24: Go The Distance (Hercules)

23: Feed The Birds (Mary Poppins)

22: Can You Feel The Love Tonight (The Lion King)

21: Topsy Turvy (The Hunchback Of Notre Dame)

20: Belle (Beauty & The Beast)

19: This Is Halloween (The Nightmare Before Christmas)

18: You've Got A Friend In Me (Toy Story)

17: I'll Make A Man Out Of You (Mulan)

16: A Whole New World (Aladdin)

15: Strangers Like Me (Tarzan)

14: I Just Can't Wait To Be King (The Lion King)

13: Chim Chim Cheeree (Mary Poppins)

12: Do You Want To Build A Snowman (Frozen)

11: Zero To Hero (Hercules)

10: Be Prepared (The Lion King)

9: Let It Go (Frozen)

8: Poor Unfortunate Souls (The Little Mermaid)

7: Beauty & The Beast (Beauty & The Beast)

6: Kiss The Girl (The Little Mermaid)

5: Friend Like Me (Aladdin)

4: Under The Sea (The Little Mermaid)

3: Be Our Guest (Beauty & The Beast)

2: I Won't Say I'm In Love (Hercules)

1: Part Of Your World (The Little Mermaid)

How To Pick A Podcast App

Published 03/27/2018

Podcasts can be hard to get into. Not only can it be hard to find the right a show you like, you also have to figure out how to listen to the dang things.

Well, if you have a smartphone, fortunately there's a whole ecosystem of great apps built to help you do just that! But then you run into another problem: which app do I pick?

This is where this handy-dandy series of questions should help you out. Go from top to bottom and stop when you hit something that applies. Keep in mind, this is all my own personal opinion, and very geared towards iPhones. But I listen to a lot of podcasts, so while I may not know much about most things, I do know a thing or two about podcasts and listening to 'em.

Do You Have An iPhone And Just Want To Use My Default Suggestion?

Use Overcast.

Do You Use An Android Phone?

Use Pocket Casts.

Do You Listen To An EGREGIOUS Amount Of Podcasts OR Like To Sample Episodes From Lots Of Different Shows?

Use Castro.

Do You Care About Maximum Customization Or Fiddly Features?

Use Downcast.

Do You Care About Having A Mac App?

Use Downcast.

Do You Care About Having An iPad App?

Use Pocket Casts, Downcast, or Overcast (aka not Castro.)

Do You Want To Try Listening To Podcasts On An Apple Watch?

Use Outcast or Workouts++

Do You Really Really Care About Being Able To Use Siri?

Use Apple's default Podcasts app.

Do You Really Want To Use Stitcher?


Or How About Using Spotify For Podcasts?

I mean, I guess?

Did None Of The Above Apply?

Use Overcast.

Do You Want To See The Apps I've Downloaded At Some Point, But Wouldn't Pick Over Any Of Those As General Suggestions?

Use Anchor, NPR One, 'sodes, Castaway, Instacast (RIP!), Podwrangler, Podmower, Spreaker, Breaker, or ZCast.

And for those curious, my personal podcast app history (ignoring a few days/weeks spent here and there testing out the other apps on the list above) goes roughly:

  • Syncing podcasts through iTunes, which sucked, so as soon as it launched I switched to...
  • Apple Podcasts app, which was buggy, so I switched to...
  • Downcast, which started crashing and syncing broke, so on to....
  • Instacast, which was perfect, but went out of business, so over to....
  • Overcast, which started to buckle under 200+ subscriptions on an iPhone 6, so then....
  • Castro, which I loved, but once I got a newer, faster phone, it was time to return to....
  • Overcast, which I use today!

Appearance: Holy Swift podcast ep 64, 'Forever & Always w/ Andrew Whipple' 🔗

Published 02/26/2018 (Permalink 📌)

Guys I've peaked.

I got to be on my favorite Gossip-Girl-podcast-that-occasionally-talks-about-Taylor-Swift to discuss the absolute banger of a track "Forever & Always," why Georgina Sparks is necessary to the overall arc of Gossip Girl season 1, and a very lengthy discussion of promise rings. It was an unbelievably fun time on one of the most fun podcasts.

You can listen to the episode, subscribe to the podcast's RSS feed, or check it on Apple Podcasts.

2017 In Lists

Published 12/22/2017

I was going to do a few big posts like last year, ranking things like music and podcasts.... but I got wildly lazy and decided to just tweet a few lists sans lengthy context.

For posterity, here they all are! And as always, these are my personal top (aka not yours, hence likely differences) and when I say "top" I mean that in the realm of "favorite," rather than "best" (aka there will be some things ranked higher than others despite being Objectively Worse.)


Top 5 TV Shows Of 2017

  • 5) The Chris Gethard Show (Fusion)
  • 4) The Good Place (NBC)
  • 3) Girlboss (Netflix)
  • 2) Riverdale (The CW)
  • 1) Marvel's Runaways (Hulu)

Top 8 Movies I Saw From 2017

  • 8) Baby Driver
  • 7) Wonder Woman
  • 6) Get Out
  • 5) Star Wars: The Last Jedi
  • 4) The Big Sick
  • 3) It
  • 2) Lady Bird
  • 1) Blade Runner 2049

Top 5 Movies Of 2017 I Still Want To See

(In no particular order)

  • Raw UPDATE: saw it and it was good! Maybe around Wonder Woman on the 2k17 list?
  • I, Tonya UPDATE: saw it and it is now my new #1 movie of 2k17
  • Happy Death Day UPDATE: saw it too, and it is now my #2 movie for 2k17
  • Coco
  • The Shape Of Water UPDATE: saw it. Was quite good! Probably like right around Get Out on my 2k17 list

Top 5 Video Games Of 2017

  • 5) Nier: Automata (PS4)
  • 4) Super Mario Odyssey (Nintendo Switch)
  • 3) Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds (PC)
  • 2) Destiny 2 (PS4)
  • 1) The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild (Nintendo Switch)

Top 10 Albums Of 2017

  • 10) Everybody Works - Jay Som
  • 9) Stranger In The Alps - Phoebe Bridgers
  • 8) Try Not To Freak Out - Sløtface
  • 7) Gone Now - Bleachers
  • 6) DAMN. - Kendrick Lamar
  • 5) reputation - Taylor Swift
  • 4) Collection - Soccer Mommy
  • 3) Miami Garden Club - Kitty
  • 2) Guppy - Charly Bliss
  • 1) Melodrama - Lorde

Top 7 (ish) Podcasts That Were New In 2017

  • 7) Inside Psycho/Inside The Exorcist*
  • 6) October’s Very Owned
  • 5) Cry Me A Riverdale
  • 4) S-Town
  • 3) The Turnaround
  • 2) Lovett Or Leave It
  • 1) The Daily

* (Counting these as one, given the similarities)

Top 5 Podcasts That Existed Previously, But Were New To Me In 2017

  • 5) Dissect
  • 4) The Weeds
  • 3) Faculty Of Horror
  • 2) The Bright Sessions
  • 1) Woodland Secrets

Top 10 Podcasts I Loved In 2017 That Were Returning From Previous Years

(Aka top 10 not on either podcast list above)

  • 10) Cortex
  • 9) The Besties
  • 8) Analog(ue)
  • 7) Girl Friday
  • 6) The Adventure Zone
  • 5) Holy Swift
  • 4) [BRACKET!]
  • 3) Reconcilable Differences
  • 2) Do By Friday
  • 1) My Brother, My Brother, And Me


-Andrew W.

BuiltIn Chicago: Groupon’s project managers are 'the air traffic controllers of the engineering department' 🔗

Published 10/31/2017 (Permalink 📌)

(I hate this kind of self promo but eh. It's me in an article!)

-Andrew W.

Stereogum: Watch The Killers Cover The Gaslight Anthem In NYC 🔗

Published 09/23/2017 (Permalink 📌)

I mean to be fair "American Slang" is functionally Brian Fallon's version of "Sam's Town" so like yeah this scans as heck.

-Andrew W.

Stereogum: 'Dammit' Turns 20 🔗

Published 09/22/2017 (Permalink 📌)


I guess you could say.....I guess this is growing up.

Get it? GET IT? GET IT?????????


-Andrew W.

Birth, Movies, Death: A SABRINA THE TEENAGE WITCH Show Is In The Works At CW! 🔗

Published 09/20/2017 (Permalink 📌)


Riverdale is easily my favorite show in a few years, and The Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina is one of my favorite comics, and (unlike the rest of the Archieverse) I actually grew up caring about Sabrina, having watched the TV shows in the 90s/00s.

HELL YES (pun absolutely intended.)

-Andrew W.

Motherboard: Turning Off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth in iOS 11's Control Center Doesn’t Actually Turn Off Wi-Fi or Bluetooth 🔗

Published 09/20/2017 (Permalink 📌)

Aw beeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaans I thought this was a late bug in the iOS 11 betas I was running but nope. Looks like this is intended behavior.

Which to some extent I kinda get? Ya feel? But also it's different from how the interface has always worked, and provides no meaningful suggestion to the user that there's been a change.

More importantly... Maybe I'm an odd duck, but I can't think of many situations where I want to disconnect from Bluetooth or Wifi and don't want to make that stick? In the instance I want to drop a wifi network, it's either because I don't want to use wifi (and so would turn it off altogether) or because I want to switch to a new wifi network (and so would use the actual wifi switcher.) Same for Bluetooth. So it seems like these are just kind of... wasted buttons now?

-Andrew W.

Gizmodo: Why the Navy Plans to Use 12-Year-Old Xbox 360 Controllers on Its Most Advanced Subs 🔗

Published 09/18/2017 (Permalink 📌)

As someone who has done a baby, very tiny amount of games programming and music programming, I'll also point out another thing that's neat about the 360 controller in particular: it's immensely easy to program for. 90% of the time it "just works" with whatever you're trying to do, and the handful of times it doesn't there are plenty of libraries or tools to get it working.

So it's wildly cost-effective hardware, incredibly easy to use by trainees, and easy to get working with most tools. Win/win/win.

-Andrew W.

Discovering Features Of Amelie!

Published 09/16/2017

This morning I discovered something interesting: I had set up years ago a handful of redirects with Hover, my domain registrar of choice.

Of course, those have been broken for a long time, entirely because when switching the DNS over to my hosting provider, Hover no longer has control to handle these redirects. Whoops-a-daisy.

And the way Amelie, the engine I built to power this site, handles routing and such, urls like "" first check if there is a single page (like /about and such) and if there isn't, 404s.

So in order to do forwards like I had in Hover (for example, forwarding to my Youtube page) I'd need to either futz with the Nginx proxy I have set up in front of my actual app servers, or figure out some way to add more routing rules in the router for pages in the engine itself.

Neither super fun.

BUT! Because Amelie pages start as Markdown files that get HTML-ified and plopped into a template, they basically are prettier version of html files. So anything you can do in HTML, you can do in an Amelie page. Including adding in Javascript!

So, all it took was making a new markdown page with the filename for the short url I wanted to use (ex, in the example above), and making that page just have a simple <script> tag, and adding in: window.location.href = "newUrl";

Voila! Auto redirect at the site level, rather than in the DNS or in the engine. And it doesn't require mucking around with the engine code or the Nginx proxy. Just making a new page with one line of code, throwing it into dropbox, and the redirect is live.

And it's fun because this is the same kind of hacking around and discovering cool features I do in other people's projects, and this time I get to do it in my own project!

Neat y'all!

-Andrew W.

Chicago Tribune: The iPhone X proves the Unabomber was right 🔗

Published 09/15/2017 (Permalink 📌)

Extremely Griffin McElroy voice Hey hey hey hey! Yo dawg, what the fuck?!

-Andrew W.

Noisey: This Indie Label Is Cutting Vinyl Costs By Releasing Albums on Paper 🔗

Published 09/15/2017 (Permalink 📌)

I am 100,000% doing this for the next bit of music I ever put out. This rules immensely.

-Andrew W.


Published 09/15/2017 (Permalink 📌)

Yo what the fuck kind of music video is this Carly.

That's not remotely to say I don't love it. But also.

Your music video has a count-down timer to the point where like, the actual music video happens... which is halfway through the song.

What a world y'all.

-Andrew W.

Jezebel: What Is Wrong With People? 🔗

Published 09/13/2017 (Permalink 📌)

An entirely appropriate reaction to an incredibly stupid product announcement (or at least, more incredibly stupid than your usual Silicon Valley product announcement.)

Have you ever been in an actual bodega? Have you noticed that “mom-and-pop” store is often a literal description of these places and not just a line on your pitch deck to a bunch of “angel investors” who drive Teslas and haven’t called their actual moms or pops in months?

Frankly no surprise that people ain't exactly stoked on Big Tech at the moment...

-Andrew W.

Very Important Product Announcement 🔗

Published 09/12/2017 (Permalink 📌)

Today a very important product got announced, after a good bit of speculation. For those curious, you can read a recap of the announcement to learn things like pricing, details of various models, and when pre-orders will go on sale.

Also a note, it looks like this year they're a bit supply-constrained, so I'd definitely suggest getting up on those pre-orders ASAP if you don't want them to sell out.

Exciting day!

-Andrew W.

Stereogum: Carly Rae Jepsen – 'Runaways' 🔗

Published 09/11/2017 (Permalink 📌)

Carly is back at it again, with another tune thanks to the magic of animation) and it's pretty dang good! And every pop star seems to be writing songs that sound like a back-half-of-Sam's-Town ballad! Which I'm decently about, I guess.

-Andrew W.

Gizmodo: Why RSS Still Beats Facebook and Twitter for Tracking News 🔗

Published 09/9/2017 (Permalink 📌)

I am a wildly devoted RSS reader, and it's how I get probably 80% of the non-Youtube non-Podcast* content I see on a daily basis. I love being able to scan through dozens of sites I follow and pick out the stuff that's interesting, and RSS makes that possible and relatively easy!

Personal picks: I use Feedly as the place that stores all my subscriptions, and use its site on the web + its iOS app on my phone, and then switch to Unread for feed reading on the iPad (which plugs into Feedly so everything syncs.)

That said, the other 20% does come from Twitter.... but via Nuzzel, a neat app that aggregates links shared by the folks you follow and surfaces the stuff that is most popular. RSS is great for seeing everything, and then Nuzzel catches whatever is hot at that particular moment that may come from outside of my chosen feeds.

-Andrew W.

*Asterisk being that all podcast feeds are actually RSS feeds, so honestly basically Youtube is the only outlier.

Kotaku: Breath Of The Wild Gives Players Free Eggs, Promptly Smashes Them 🔗

Published 09/08/2017 (Permalink 📌)

Insane things like this is why I abso-tastically adore Breath Of The Wild.

-Andrew W.

'Free Cake For Every Creature' Is Ruining My Life

Published 09/07/2017

SPOTIFY GOSH-DANG YOU why do you have to keep enabling rabbit holes that point me to perfect bands that are destroying my LIFE because I can't listen to anything BUT them GOSH.

Today's version brought to you by the marvelous one-woman (I think?) band "Free Cake For Every Creature," who makes delightfully boppy and miserable bedroom jangle-pop.

Neat right? Even better, there's a song called "I WANT TO MAKE YOU BREAD" (emphasis mine.)


I'm pretty enamoured with, unconventional is I guess the way to say it(?) voices. Your Lordes, your Grimeses, your Charly Blisses, &c. And I am drawn in immensely by the wildly intimite almost-whisper of Katie Bennett's voice, especially as its contrasted with the kind of bubbly pop that normally would go along with, well, an Eva from Charly Bliss. It's magical and encapsulating and also did I mention there's a song called "I WANT TO MAKE YOU BREAD."

-Andrew W.


Published 09/05/2017 (Permalink 📌)

The New York Times has been doing some really rad things in music criticism over the last few years and they just published an excellent list of 25 Female/Non-binary fronted bands making excellent guitar rock music. And yo, the entire list RULES SCHOOL.

The bands on the list that I listen to (Cayetana, Charly Bliss (aka The Only Good Band™), Downtown Boys, Diet Cig, Waxahatchee, Palehound, Soccer Mommy, Allison Crutchfield, Cherry Glazerr, Sad13, Tacocat, Hop Along, wait holy shit that's like half the list okay you can tell why I think this piece is rad I guess...) are all PHENOMENAL which of course means I have to buckle down and listen to the rest of them.


Y'all are welcome as heck.

-Andrew W.

Mid-Year Musical Checkin

Published 7/23/2017

It’s the mid-year, and while we’re many months away from when I write up my eventual end of the year top ten albums posted I’ve listened to many an album thus far and I want to document thoughts.

Below you will find one-sentence reviews of each of the 23 new full-length album I’ve listened to so far in 2017. Enjoy!

Near To The Wild Heart Of Life - Japandroids

Dang Japandroids sound a lot more like Bruce Springsteen than I remembered.

Nothing Feels Natural - Priests

I am categorically too boring a person to get fully into Priests and that makes me sad.

Tourist In This Town - Allison Crutchfield

I genuinely think every vague sense memory of listening to this album is actually from me listening to the most recent Allison Weiss record last year.

Number 1 Angel - Charli XCX

The only thing better than PC Music is getting PC Music sprinkled and mixed in with another great pop star.

Everybody Works - Jay Som

Suck it Owl CIty, bedroom pop has a new gold standard.

The Navigator - Hurray For The Riff Raff

Let us conquer the world with our melancholy.

Mental Illness - Aimee Mann

Ain’t nobody can paint an image, undersell it, and then have it punch you in the throat two weeks later when you least expect it than Aimee Mann.

DAMN. - Kendrick Lamar

Just because it’s maybe the most conventional Kendrick album doesn’t mean it’s not pretty wild y’all.

What Now - Sylvan Esso

Full disclosure: I remember liking it but not much else, so I should probably relisten I guess?

Humanz - Gorillaz

The kind of mess I can get down with as heck.

After Laughter - Paramore

If this were literally anyone other than Paramore I’d be at least mildly here for these nouveau disco shenanigans but GUYS I LOVE RIOT! ERA PARAMORE SO MUCH AND IT HAS BLINDED ME OKAY???

Pageant - PWR BTTM

I can't lie; I definitely loved it, but no matter how much you "death of the author" it's hard not to take this album in context and frankly impossible to get back to that good feeling I got the first time through.

Harry Styles - Harry Styles

This is an album that my classic-rock loving brother and dad would adore, but will only be heard by my pop-loving sister and me.

Powerplant - Girlpool

I hate being the “I liked the old sound better” guy but I guess I already burned that bridge with Paramore so.

Guppy - Charly Bliss


Goths - The Mountain Goats

I genuinely don’t understand why The Mountain Goats have never clicked for me but spoiler: the bizarre trend continued it seems.

Dua Lipa - Dua Lipa

Does Dua Lipa have a “sound” yet, and if not can it please be “New Rules” because Y’ALL.

Melodrama - Lorde

Fun fact: every single memory of high school know has a Lorde song retroactively added as the background music.

Something To Tell You - Haim

MY GALS ARE BACK and the bops are EVEN MORE LUSCIOUS and also “Walking Away” is destroying my entire life.

Split Lip - The Love-Inns


Beautiful Mess - Jessie Thoreson

This album is very very good but because I’m a unrepentant narcissist I mostly want to point out I rode the bus with Jessie freshman and sophomore year of high school and had a bit of a crush during the second of those years.

Cowgirl Blues - Katie Ellen

I love Chumped more than life itself and while “Cowgirl Blues” doesn’t have as much to immediately latch on to as “Guppy” above or earlier Chumped albums, I can tell already that this heartbreaker will be with me for a minute.

No Shape - Perfume Genius

Took a few listens but it started to soak in, so hey Bryn thx.

-Andrew W.

Hi Amelie! 👋 🔗

Published 7/2/2017 (Permalink 📌)

For the last couple of months I've been spending a bit of free time here and there cleaning up some of the code that runs this site. The goal? Have a reasonably pretty, moderately useful generic version of this blog engine available!

And so, today I'm open-sourcing version 1.0.0 of "Amelie," the blog engine that powers this site.

I've been running it for about 16 months in various forms, making piecemeal edits and bugfixes and it's finally at the place where I was able to, in a matter of minutes, spin up a whole new server and have it work. So I think that means it's as good a time as any to make it a thing.

Look. I get it. No one cares and no one else is probably gonna use this. And I'm certainly not going to really go through the work to maintain it on the off-chance that someone champs at the bit to contribute. More than anything I wanted an excuse to go through and make things presentable, make it real. I want a coding project out in the world that I'm proud of, and even if the only people who look at it are myself and future job interviewers, that's okay.

Plus this makes it infinitely easier if I want to spin up a new site from scratch using the engine.

Anyway a bit of info on Amelie:

  • It's a lightweight, Node.js blog engine that lives on top of Express
  • It's built to give a middle finger to admin panels and complicated CMS-es, and instead all writing is done by creating and editing Markdown files in a folder
  • Since it's all files in a folder, it works great with Dropbox (and that's how I run this site!)

It's not all peaches and rainbowcorns, of course:

  • It renders everything dynamically, so it's definitely not the most high-performance server (though it can work well if you place it behind a caching server)
  • There's minimal error checking
  • Post publishing is more high-ceremony and error-prone than I'd like
  • There's almost certainly weird bugs and confusing stuff that I missed in code cleanup

If you'd like to give it a try, head on over to its Github page! And if you want to mess around with it and hack it apart, feel free to do so too! In both cases I'd love it if you let me know what you do with it!

Oh, and yeah, you probably have one more question: "Why Amelie?"

Boy oh boy do you have a great 1:59 ahead of you.

  • Andrew W.

How To Graduate Stanford (Technically Speaking)

Published 1/17/2017

I graduated from college recently. And along with all the usual terrors of being a semi-functioning adult in the real world, I also had this issue: what do I do with all the electronic connections and documents that are tangled up with my old school?(1)

In the time-honored tradition of "I did the Googling so you don't have to," I figured I'd document the stuff I discovered for posterity, and in case future Stanfies(2) have questions. And yes, as a note, this will be geared exclusively towards how to deal with Stanford's system, for undergrads, and I can only guarantee that it was accurate as of the class of 2016. Mileage may vary.


By graduation you're probably very familiar with Axess, the main admin portal for all things Stanford-related. Post-graduation you'll mostly need to interact with Axess (if at all!) for retrieving records and documents, be they 1098-T's or transcripts or housing records or whatnot.

Fortunately, you're fine! Your Stanford login works on Axess no problem. Most features (adding classes etc) are gone but all the document retrieval and such can still be done in the usual, overly cluttered way you've learned to love.

Again, I can only guarantee that my account lived up to time of writing, so there may be a moment when everything is purged from the system, but if so I've seen no indication of when that would be.

Google Stuff:

So official academic documents and records are out of the way, you probably are starting to think Google. Stanford, at least as of now, is heavily invested in the Google apps ecosystem, so a lot of your stuff (especially the stuff you interacted with on a day-to-day basis in classes and extracurriculars) will be in Google land.


So you have your email address, ``. For the last few years you've been using that for all sorts of communication, be it coordinating rehearsal times with your dance troupe, or that one time someone sent a hilariously angry email at 3am to the couple having a very loud amourous encounter in the room above them.

There are two main things you might want to do with your email address:

  1. Keep all of your old emails from your time at school
  2. Make sure any new emails you receive are still readable.

Both are doable!

Note: This is one of the few things that has a strict timeline, so you want to make sure you take care of any email steps as soon as you reasonably can after graduation.

Your `` email account will live on, without any issues, for about 4-5 months (I believe October 15th was the deadline my year?) Up until this point it's exactly the same as it was while you were a student.

After that deadline, your account switches and it will only forward any new mail to an address you specify. That means if me, Andrew, were to email your old Stanford email address, you'd get that message forwarded to a new mailbox! Neat!

However that's it. It's just a forward, and just for new messages. You can't log in to your old email account, can't read or download old messages, can't see your contact list, and can't send email from that old account.

It's like if you move apartments and set up mail forwarding for your old place: if someone sends a letter to the old address, it'll make it's way to the new one, but you can't go dig around in your old mailbox anymore.

This forwarding will happen for two years. I believe that's two years after you graduate, not two years after your account flips to forwarding mode, but I'm not positive on that.

All of this is the only reason you need to do any of this junk, because if you just got to keep your old email that'd be awesome and you could just use it forever. No such luck.

Anyway, remember, two tasks you may want to do:

  1. Keep all of your old emails from your time at school
  2. Make sure any new emails you receive are still readable.

Let's tackle part 1:

Keep Old Emails

This is going to tell you how to transfer all of your old emails into a new mailbox. Once this is done you can log in to the account you chose and search and find all your old emails as if they had been sent there in the first place. If you don't want to do that (maybe you just want a few key messages, or you want them as downloaded documents rather than emails) feel free to skip or modify this!

  1. You need to do this step before your account goes into forwarding mode. Remember, once it hits forwarding mode, you're locked out of the old one forever.
  2. Open up a mail client like Apple Mail, Outlook, or some hipster nerd app like Spark or Airmail that allows you to log in with multiple emails at once.
  3. Log in with your `` email address.
  4. Pick the account where you want your old emails to live, or sign up for a new one if you don't have any extra accounts. We'll call it ``, but replace that with your actual email address.
  5. Log in with `` to your mail client. You should now have both inboxes up in the same mail client.
  6. Open the inbox for `` and select about a month's worth of emails.
  7. Drag and drop them over into the inbox for `` (this is how you do it in Apple Mail; it may vary in other clients.)
  8. After they all copy over, open `` and check that they're there! If so, yay!
  9. Repeat that step until all the emails are transferred over.

Note: At least in Apple Mail, if any action interrupts the transfer of emails even for a second, the whole batch will fail, so if for example your computer falls asleep or the wifi stops working or what have you, you'll have to start from the beginning of the batch. I suggest using batches of 1 month because for me that was the sweet spot between big enough to not have to do a million batches, but small enough that if one batch fails it's not the end of the world, and it was less likely to hit an issue that would make it fail in the first place.

  1. Yay! Now all your emails are available in the new account! Throw a party probably! A fun email party!

Get New Emails

I'm not certain whether this is as time-sensitive as retrieving your old emails, but still I'd suggest doing this before your email goes into forwarding mode.

There are two options for this, depending on one key decision: do you want your emails forwarded to your free `` account, or somewhere else?


  1. Claim your alumni email account.
  2. Done!


  1. DO NOT CLAIM YOUR ALUMNI EMAIL ACCOUNT YET. If you do this, it will automatically make that the forwarding email.
  2. Decide where you want your new emails to go, we'll (again) call this ``.

Note: For convenience I used the same fake name for this as for "Keep Old Emails", but there's no reason they have to be the same. Feel free to split your old and new emails however you'd like!

  1. Go to StanfordYou
  2. Hit "Change settings for account sunetID"
  3. Go to "Email"
  4. Enter `` as the email you'd like to forward to.
  5. Throw yet another email party!

I believe that you can then claim your alumni email account and it won't override your selection of email forwarding... but I'm not 100% on that. So tread carefully I suppose.

An important note about forwarding: Remember that after two years your old Stanford account will stop existing and the forwarding will stop. If anyone sends an email to `` they'll get the nasty auto-response that mailman couldn't find that account and it doesn't exist. So make sure you take whatever steps you need to tell people to stop emailing that account (or go to Mailman and change the email on any lists you care about.)

Google Drive

Sadly, there's no easy way to transfer the Drive stuff from one account to another like there is with email. You could theoretically share every document and such that you have from Stanf to a Google account of your choosing, then transfer ownership (if it's something you own)... but if you used Google Drive enough to care about saving your files you probably have too many of them for that to be a reasonable process.

But fortunately, there is a pretty easy tool to download a version of all the stuff in your Drive. It's called "Takeout."

  1. Log in to your Stanford google account.
  2. Go to
  3. You'll see a list with a whole bunch of Google services. Select Drive (as well as anything else you want to save, see below!)
  4. Hit "Next"
  5. Pick how you want your files to be stored (either as a .zip, .tgz, or .tbz. If you don't know, pick .zip.)
  6. Pick how big you want individual archives to be. Doesn't really matter what you pick, but 2GB is a perfectly reasonable default.
  7. Pick your delivery method. I chose "Send download link via email" and it worked fine.
  8. Wait for Google to make your archive and send it to you.
  9. Huzzah, you got all your shit! Download it, then do with it what you will.

As a word of warning, this doesn't give you your files as Google Docs or Sheets or Slides: it converts them to another format (defaults to Microsoft Office filetypes, so .docx for Docs, .pptx for Slides, etc.)

If you've ever tried downloading or exporting a Google Doc as a Word document, you'll know that besides losing obvious features (it's a static file now, not a thing on the internet anyone can edit) the conversion can be a little weird, so be on the lookout for that.

But if you want to maintain the content of the files, it's a pretty easy solution!

Google Calendar

Lol, I didn't use Stanford's Google Calendar like AT ALL. BUT don't worry, it's still exportable! Follow the steps for Google Drive above, and make sure that Calendar is selected. You should end up with your calendars as a .ics file which you can import into Apple Calendars or the Google Calendar for another account (if you don't know how, search and there's plenty of guides online how to import .ics into calendars.)

Everything Else Google

Follow the Google Drive steps, make sure the service you want is selected, and then once you get your archive mailed to you do with the data what you wish!


Stanford provides every student with their own AFS account which comes with storage space. Unlike Axess and Gmail and Google Drive, not everyone comes face-to-face with AFS as an undergrad.

If you encountered it at all, it's probably for one of three things:

  1. If you've ever logged into a library or cluster computer and created or saved a file, you're logging in with AFS and storing files in your AFS space.
  2. Computer Science classes often use it for development and assignment submissions (it's the file system and account that hooks you into the myth machines, for example)
  3. You can host your own website using it!

If you've never done any of the things above, you probably don't need to worry about AFS. If you have and want to make sure any files are saved post-graduation (or are curious and want to check if you've got stuff there) then here's what you can do.

If you're still on campus: Easy! Just grab a flash drive, log into a cluster or library computer, plug in the drive, and copy all your stuff. Shazam.

If you aren't on campus: You're still good! Here's how you grab your stuff through the magic of INTERNETS and SECURE COPY. Although first, as a note, this is gonna be a bit more technical than the other steps, so fair warning. This assumes you can find and use a Unix shell (specifically cd and ls) but nothing else.

  1. Open Terminal, if on a Mac, and any UNIX shell if on another system.
  2. In one tab/window, log in to your AFS space, using: ssh (replacing "sunetID" with, well, your sunetID.)
  3. Enter your password when prompted.
  4. ls and cd around and see what you've got on your AFS.
  5. In another tab/window, still on your home machine, cd to wherever you want to temporarily store your AFS stuff and then mkdir StanfordAFS. That'll give you a new folder to store all your junk. cd into StanfordAFS.
  6. Once you're in StanfordAFS, type this: scp -r . What you're doing is starting a "Secure Copy (scp)," telling to to be recursive (-r, aka "Keep going down into any folders you find,") and telling it to pull files from your AFS space (`, specifically the home directory,~) and bringing it *to* the current one on your home computer (.`) When you hit that, you should get a nice Matrix-y screen of files scrolling by as they're copied.
  7. Once it's done, check your folder and make sure everything you expect to be there is there. It should live in a folder called root. If it's all good, close your scp tab, and type logout in your ssh tab.

Now you've got all your AFS files! Hooray!

(As a note, there are other ways you could do this, but this is the way I chose because it doesn't rely on downloading or installing any software like OpenAFS.)

That's all that I remember having to transfer, but I'll be sure to update this post if there's anything that either comes up or that I forgot! And if you went through the graduating process and found something I missed, let me know and I'll update it and credit ya!

Whoo. Go adulthood, I guess.

-Andrew W.

*Updated 7/19: Just made it a heck of a lot cleaner and easier to understand.*

(1 ⤴️): Lol, bet you thought this article was about something else, huh?

(2 ⤴️): Note for non-Stanfies, exactly zero people other than me call us Stanfies. It's demonstrably not a thing. But I like it. Also, why are you reading this if you didn't go to Stanford? Isn't this incredibly boring?

Best Podcasts Of 2016

Published 01/06/2017

I listen to many a podcast. And I like to make lists. Especially year-in-review type lists. Also, it can be hard to find new podcasts to listen to sometimes, so maybe perhaps this list will help point you to something you end up digging. Idk. The day I need a valid excuse to write thousands of words about nonsense only I care about is the day I demand to be stricken from this earth.

Like with all good dumb lists, it's worth talking a bit about my methodology, as much as there is one. While my music list is far more based on critical opinion and analysis (as far as that goes) my podcast list is based mainly on tastes and habits. Since most of these shows are recurring in some way, and since I subscribe to more podcasts than could ever be listened to, I have lots of opportunities in my ~4-8 hours of podcast listening per day to choose one show over another. Sure, the ones on this list may be the genuine, semi-objective best for whatever reason or another, but they're here because time and again they were the shows I loved listening to, anticipated between episodes, and returned to. They're the keepers.

ALSO as a note, because there are ~30 or so shows listed here, I don't want to do the work to link to every show. But because they're podcasts, they're all at the very least on iTunes and any podcast app that uses the iTunes directory (basically all of them.) So just search for the name, you'll probably find them. That said idk about Stitcher or Google Play or Spotify, but I also don't super care about them. So. Sry about that.


So this year I broke my list in two, partially because I really like to make arbitrary and specific lists, and partially because this year seemed dominated by me trying out brand new shows. This may be because I'm getting old and want variety, it may be because some of my former favorite shows either ended or started to wane a bit, and it may be because gosh darnit there were SO MANY GOOD SHOWS THAT STARTED THIS YEAR. WHO KNOWS?!?!?!

Anyway, here is my list of the top ten podcasts I liked the most in 2016 that started in 2016.

...Although actually, first...

Honorable Mentions:

(in no particular order)

  • Banging Book Club (20-something British youtubers read a book about sex every month and talk about it for ~1 hour.)
  • Decoding Westworld (hosts of "A Cast Of Kings" bring their recap-podcast mastery to the HBO show Westworld.)
  • Slate's Trumpcast (A near-daily audio diary, ~20 minutes long talking about the latest Trump shenanigans and interviewing interesting and relevant people.)
  • Beautiful Stories From Anonymous People (Chris Gethard, host of my favorite tv show, sits down for an hour to have an anonymous conversation with a random caller.)
  • Variable Bitrate (An hour-or-so long chat show about music mostly talking to various music journalists and other industry folks.)

Give 'em a try! They're great!

Now, the big guns. It's time for the...

Top Ten New Podcasts Of 2016

10) Waypoint Radio

Waypoint Radio logo

One of the key categories of podcastery for me is the "let's sit down every week and talk about video games for thirty minutes to an hour" show. Seriously, there are several. This year though, one show rose to near the top of the pack, and that was the twice-weekly show coming out of the newest kid on the vidya james website block: Waypoint. Waypoint is a games site that really tackles all the stuff GamerGate hates, diving deep into the politics of games, critical theories, takes on the industry, personal narrative, and the perspectives of marginalized or underrepresented groups and their views and histories with games. In a word: it rules, man.

John Gruber, Apple blogger extraordinaire, likes to call his podcast The Talk Show "the director's commentary for [his site] Daring Fireball." I like to think of Waypoint Radio as director's commentary for (or (or (shoutout Chief Keef.))) The show started with Waypoint EIC Austin Walker chatting with Patrick "Scoops" Klepek, talking games, games discourse, and the creation of their new website. But the show quickly found its footing by adding in other Waypoint staffers, particularly the excellent Danielle Riendeau and Danika Harrod. If you like your games discussed in a way that's inclusive and treats games as a serious artistic and cultural force, you absolutely can't go wrong with Waypoint Radio.

9) Do By Friday

Do By Friday logo

I feel super dumb for not listening to Merlin Mann before last year, because I've slowly realized that he's one of the clearest crystallizations of my ideal rhetorical style. Silly, leaning into weird pop culture references and inside jokes, always playing everything with an almost indescribable mix of hyperbolic energy and old-school radio chill, he (along with some other kids later on down this list) is what pops into my head when I think "podcast ideal."

So combine Merlin with gleefully surly Max Temkin and joy of joys Alex Cox of Cards Against Humanity, give them an hour to talk ostensibly about weird challenges they've set for each other (every week one host picks a thing the three have to Do By the next Friday) and instead catch them just talk about whatever they want and you've got a genuinely infectious and marvelous bit of audio. In my overall podcast listening I most strongly gravitate towards silly chat shows that are loosely themed at best, and man oh man Do By Friday is an excellent new addition to that crew.

8) Bad With Money

Bad With Money RSS

I didn't get the chance to meet Gaby Dunn at the XOXO conference in Portland this year (fun how literally everything I write here seems to cycle back to XOXO...) but I did get to later hear her speak and it was marvelous and opened my eyes both to her and her comedy partner Allison Raskin's sketch channel Just Between Us (which also has the distinction of perfectly mirroring my friendship with one of my besties from college, Analyssa (I'm the Allison)) AND her new and excellent podcast Bad With Money.

Dunn makes no secrets of the fact that she's, well, bad with money, and so she started this podcast to reflect on and chart her journey towards financial knowledge, as well as chat with some of her coolest internet creator friends and loved ones about their perspectives, history, and expertise with regards to money. Money is fucking weird and scary as hell y'all, and as a recently minted semi-functional adult this show has been necessary guidance and therapy.

7) Holy Swift

Holy Swift logo



6) My Favorite Murder

My Favorite Murder logo

WELP NERDS, YA DID IT, YA DESIGNED AN EVEN BETTER ONE because turns out Karen Kilgariff (rad comedian) and Georgia Hardstark (rad comedian who also hosts one of my longtime favorite podcasts, Slumber Party) MANAGED TO DO EXACTLY THAT. This is a show hosted by this glorious and funny pair where they talk about their love of true crime (a love I've shared literally as long as I can remember.) Each week they bring a new horrific murder to the table to talk about it in an irreverent, but still thoughtful way.

Make no mistake, there's a ton of silly and off-color jokes, and definitely they don't follow any sense of decorum with regards to these terrible crimes. But to me there's value in that, not just because it takes some of the power out of the senseless horror by making it comedic (which it does well) or just provides a safe space where people don't feel ashamed of their semi-taboo fascinations (which it also does well) but they also provide a perspective missing from a lot of true crime stuff: they mourn the victim (albeit in a fun, silly, jazz-funeral kind of way), and they give no respect to the murderer. Unlike literally every other true crime thing you can find. It's not about how scary and powerful and weirdly worthy of deification the murderers are. It's about how weird and gross and worthy of shame and mockery they are. And that's rad.

(But y'all, this is still a show about the absolute worst murders that humanity has ever committed, so keep that in mind as you decide whether to plug in those earbuds.)

Oh, and plus they have the greatest tagline of any podcast, which is exactly the kind of advice we should all strive to embody: "Stay Sexy, and Don't Get Murdered."

5) Rose Buddies

Rose Buddies logo

The McElroys are the First Family of Podcasting, and so it's unsurprising that just about any McElroy brother show will end up in my list. And while it's dumb to play favorites with real humans, and all three brothers are great, that automatic list-inclusion tends to be especially likely if the McElroy in question is sweet baby brother (and 30-under-30 Media Luminary) Griffin.

So when he started a show with his wife where they recap The Bachelor, y'all of course I gave it a try... despite NOT WATCHING THE BACHELOR. And this podcast is THE BEST. So much the best that I then started watching the show it recaps, and in the process this podcast ended up opening my eyes to not one, not two, but three of my favorite new shows (Bachelor (specifically Bachelor In Paradise), MTV's Are You The One, and Netflix's Terrace House: Boys And Girls In The City.)

The sheer force of silly charisma from this fantastic married duo will make it such that you can love the podcast without watching a single minute of the shows it discusses. But if you do watch the shows it's all the better (and if you already watch the Bachelor Family of Products WHAT ARE YOU DOING LISTEN TO ROSE BUDDIES IMMEDIATELY.) And hey, a new Bachelor season just started, so it's a great time to become a Buddy!

4) Keepin' It 1600

Keeping it 1600 logo

There are many political podcasts that rose up in the waning days of the election, and many of them were very good. I ended up talking for an hour with my rad friend Rachel (in one of several attempts recording pilots for a podcast of our own! #StayTuned) about political podcasts, and we discovered that there were roughly three camps: the genuinely issue-and-policy focused shows like Pantsuit Politics or We The Ppl; the political press shows like NPR Elections, Slate Politics, or FiveThirtyEight Elections; and the straight up talk radio ragefests. Keepin' It 1600 is the liberal poster child of that side and goddamnit was it glorious. It got me through the last several months of the election, and even more so through the months since. And sure they do have some genuinely good insight and bring on interesting guests and give suggestions for ways to actively participate in our democracy. Whatever. Who cares. I'm not proud of it, but tbh I just need my righteous liberal rage y'all.

The reason why Rachel and I are friends is that we agree on many things, but balance a lot in terms of taste. We're both huge podcast fans, but she loves well-produced narrative audio, and I prefer loosely-to-not-at-all-produced 3-hour long chat shows. And we're both hyper-liberal, but she's about the issues and the policies and the real-world ramifications, and I'm about the spin and the story and political game. So Pantsuit Politics for Rachel, Keepin' It 1600 for me. And I'm alright with that.

3) CoolGames Inc.

CoolGames inc logo

I deliberated for a long time the ordering of these top three, because when it comes down to it they're all my favorite new shows of 2016. But it's for slightly different reasons. I'll talk more about why I love the other ones, but I'll go ahead and say now that CoolGames Inc was the single hour of content I most looked forward to every week. Period. And not just among podcasts; if I saw that a new ep of CoolGames Inc came out at the same time a new Westworld was out, take a fucking hike Anthony Hopkins y'all gotta wait in line after some good good goofs from these good good boys.

CoolGames Inc is hosted by the above-mentioned Griffin McElroy and Nick Robinson, Griffin's coworker from the video game site Polygon (and personal favorite of mine from the old Rev3Games days.) And the premise is simple, if odd: every week they take suggestions from the internet on titles or ideas for silly silly, stupid, dumb, bad video games. And then they talk through them, and come up with what that game would be like. And sometimes they have a guest on from the world of games or games journalism and pitch their silly silly ideas to them.

Hands down, this is the funniest thing. Seriously. There are about 5 or so shows that I think twice about listening to in public because of how often I laugh very uncomfortably loudly at what's happening in my earbuds, and CoolGames Inc leads the pack. It's just... Nick and Griffin have such a wonderful chemistry and amazing comedic timing, and combine that with an esoteric knowledge of weird pop culture and video games, and the straight-up strangest and wackiest shit the internet can come up with, and you get A+ GOTY material like "Hugh Jackman's Huge Actin'," "50 First States" (a dating sim where you date personifications of all the US states,) "Explain Tumblr To Your Dad Simulator" (whereby Nick did actually call his real-life dad!) and "Tim McGraw's: What If? Fates: Trucks."

2) Still Buffering

Still buffering logo

Like with all of the top three, I really really really really really really like this podcast. But I'm highlighting it for one reason: it showed me something new.

The show features Rileigh Smirl and Sydnee McElroy (née Smirl,) two sisters who are ~10-13 years apart (I forget the exact difference) talking about what teenagerdom (specifically female teenagerdom) is like in their respective generations. And it's adorable, hilarious, awkward, loving, and rad. Then the show managed to get even better by including Teylor, the middle sister of the Smirl trio. When the show is talking about the stated purpose (teens then and now!) she is the wildcard, sometimes siding with Syd, sometimes with Rilo, and sometimes off in her own perspective. When the show is just three sisters goofing and being excellent, she rounds everything out with her own personal take on life and it's wackiness.

Sydnee happens to be married to Justin McElroy of the podcast My Brother, My Brother, and Me (and assorted other McElroy and Polygon projects; this ain't the last time they're coming up) and in many ways Still Buffering could be seen as a "My Sister, My Sister, and Me." But it has very excellently carved it's own niche and provided it's own value in the wide world of podcasting. If you are or were a teen girl, I'd have to imagine you'd appreciate this show, and I say that given how much I've absolutely fallen in love with it as someone who is neither teen nor girl. And it's just further proof y'all that the podcast game needs to be more than white dudes making jokes or talking about video games. I listen to a ton of those shows, mind you, but there's room for more, and when it shows up it's frequently excellent.

1) Election Profit Makers

Election profit makers logo

So while CoolGames Inc was my most anticipated every week and probably technical favorite, and Still Buffering offered something new from a voice underrepresented in "mainstream" (as much as that word makes sense within a niche medium) podcasting, Election Profit Makers is my podcast of 2016 because it was a podcast of 2016. I'll explain.

This show features David Rees (writer of Get Your War On, host of tv's Going Deep, artisanal pencil sharpener) and his childhood best friend Jon Kimball (professional domain name flipper) going hard into the world of: political prediction markets. That's right, these guys started a podcast all about betting on politics.

First, this show is just great. I found out about it on a recommendation from the aforementioned Merlin Mann, and it's got all of those things I talked about with Do By Friday and Mann's general style. It's silly as hell. It knowingly and winkingly takes itself a bit too seriously. It's full of pop culture references and inside jokes. And like most of my favorite shows (such as Mann's Roderick On The Line, another Mann show later on the list, or the above Rose Buddies) it's got a great straight-man/wild-man dynamic. It's just good good comedy podcasting at its core. That alone would throw it into the top five at least.

But this show did two things that will forever link it with 2016 in my mind: first, it talked about politics (which was the story of 2016) and it managed to talk about our crazy-ass political world in the single most crazy way possible. This was a political podcast whose in was betting on a weird prediction market website, and for a show about political betting it took frequent detours into such topics as which listeners were banned from listening and what the latest news was on David and Jon's secret terrible high school band (as opposed to their non-secret terrible high school band.) That kind of legitimate insanity was the only kind of thing that made sense backdropped against the insanity of actual real life.

Second, this was a limited series. From the outset they always said they would only do the show for the 16 weeks leading up to the election and for one wrap-up show after election night. And they stuck to it. This is a 17 episode show. And so you end up with a perfect time capsule of the ups, and the eventual huge huge downs of this year. If I ever listen back to it (or if y'all decide to give it a try) it's short enough that I could reasonably listen quickly and genuinely relive what this wild-as-hell time was like in all its bonkers reality. And whether or not I actual ever do that though, this show is inextricably linked for me with the overall story of the election. It's as much a part of it as any President-Elect Von Clownstick bullshittery. But like, it's funny.


Of course, it wasn't just new shows I tried out this year. There were still some old favorites that I loved.

For some of these shows they're here because they particularly shone in 2016. Maybe they came into their own, or they tried out a new thing, or tackled a great topic.

And some are just on here because they're my favorites period. Again, this list is based mostly on "which shows were the ones that when they popped into my feed I felt happy and excited?" So a few of these shows may not have a particular hook into 2k16 like the others, but dangit I just loved listening to them.

Like above, we've got honorable mentions first, but unlike above, since there were more oldies I listened to than newbies, I'm giving ten honorable mentions. All are rad. Give 'em a listen if ya want.

Honorable Mentions

(in no particular order)

  • Analog(ue)
  • Alison Rosen Is Your New Best Friend
  • Buzzfeed's Internet Explorer (note: this would be top ten if it hadn't been hiatused for the most key internet garbage months of 2k16)
  • Upgrade
  • Mental Illness Happy Hour
  • Kinda Neat
  • Shall We Play A Game?
  • Harmontown
  • The Besties (note: yep, I'm including a podcast that released one episode this year. It was a glorious 3-hour monstrosity that I've listened to twice already.)
  • Cortex

Alright, here it is, the top ten of the oldies. Let's get the heck into it.

Top Ten:

10) Friends At The Table

Friends at the table logo

I've loved the idea of roleplaying podcasts ever since the podcast Harmontown started doing a regular D&D segment years ago (which eventually spun off into the rad Seeso show Harmonquest.) Intimate, long-form, on-demand audio like podcasting is already well suited to narrative, and a narrative like a roleplaying game that is based on people talking about what they're doing is even better.

Friends At The Table is a show I only learned about relatively recently, to my shame. And gosh darnit is it good as hell y'all. It's GM-ed by Austin Walker (yes, the same Austin Walker of Waypoint Radio above!) and, as he reminds us every week, it's an "Actual Play podcast focused on critical worldbuilding, smart characterizations, and fun interactions between good friends."

And let me tell ya it delivers on all of those. I started listening with the recent "Marielda" arc and the first two episodes, where they played a game that had them literally building the history of this fantasy town, hooked me so much that I did not sleep that night, I had to keep listening to episode after episode. They built such an incredibly rich world, had a blast doing it and being fun with each other, and dangit built incredible characters as good as you'd find in any written piece (Heddy the Weaver and Aubrey the Cobbin will forever be burned in my psyche.)

Unfortunately, not having listened to the show from the beginning, when they returned after the Marielda arc to the story they were telling from season one, I found it harder to keep as engaged. What I need to do is go back and listen to old episodes and let them hook me the way the Marielda eps did, which maybe I'll do next time I take a vacation: just lock my doors, close my blinds, make hot toddys, and have it be a FatT extravaganza. There are worse ways to spend your time.

9) Rocket

Rocket logo

I've described this show in the past as sort of a companion show to another podcast on this list, but that doesn't do it justice. Yes Rocket is a tech show that takes the similar format of "three dudes get on Skype and talk about tech for an hour" and instead of dudes has gals. But that ain't it by a mile.

Rocket is not just a new perspective on the tech industry and tech news because its hosts are female (though that is certainly part of it.) It's a new perspective on the tech industry and tech news because Christina Warren (Senior Writer at Gizmodo,) Brianna Wu (co-founder of Giant SpaceKat and future congresswoman we hope!) and Simone DeRochefort (Video Producer at Polygon) are fucking brilliant people with really good new perspectives of their own. Not only do they cover stories that get overlooked by other shows and outlets (whether serious like Oculus' troubling habit of not hiring women, or extremely super serious like which Pokéman you'd bang,) but also when they tackle the stories everyone else is doing, they do it in a way that provides new insight you won't find anywhere else.

If you care about tech and listen to podcasts, Rocket absolutely needs to be in your must-listen list.

8) Don't Get Me Started

Don't get me started logo

This is one of my go-to podcast pitches for anyone wanting to start listening to podcasts for the first time, or who already loves a few shows and wants to try something new. And a big part of why is because it has such a simple and exciting premise: comedians Will Hines and Anthony King talk to all of their awesome, funny, smart, and talented creative friends, but not about what they do.... they only talk about what they love.

Every week a new guest comes on to talk about an obsession of theirs, whether it's the music of Kanye West, dancing in clubs, the Eurovision Song Contest, Southern Gothic Fiction, the city of Pittsburgh, Dogs of Instagram, Robert Kennedy, Shoplifting, or "Bands That Do Their Job" (listen to find out what that means.) King and Hines figured out something universal: it's really fun to listen to people gush over something they love deeply, and even more fun if they're funny and smart performers.

Because this is my go-to suggestion, I'll leave you with the other half of my go-to pitch: go through the episode list and find either a comedian you like or a topic you're interested in, and just listen. Then keeping doing that. Then start listening to new episodes. And chances are you, like me (and my friend Claudia, who was the first person I got hooked on this show!) will fall in love with it.

7) Accidental Tech Podcast

Accidental tech podcast logo

Okay this is the show that I and others have used in the "Rocket is the female version of X" sentence. And while that's a gross and reductive thing to say, part of it comes from the fact that the Accidental Tech Podcast is, for a certain segment of folks, just about the platonic ideal of a tech show. Three guys with a lot of opinions talk for several hours a week about tech (particularly Apple.) And since they're programmers, sometimes they get in the fucking WEEDS. And you know what? Even when they do it's engaging and great. Many great shows, if you're into chat-style shows, perfectly mimic that feeling of listening in on the kinds of conversations you and your friends have. I've had many a nerd argument about Apple that sound like a much dumber version of what you'd hear on ATP. That kind of organic vibe and intimacy is what makes so many of the shows on this list click for me, and ATP is an absolute perfect prime example of this.

6) Reconcilable Differences

Reconcilable Differences logo

Reconcilable Differences is literally unpitchable. Like, there is no real throughline to the types of topics they cover. Sometimes it's Free Will, sometimes it's Walking Dead spoilers and an obscure 90s anime series that only one of the hosts actually got around to watching, and sometimes it's about how best to organize the Google Doc they use to plan the show. The shows range from an hour to 3+ purely based on how long the hosts go for. There are no guests. They don't touch on current events. It can be funny at times, but it's by no means a comedy show; and it can be deep at times, but it frequently dives into the silly and esoteric.

Put simply, it should be a terrible, terrible show.

And it's consistently one of my favorites, and that entirely comes down to the hosts. Merlin Mann (mentioned for the third time!) and John Siracusa (of ATP above) are just incredible podcasts hosts and incredible minds. The way they talk about things hooks you. At the very worst it entertains you for however long the show goes, and at best it breaks your brain in ways that stick with you for months to come. RecDiffs doesn't always pop to the top of my queue (partially because when a 3 hour episode comes along I know I need to block my gosh-darn schedule) but whenever I do listen I know I'm gonna be in for a great time. And in many ways this is what podcasting can uniquely do. Only in a medium with such a low barrier to entry and such a high reward for cultivating a dedicated (if small) listener base can a show like this that can't be pitched but is beloved by those who find it thrive. It's beautiful.

5) We Have Concerns

We Have concerns logo

I've loved We Have Concerns since it launched in summer 2014, and it continues to rock. This is another show I pitch because unlike most of the ones on this list, it's short. Where almost every other show is an hour+, We Have Concerns is deliberately designed to be between 10-25 minutes. It comes in hot, y'all.

The show has Anthony Carboni and Jeff Cannata talking through one story that lives roughly in the world of science and often leads to at least some deep existential panic, and they then fill the discussion out with silly improv skits. It's the first show I listen to in the mornings on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and it's the perfect informative, entertaining, and often deeply unsettling bite-sized chunk to start the day.

4) Blabbermouth

Blabbermouth logo

I got into this podcast, produced by Seattle's alt-weekly newspaper The Stranger, summer of 2015. It's worth noting at that time I was working and going to school in California. Now I live in Chicago. I have never once listened to this hyper-local show while I actually lived in Seattle. But it's great nonetheless. Part of it is homesickness, sure, but part of it is that the stuff they talk about, even if it's coming from a crazily focused local perspective, has universality. The chats about particular policy issues or interviews with local figures may not have resonance to my own day to day, but thinking about the issues presented and getting the perspectives of the hosts and guests pushes my own thought processes in ways that wouldn't happen if I didn't listen to this show every week. And again, homesickness.

However, the reason this show bumped up to top five this year was because of its election coverage. In the latter half of '16, the show landed on a defacto panel of host Eli Sanders, Stranger theater critic Rich Smith, and sex columnist Dan Savage. And much like the folks on Keepin' It 1600, this trio was who I thought about when each new bananas thing happened during the election cycle. And after the election results, again like the 1600 crew, they helped keep me at least floating at the surface of the darkness, rather than drowning in it. Look, sometimes there's something great about listening to three hyper-progressives from the hyper-progressive city of Seattle argue bitterly about whether one or the other of them are being hyper-progressive enough. I gotta get at least one source of joy in this nightmare hellscape.


bracket logo

Our world is wack as hell. Some of my best friends in the world right now are people I met because I happened to watch a YouTube video about how to vlog, started vlogging, sent in a video to a competition at a Harry Potter convention, got selected as a semifinalist, then got to the go to the convention because of an error in the voting, met and briefly hung out with the other semifinalists, then became real friends with them on Twitter. That's a frankly stupid chain of events and its terrifying to think about how if literally one thing had gone differently I'd never know or never be close with some people who mean the world to me now.

[BRACKET!] is the podcast equivalent of that. I was part of a thing called "The Listserve" (itself a thing I only discovered because I happened to take a class where every day someone happened to have to present an internet thing they dug, and someone happened to present The Listserve on one of those days.) The Listserve is a social experiment started at MIT where you subscribe to a mailing list, and every day one subscriber gets the chance to send an email to the whole list. At the time I subscribed there were ~20,000 subscribers.

And one day I got the notification that I won! And I happened (after much re-drafting) to settle on, surprise surprise, writing a list of podcasts I like. And I asked folks to email me with shows they like.

I got a ton of submissions. One of them was from a person named Greg. Who said "well, I can't not mention that I produce and host a podcast, and it's called [BRACKET!]"

I checked it out, along with many of the shows people sent in, and I fell in love. It's a simple show: Four friends and a guest make a sweet sixteen bracket on a theme (like "Best Cookie," "Best Marvel Villain, "Best Casual Dining Establishment," "Best Place To Get Into A Fight," or "Best Weird Relative At A Family Gathering.") And then they go through the bracket. And they pick a winner.

And it's fucking great y'all. I started listening around episode 8 or so, and now we're well over 100, and it's been one of my absolute favorites ever since. Because, as has become a theme in this list, I love listening to people mix serious with silly. In the case of your My Favorite Murder it's talking about something serious in a silly way, but here it's talking about silly match-ups and rankings and sometimes fucking SCREAMING about which is in fact the "Best Song Of 1996" (a rare episode where they Brack Pack actually got it right.) It's all done with lots of pop culture references and inside jokes. And again, it sounds like what me and my friends do when we try to arbitrarily rate things, just funnier. It's a blast and a half.

2) My Brother, My Brother, And Me

My Brother My Brother And Me logo

This is probably my favorite podcast. Listen to it. It's the best. That's about all I really feel like saying about this perfect perfect show.

1) The Adventure Zone

The Adventure Zone logo

...BECAUSE my number one show has the exact same hosts as MBMBaM above. Yep. The Adventure Zone is a Dungeons & Dragons podcast with the three brothers from MBMBaM and their Dad Clint, and they go on a great fantasy roleplaying adventure as a FAMILY. And as much as I absolutely adore FatT and other shows with their dedication to presenting the game in the way it actually is played and, well, for lack of a better word "actually taking it seriously," at the end of the day I'm listening to a podcast. And most of my podcasts are entertaining, and most of my podcasts are funny.

And holy shit guys is The Adventure Zone funny.

Like I mentioned earlier, I first got into the idea of D&D or role-playing podcasts when the show Harmontown had a recurring D&D segment. But here's the secret: it didn't just get me intrigued in D&D as an option for audio entertainment, but as like a thing I'd ever be interested in period. Because what the folks on Harmontown did was show that the rules are only there to help the players. They took the broader philosophical idea that "systems are only valuable insofar as they benefit people, but systems can never be more valuable than the people" and applied it to the world of RPGs. There, a wizard named Sharpie Buttsalot can try whatever he wants, and the rules are only there to figure out if he succeeds and what happens next, not to reign him in.

The Adventure Zone is clearly cut from this mold, with the brothers deliberately simplifying the already simplified 5th Edition ruleset to a core that allows them to prioritize telling an entertaining story and being as funny as they possibly can. One of the three main characters is a wizard named Taako for gosh sakes. Which yes, is pronounced like the mexican food staple. And guess what, he's the fucking best.

But The Adventure Zone goes one step further in it's flexibility with regards to D&D's ruleset: it showed me that literally any world is possible within this framework of simple rules. Yes, D&D is clearly meant for a Tolkien-esque fantasy world, and it works, well, fantastically within that. But Griffin as Dungeon Master has done genuinely incredible things in the campaigns he creates. He explicitly takes the pop culture he loves and wacky ideas he has and forms them into stories that I would never imagine possible in the world of D&D. But they fit, dangit. The first big example, a few years back, was when the second chunk of the show ended up being an Agatha Christie-style murder mystery on a train. Who knew you could do that in D&D?!?!?! Not this kid!!!! It was followed up by a Mad-Max-inspired wagon race in the desert. Then an Alien-inspired exploration of a science lab being overrun by a plague, where they were chased by a giant rock monster and aided by a friendly robot.

All of this is possible in D&D, but it takes someone like Griffen who's willing to play with the mold to make it happen.

...Now okay, all that stuff is rad with regards to the show in general. But here's the real reason why this show is my number one right now: because in this year, it told my single favorite story in any medium. Period. Fuck off movies, books, tv. In 2k16, The Adventure Zone got ya beat.

The show is broken into "arcs" that are 5 to 15 episodes long, each of which are based around a mini-quest (specifically trying to recover a dangerous magical item called a "Grand Relic") in service of the overall quest (finding and destroying all six Grand Relics.) And every arc has been more complex, ambitious, and entertaining than the last one. The train mystery mentioned above was one arc, the Mad Max desert race another, the sci-fi lab another, and so on.

This year featured an arc known as "The Eleventh Hour." In it the boys entered a town that was encased in a magical bubble, and were involved in a race against the clock to try and save the town and its inhabitants. But all is not as it seems. And that's all I'll say because you should listen for yourself. Seriously. If you don't want to start from the beginning, you can just start with the first episode of "The Eleventh Hour" and fucking treat yourself.

The whole "Eleventh Hour" story, with its incredible characters (from both the main players and the NPCs,) intricate mystery, crazy central gimmick, tense moral choices, heartbreaking (in both good and bad ways) ending, and gosh-darn fun was literally everything I want in a longform narrative. I cannot recommend it highly enough, and I have a feeling I'm going to be relistening to the 9 episodes of "The Eleventh Hour" pretty consistently for the rest of my life. Just like Election Profit Makers, The Adventure Zone managed to be a show that was not only incredibly good, but made a mark on my year. And for that reason it's my number one returning show.

Well Then.

There it is. Thousands of words on 35+ awesome podcasts. Plug in your headphones and give 'em a listen (and/or tweet me @AndrewTheWhip if you've got casts of 2016 that you dug that I missed. Fair warning: if it's an NPR-y type show, I probably won't like it. But like let me know anyway.)

-Andrew W.

Best Albums Of 2016

Published 12/16/2016

Here we go children. Now is the time. The time when every place on the internet with even a tentative thought about anything pop cultural starts creating TOP TEN LISTS!!!!

So of course ya boi's getting in on it. With tunes.

But we ain't just doing an old school top ten list. I mean we are doing that, but not just that. Because where's the fun in simplicity?

So let's start with:

The Albums I Listened To And Liked That Aren't Top Ten Or Honorable Mention Or Another List Below

(in no particular order)

  • "The Hamilton Mixtape" - Various Artists
  • "Puberty 2" - Mitski
  • "Revolution Radio" - Green Day
  • "Painkillers" - Brian Fallon
  • "Tentative Decisions" - Mikey Erg
  • "Teens Of Denial" - Car Seat Headrest
  • "You Want It Darker" - Leonard Cohen
  • "A Sailor's Guide To Earth" - Sturgill Simpson
  • "22, A Million" - Bon Iver
  • "Skeleton Tree" - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
  • "Anti" - Rihanna
  • "Blackstar" - David Bowie
  • "Views" - Drake
  • "Holy Ghost" - Modern Baseball
  • "The Dream Is Over" - PUP
  • "Slugger" - Sad13
  • "Stock Neon" - Also Also Also
  • "Never Going Back" - Stick And Poke
  • "No Burden" - Lucy Davis
  • "Blindfaller" - Mandolin Orange
  • "Real" - Lydia Loveless
  • "HERO" - Maren Morris
  • "Blood Bitch" - Jenny Hval
  • "Hella Personal Film Festival" - Open Mike Eagle & Paul White

Most of these were pretty solid albums, but didn't quite crack the top. But give 'em a listen, and you'll probably find some stuff you dig. And almost all of these had at least a few songs I super super dug. So yay tunes!

The Whoops List

(Aka albums that tbh probably would've had a shot at the top ten if I'd either listened to them at all or listened to them more than once. Also in no real order, sorta.)

  • "Blonde" - Frank Ocean^
  • "A Seat At The Table" - Solange
  • "Malibu" - Anderson .Paak^
  • "Here" - Teenage Fanclub
  • "Lady Wood" - Tove Lo
  • "Midwest Farmer's Daughter" - Margo Price
  • "All My Demons Greeting Me As A Friend" - AURORA
  • "Cardinal" - Pinegrove^
  • "Paradise" - White Lung^
  • "Chaleur Humaine" - Christine And The Queens
  • "Instigator" - Kevin Devine
  • "Worry" - Jeff Rosenstock

(^Albums I listened to once, but not enough enough to get a real sense of)

I'll be honest, "Blonde" is the reason for this list, probably with Solange, .Paak, Jeff Rosenstock, and Pinegrove rounding out a top five of the "Whoops" crew. I know I'm wrong. I'll regret it come 2017. Sry.

The Best Albums Of My Personal 2016 That Weren't Released In 2016

  • "Under The Surface" - Marit Larsen (2006)
  • "Putting The Days To Bed" - The Long Winters (2006)
  • "Hamilton" - Original Broadway Cast Of Hamilton (2015)
  • "Electra Heart" - Marina & The Diamonds (2013)
  • "Taylor Swift" - Taylor Swift (2006)

Fuck me, I got down hard with ten years ago I guess. Anyway, these are the albums that I listened to over and over again this year, and specifically are the ones that sort of came into their own for me in 2016. That's why albums like "Welcome Interstate Managers," "Pure Heroine," "Sam's Town" (also a 2006-er fwiw), "1989," "Art Angels", "American Idiot," "The '59 Sound," and the masterpiece-to-end-all-masterpieces "E•MO•TION" aren't on this list; those are all my favorite albums ever, and I listen to them nonstop (and have for either a year, in the case of the 2015-ers, or 10+, for the old guards.)

Nah, these are the albums that popped up in 2016 for whatever reason, and absolutely hooked me, and are as much (if not more, tbh) a part of my mental musical picture of the year as anything that was released since January. I have stories for each of the ones listed, but like...nope. Again, sry.

Actually, that's an okay lead in for:

The Top Three Albums Of 2015 That I Liked More Than Anything Released In 2016

  • "E•MO•TION" - Carly Rae Jepsen
  • "Art Angels" - Grimes
  • "To Pimp A Butterfly" - Kendrick Lamar

Okay, fight time now I suppose, but this was almost a... disappointing year musically when I look back on it? Disappointing is waaaay too strong a word for it I suppose, because there were lots of good and great music released... but that's kinda it. For me personally, there were tons of albums that in previous years would be around 3-10 on an end-of-year-top-ten. But there wasn't really anything that snagged that top slot. And that's demonstrated by the fact that I can't think of a single thing I listened to this year that had it been released in '15 would've knocked those three from their end-of-year top slot.

Now part of it is certainly personal taste, obvi. And part of it may be that I got weirdly into the albums from the "Weren't Released In 2016" list and that took over my listening habits. And it may just be that those three albums are freakishly fucking good and holding anything to that standard is cruel.

And of course, that doesn't mean the great albums of this year aren't great. Just maybe not "all-time faves" like the ones above.

Who knows. All I know is the weird truth that...yeah, I dig my top three of 2015 more than any of my top picks for 2016.


The Releases That Also Would Be At The Top Of My Top Ten List If They Were Full-Length LPs

  • "E•MO•TION Side B" - Carly Rae Jepsen
  • "The Poison I Keep" - Hannah Moroz
  • "PC Music Vol. 2" - Various Artists
  • "HANA" - HANA
  • "Joni Was Right (Parts I & II) - Marit Larsen

I'm being arbitrarily purist in limiting my real top ten list to just full-length original LPs. Which ends up cutting out the five above for including 3 EPs, 1 compilation, and 1 collection of two EPs.


  • If you want some soothing and kinda emo Americana from a Norwegian (who is doing Americana better than most Americans) check Marit Larsen's two "Joni Was Right" EPs.
  • If you want some of the hookiest melodies in the fucking GAME go for HANA's debut EP.
  • If you, like me, discovered in '16 that the weird mix of noise, glitter, roboticism, British accents, snark, schoolgirl crushes, and A+ pop beats produced by the PC Music collective is your jam, then check out their newest volume of tracks.
  • If you want a new Sara Bereilles or Glen Hansard album and also want to cry for-fucking-ever listen to "The Poison I Keep" by (my fantastic friend) Hannah Moroz (seriously it's incredible not just saying it because she's my friend.)
  • And if you are a person with TASTE who likes MUSIC then you gotta listen to anything Carly releases (but for real, it's rude of her to release an EP of rejects that has several songs better than most pop songs out there, including many on her original amazing record.)

Okay, finally we get through the gimmicky lists. It's time for the real deal. By which I mean:

The Honorable Mentions

(in no particular order)

  • "California" - blink-182
  • "Lemonade" - Beyoncé
  • "Awaken My Love!" - Childish Gambino

Three very good albums that were originally in my top ten, but then got knocked to just below it. Ask me on a different day and any of these could find their way in.

...Though if we're being real, "California" has a few too many dumb joke songs to probably ever actually make the top ten. But gosh-darnit the rest of it is A+ skateboard pop-punk so Honorable Mention feels perfectly alright (and if they had cut the dumb joke songs it'd be like #6 easy.)

...Actually, while we're on the subject, if "California" is the honorable mention that tbh would never be in the top ten, "Lemonade" is the one that absolutely should be in it...if it was on Spotify. I realized literally like 2 weeks ago that I hadn't heard the album since it came out because I use Spotify and it ain't there! So it never made it into my music rotation! And a week or so of listening snagged it a place in the Honorable Mentions, so I gotta feeling given the months some of these other LPs had it would sneak its way up much farther.

But as is becoming a theme with this list, well... sry.

Anyway, for real though now, and this one is the first list that will be ordered (in reverse) ....

The Top Ten Albums Of 2016

10: "Shape Shift With Me" - Against Me!

Shape Shift With Me Album Cover

Fuck yeah, Against Me! rules. I'll admit that I don't quite dig this new set of tunes as much as the immeasurably great "Transgender Dysphoria Blues" from a few years back (which I shamefully slept on until last year) but that doesn't mean this isn't a great collection of hard-biting, hard-rocking punk/bar rock music. The world needs more bands that are equally dedicated to breaking down social barriers as they are to sick-as-hell harmonies, but until that day comes Against Me! are our necessary standard bearers.

Also this was the year I realized that The Hold Steady, The Mountain Goats, Drive-By Truckers, and Against Me! are fundamentally all the same band but with difference in subject matter and musical style. And that's fucking great, because all four of those bands are among the best lyricists in the entire rock game by a MILE. The first verse of "12:03" was the moment that clicked for me, thinking "Oh hey, that's a John Darnielle-y type of phrase. Neat." Bless the 2010s for having such a stellar crew to guide us through.

Check out "333" and "12:03."

9: "The Life Of Pablo" - Kanye West

The Life Of Pablo Album Cover

There's lots that can and should be said about Kanye West. And lots of immensely justifiable reasons to not want to support, associate with, or even like him and his music. And for as much as I and others may lean into "death of the author" as an ideal, there's no way to genuinely remove context from art, especially when the art is being consumed as it comes out.

There is also an element to which being a popstar (or any sort of commercial entity) precludes folks from being given the same rhetorical and analytics treatment that other capital-A "Artists" get.

Make no mistake, Kanye is an Artist. And as an Artist who created a piece of Art called "The Life Of Pablo," it's fucking wild and fascinating. It's a mess that goes from impeccable pop in tunes like "Famous" or "Waves," to epics like "No More Parties In LA" or "Ultralight Beam," to clever nods to the past and plays with the hip-hop album form in the skits and intermissions. And for every off-putting act of narcissism, elitism, sexism, harrassment, etc, there's something self-aware like "I Love Kanye." It's enough to give those who require their musicians to be models the branch to reach for and say "Look, he gets it, so it's fine" but not enough to actually rectify his behavior. Which artistically makes it all the more interesting.

And course, it's not just that it's interesting and wrapped in turmoiled context: it is a genuinely pretty good album, which dives headfirst into depression, anxiety, darkness, paranoia, vitriol, revenge, and plenty of other dark sides of the psyche. And wraps it in interesting music.

It's a similar element to the play "Taming Of The Shrew." Because three things are true in regards to that play: it's really really masterfully funny in parts, really really sexist in parts, and Shakespeare wrote shitty plays. It's something that makes a Shakespeare fan like myself think "Gosh, why couldn't a shitty play like Merry Wives Of Windsor be the problematic sexist one, and let Taming Of The Shrew just be funny and excellent." But sadly no, there is the contradiction. Which makes it perhaps bad entertainment but interesting art. I'd argue something similar for "The Life Of Pablo."

Check out "Ultralight Beam," "No More Parties In LA," and "I Love Kanye."

8: "Emotions And Math" - Margaret Glaspy

Emotions And Math Album Cover

This gal makes the grimiest roots rock y'all could find and I LOVE IT. She's got a voice that goes from a fluttery croon to a fucking GROWL and both are excellent and moving. Add to it a fearlessness to write songs about whatever she needs to talk about, fully unafraid to fill her songs with sex and anxiety. And it's underlaid with guitars that growl as good her voice and plodding drums that are heavy, crunched up, and reverbed a la modern-day Bonham. Take that, and you've got a sound that cuts through just about anything else you'd be listening to. Female-fronted country and Americana is in a great spot, with emo softies like Julian Baker and Marit Larsen holding down their end, popstars like Miranda Lambert and Kacey Musgraves killing the radio game, and firebrands like Brandi Carlile and Margaret Glaspy kicking ass and taking names. What a time to be alive y'all.

Check out "You And I" and "Somebody To Anybody."

7: "Babes Never Die" - Honeyblood

Babes Never Die Album Cover

A late entry that snuck it's way in at the last minute because GUYS POWER-POP IS SO MUCH GOSHDARN FUN. Honeyblood had one of my favorite songs of a few years ago in "Killer Bangs" and "Babes Never Die" is basically a full album of Killers-Bangs-es. Boppy, hooky, sweet 'n snarky, full of hand claps and fuzz guitars and hints of accents Honeyblood has filled my musical roster role of another Scottish Powerpop Icon perfectly.

Check out the one-two-three punch that kicks off the album of "Babes Never Die" -> "Ready For The Magic" -> "Sea Hearts" and be whisked away to a vision of the nineties but like, fun.

6: "American Band" - Drive-By Truckers

American Band Album Cover

There are lots of strong arguments to be made for "staying in your lane" and not trying to tell a story that isn't yours. Arguments that I wouldn't be surprised may be kicked up by this album from gods of neo-southern-rock Drive-By Truckers. Because this is an album that runs headfirst into tackling issues like bigotry, gun violence, Black Lives Matter, and others. But, at least for myself, "American Band" makes it work. And I think it's for two reasons:

  1. Drive-By Truckers makes really good music,
  2. They're directly addressing their own subculture and its role in the problem.

Songs like "What It Means" do feature a bunch of white southern guys singing about the problems of black teenagers, but they are talking about how white people and the culture of whiteness needs to reckon with this. Similarly they present songs like "Guns Of Umpqua" which takes the southern love of gun culture to its horrific modern conclusion. They point the finger, not just at the "bad" southerners, but at themselves. And this is all while still talking about the things that genuinely make aspects of southern culture great. It's a vulnerable and self-reflective album, and it wraps it all in some of the best southern rock you could ever find.

Check out "Surrender Under Protest" for A+ driving roots rock, and "Once They Banned Imagine" for some of the best country lyricism I've seen in a minute.

5: "We got it from Here, Thank You 4 Your Service" - A Tribe Called Quest

We Got This From Here Album Cover

Look, if this album was just the song "We The People..." and 45 minutes of discordant shrieking, it'd still crack the top ten, because there are few musical moments of this past year that hit as hard as watching Tribe play this song on SNL four days after the nightmare of Nov 8. They managed to call the shot and make the perfect Trump-era album, directly tackling the racism, mysogyny, xenophobia, fear, and hatred represented by the Orange Man and his followers with incredible skill, wit, and bite.

But just politics would be one thing. This album becomes another because of the level of fun on display. "We The People..." is justifiably angry, yes, but it's also snarky and full of pride. "The Space Program" is painfully real, but also kind of silly. "Dis Generation" is pure slinky virtuousic bar-sharing and it's such a joy. And "Solid Wall Of Sound" has an Elton John sample. Tribe is defiant but so goddamn confident in their (accurate) skill and superiority that they just let it ride and are having fun with it.

This is also one of several either posthumous or final albums to come out this year, and all of them share something beautiful: defiance in the face of death. Where Bowie and Leonard Cohen knew they were dying and reckoned with it with either a glamourous middle finger or cold stare and a wry smile, this album was still being made after Phife Dawg's death. And so this album gets to be Q-Tip, Jarobi White, and Ali Shaheed Muhammad crafting a glorious tribute their late brother. And just like Bowie and Cohen, they don't shy away the reality of the situation: by bringing Phife's lines front and center in so many tracks, by calling him out and reacting to his recorded lines in live performances, they are never backing down or hiding the fact that they're down one. They have no problem letting him be a central presence in this record, which is admirable and makes for great art.

There's gonna be a lot of political art over the next few years, and it will take a lot of different forms, and all of it will be necessary. But I'm glad that there are folks like A Tribe Called Quest (and some later down on this list...) willing to blend the personal with the political, the angry with the joyful, the mournful with the triumphant, the brilliant with the silly, and mash it all into one 2016-as-hell album.

Check out "We The People..." and "Dis Generation" (especially the impeccable second verse.)

4: "Blisters In The Pit Of My Heart" - Martha

Blisters In The Pit Of My Heart Album Cover

There are many a school of pop-punk. One the one end you have your emo-tinted heartbroken shaggy-banged kids like All Time Low and Fall Out Boy, on the other the blissfully scrappy 'n snarky four-chord skateboarders like Chumped (RIP), The Ergs (also RIP), and FIDLAR. Somehwere in the middle you get your bands that pull from both sides, like your blink-182s and Green Days. Also ska is somewhere in there.

Martha is absolutely cut from The Ergs school of pop-punk and it's a JOY. This album is full of gleefully up-tempo garage tunes that make you want to smile as you awkwardly mosh and think about that one girl or guy or nonbinary person who got away. And every song is anchored by incredible hooks and laced with exactly the kind of progressive self-deprecating snark that really hits with the depressed-20-something-artsy-smartsy-kids-floundering-through-adulthood-question-mark? demographic. So I obviously have no idea why I like this album so much.

Check out "Ice Cream And Sunscreen" which is without a doubt my favorite non-Carly-Rae song of the year, and also check "Precarious (Supermarket Song)"

3: "My Woman" - Angel Olsen

My Woman Album Cover

I've had a peculiar type of love-hate relationship with Angel Olsen over the last three or so years, in that I had no idea if I loved her or hated her. It would genuinely fluctuate not only between songs, but sometimes between lines in a single listen of a single song. Part of it, best I could tell, was her voice never fully clicked for me.

That was, of course, until the first time I heard "Shut Up Kiss Me" and those screeching, overdriven wails. Rock 'n roll y'all. I'm a fan for life now.

This album scratches a lot of the same itches a La Luz album would, and that's meant entirely as a compliment (La Luz fucking rule.) I mention La Luz (an incredibly retro-throw-back surf rock band) because it's crazy how unabashedly traditional and old-school "My Woman" is. Many of the songs on this album from a compositional perspective wouldn't seem at all out of place playing on 1950s radio. And yet that feeling is a lot like a ghost; you only really notice it if you manage to catch the song in an off-angle glance from the corners of your ears. It feels so incredibly modern and incredibly now (partially because its production is the sort of modern-analog-love-child where if you said "Hey this is produced by Jack White and/or Patrick Carney from the Black Keys" you'd probably go "Yeah makes sense." It isn't produced by either of them, but aesthetically it fits.) The album feels now, but if you look at the songs it's simple early rock chords and boppy beats and Buddy Holly melodies.

Taken together it makes for an album that sounds like the present and the past simultaneously and becomes genuinely timeless in the weirdest way. It's not timeless because it could be from whenever, it's timeless because it can't be from anywhen. It's unsettling and destablizing and scary but then you hear the hooks on tunes like "Give It Up" and you say "Fuck it" and just get down with it anyway.

Check out "Shut Up Kiss Me" and "Not Gonna Kill You."

2: "Coloring Book" - Chance The Rapper

Coloring Book Album Cover

Last year I made a realization that all of my favorite albums of the year, despite being from wildly different genres, all shared a similar quality. They were experiential. They sounded like the inside of the head of the artist who made them. They were albums that you soaked in, and if you soaked properly there was no way they wouldn't put you in a particular headspace. This year there weren't as many albums like that, at least for me. But man oh man if "Coloring Book" doesn't put you in a headspace y'all.

This album, more so than many, really gets the craft of how to build an album from start to finish. The gospel comparison is done to death, but not only does Chance borrow some of the sounds of gospel music, he structures it like a good church service. Invocation into community into reflection into confession into forgiveness into celebration into benediction. The final song is literally called "Blessings" for fuck's sake.

Like with Kanye, Chance is convuluted and complicated and experiential. Like with Tribe, Chance is joyful but real. Like with both Chance puts on some of the best artists in the game to play with him. For whatever reason, the magic seems to catch me more with "Coloring Book" than with the other two. Part of it is certainly that where "Pablo" is negative and scary, "Coloring Book" is jubilant. And part of it is definitely that Chance is poppier than Tribe. But part of it is (and this is a major cop-out for someone trying to analyze music) ineffable to me. It's just goddamn MAGIC and I DON'T KNOW WHY and THAT UPSETS ME THAT I CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT OKAY.

Check out "No Problem" (which you have already because you're a human in 2016) "Summer Friends" and "Angels."

1: "Adult Teen" - Lisa Prank

Adult Teen Album Cover

See, I get to keep my hipster cred. I'm giving the number one slot to a DIY artist out of my hometown of Seattle. To be fair, I'm giving it to her because "Adult Teen" is INCREDIBLE. Lisa Prank is a solo artist who makes the kind of bubbly pop-punk that would perfectly fit with the teen-fashion inspiration for her stage name. And as a solo artist she blends her crunchy-as-hell guitar, marvelously wobbly voice, and faux-blank-eyed snark with a drum machine, making one of the most genuinely unique sounds in the pop-punk game. I found her in 2015 because I was searching for artists who use drum machines in neat ways, and since then it's been a joy to see her blow up a bit in the DIY scene, blossoming under the welcome arms of fellow Seattle punk darlings TacocaT.

"Adult Teen" is her debut full-length, mixing beefed-up versions of songs from previous EPs with a bunch of new songs, and the result is a delirious dive via impeccable 2-to-3-minute pop songs into a world of glitter, booze, stickers, grimy guitars, posters of punk gods and boy bands on the wall in equal measure, humanly sloppy instrumentation over machined perfection of the artificial drums, deep sorrow hidden behind shallow smiles, and youth and all the brilliance and stupidity that entails. It's clearly inspired by a lineage of female rockers going from TacocaT to Sleater-Kinney to The Runaways to the Ronettes. At the same time, it's a sound unlike anything else in music. And it's all done by a gal doing this shit on her own (though with the help of a crew from the raddest musical scene in the country; the forever contradiction of "DIY" and "Independent Creators.") And every single song is perfect little pop gem. There's not a dud among 'em.

Listen to "Adult Teen." It's amazing, and at the very least hey you'll be helping out a cool indie artist. And you'll get to feel like someone who knows their shit, which yes is overrated but also kinda fun.

Check out "Starting Again," "Luv Is Dumb," "Jumper," and "Baby, Let Me Write Yr Lines" (and every other song on the album seriously trying to pick just four is damn near impossible the whole album is gold.)

-Andrew W.

Spotify Knows What's Up

Published 12/14/2016

One of the fantastic perks of Spotify is that it takes the month of December to spit back your yearly listening habits back at you. It's a fun chance to reminisce and learn.

Sometimes though, they present you with fun facts of how you compare to other listeners.

This year?

Top one percent of fans of Carly Rae Jepsen


-Andrew W.

Lucy Bellwood @ XOXO 🔗

Published 11/23/2016 (Permalink 📌)

XOXO part many out of many more, with a beautifully vulnerable talk from cartoonist Lucy Bellwood talking about being success and gentle to yourself.

-Andrew W.

John Roderick @ XOXO 🔗

Published 11/22/2016 (Permalink 📌)

Yet another XOXO talk, and spoiler alert this was the one I was most excited to rewatch. We have the excellent John Roderick from The Long Winters and Roderick On The Line, talking about german tv and the myth of "no effort."

-Andrew W.

Starlee Kine @ XOXO 🔗

Published 11/21/2016 (Permalink 📌)

So begins week 2 of XOXO Talks!!! This time with Starlee Kine of Mystery Show fame, talking about belt buckles and Jake Gyllenhaal.

-Andrew W.

Star Simpson @ XOXO 🔗

Published 11/18/2016 (Permalink 📌)

Day 5 of ??? of XOXO talks, wrapping up week 1! We've got the radtastic Star Simpson talking about circuits, education, and what makes the makers!

-Andrew W.

Niel Cicierega @ XOXO 🔗

Published 11/17/2016 (Permalink 📌)

Day 4 of ??? of XOXO talks! With the magnificent icon of my weird internet childhood Niel Cicierega talking about creativity, the before-times of old school internet, and how to be an internet explorer!

-Andrew W.

Sammus @ XOXO 🔗

Published 11/16/2016 (Permalink 📌)

Day 3 of ??? of XOXO talks! This time with indie rapper Sammus talking about CRYING.

-Andrew W.

Talia Jane @ XOXO 🔗

Published 11/15/2016 (Permalink 📌)

Day 2 of ??? of XOXO talks! This time with Talia Jane talking about the experience of virality and harrassment, paying people a living wage, and why you don't troll a troller.

-Andrew W.

Gaby Dunn @ XOXO 🔗

Published 11/14/2016 (Permalink 📌)

Hi friends.

A few months ago I had the amazing fortune to get to go to (maybe the last ever?!?!?) XOXO Festival in Portland, OR. I wrote about it.

The whole reason I even knew about the festival was because of a rad policy: they record all of their mainstage talks, and release them for free on the internet. They just started releasing their talks for this year's fest, starting with a discussion on contracts for creatives and knowing your worth by the fantastic Gaby Dunn of Just Between Us fame(1) talking about the financial realities of creating on the internet. Enjoy!

-Andrew W.

(1): I recently realized that Gallison is exactly mine and my friend's friendship. I'm the Allison, obviously.

Stolen Polaroids

Published 10/3/2016

Hi y'all. I made a music thing. It is here, if you want to listen to it on Soundcloud.

And it is here, if you want to listen to it on Bandcamp.

And it is free both places. Yay!

-Andrew W.

XOXO 2016: big and important

Published 9/16/2016

I was going to write a different sort of post wrapping up a rad weekend in Portland, a post that was going to be way more sappy and comprehensive. But then I ended up writing nearly 2k words on just one night, so I figured let's limit the scope a bit.

So. Let's talk for a bit about "XOXO."

Oh, I Didn't Know You Were Into EDM?

Before that, I should give a brief explainer of XOXO as a thing, rather than as four letters that may not mean anything to you (1). XOXO is a conference and a festival, held in Portland, OR, organized by two Andies, and loosely structured around independent creatives on the internet.

After a week of having to explain to co-workers why I went to Portland last weekend, that seems to be the best answer I can come up with, but if ya got something better, I'll take it. Also, worth mentioning that it's not, in fact, an EDM festival, as Netflix and my manager seemed to believe (2).

This was my first year attending the festival, and in short I'd say it was amazing, and you should absolutely go to it... if they ever have it again. Which is a mighty big if. Sorry. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Big & Important

Again, I could write a longer post full of sappy reflections and such, especially given the wide-ranging and hard-to-define nature of the festival. But there's one thing that keeps tumbling around in my brain since this past weekend, that seemed to have an impact on me, and that I really want to congratulate XOXO on.

This is a festival of independent internet creatives, and almost everyone I talked to/read hot-takes from about the festival has said how inspiring it was. How much it changed people's perspectives and made them want to get up and do something.

And I agree wholeheartedly. It absolutely was a huge inspiration. But, especially in the liberal, progressive, educated, techie, and (primarily, though not exclusively) affluent circles that are drawn to XOXO, there's often a particular type of thing that is inspiring. Things related to changing the world in some Big-with-a-capital-B and Important-with-a-capital-I way. Things like equality, social justice, economics, technological progress, etc etc.

Those things are rad as heck and awesome and deserve to be celebrated forever. And XOXO absolutely celebrates them, including talks (3) this year by Jenn Schiffer on challenging sexism and inequality in the tech world, Lucy Bellwood on the challenging economic realities facing artists, Heben Nigatu on creating safe spaces for black women, and Esra'a Al-Shafei on basically how to be the coolest person ever.

XOXO celebrates the Big and Important stuff, and celebrates it well.

But XOXO also celebrates the stuff that is neither Big nor Important. And this year, I think one part of the festival in particular showcased this really well:

Film And Animation Night

On Saturday night of the festival, there was a track of curated screenings/Q&A's of/about film and animation, from a bunch of creators. And this night absolutely included some excellent Big and Important stuff. We had Anita Sarkeesian and the Feminist Frequency team premiering their new show, "Ordinary Women," about awesome women largely ignored by mainstream history. That's Big. That's Important.

We had Tony Zhou and Taylor Ramos from Every Frame A Painting talking about the creative bankruptcy in modern movie scores. Maybe less Big and Important, but still presented in an incredibly detailed and thoughtful and analytical way. It was like watching a very well-done film thesis essay. Decently Big. Decently Important.

But also.

We had The Brothers Chaps from, (a series of charming, weird, and unique flash cartoons from the early 2000s) Lindsay and Alex Small-Butera from Baman Piderman (a series of animated shorts about Baman, an off-kilter version of Batman, and Piderman, an off-kilter version of Spiderman, and their grotesquely adorable friendship and adventures), the guys from Auralnauts (a pair who use their sound design skills to make silly redubs of movies and pop culture), and the folks from Don't Hug Me I'm Scared (not gonna explain it to you. Just watch, although if you're severely not into blood I can't quite in good conscience suggest it.)

None of their stuff is Big. None of their stuff is Important. And all of it fit perfectly right along the stuff that was.

It would be enough if the Andies just created this venue that allowed it all to be shown together. To give the silly as much of a stage as the serious is an awesome enough end goal.

But a weird thing popped up during this event: we got to see the ways that even the silly side of the evening was still big, and still important (note the lack of caps.)

The Brothers Chaps, in showing off their Two More Eggs series, showed how valuable it was to have talented, artistic folks making truly great comedy for kids. That's big, and that's important.

The Auralnauts, in talking about the legal challenges they've faced in remixing popular works, showed off the flaws in an archaic copyright system that can often prevent geunine expression from flourishing, and the ways in which the internet brings those flaws out into the mainstream. Definitely big, definitely important.

Lindsay and Alex showed how making silly things their own way allowed them to carve out a career in animation that followed their own unique path outside of Los Angeles, and how they were actively trying to help other people follow their path. That's big, that's important.

The Don't Hug Me I'm Scared folks even managed a (possibly unintended) meta-commentary about film festivals and Q&As, by bringing their same level of silliness, darkness, and opacity to their post-show talkback as they did to their series. They kind of broke down the entire structure and idea of the night, for a few brief minutes. Pointing back at us the silliness of this whole festival endeavor every once in a while is certainly big, and certainly important.

XOXO is a festival curated around the taste of Andy Baio. Whenever anything is all passing through one filter, there will be elements that are unique to that filter. It seems to me, whether intentional or not (4), part of the Andy Baio filter is to realize the bigness and importance of the stuff that isn't Big or Important. And thanks to that Andy quirk, we got a weekend that celebrated that.

A weekend where John Roderick's freewheeling talk about grunge and German television was just as impactful (to me at least) as Lucy Bellwood's about economic survival. Where Sarah Jeong got to talk primarily about the ethics of ad-blocking, a seemingly niche concern. Where Nina Freeman, designer of the awesomely fun and feminist (Big, Important) game Cibele got to show off her new passion project: an insane wacko 8-bit party game about silly teen car dates.

The Big and Important stuff was no more, or no less big, or important, as the rest.

Personal Revalation Time Y'all

At one of the semi-formal social meetups on Friday, specifically the #podcasts meetup (which if you know anything about me, you know obviously I went to the #podcasts meetup) I got into some great conversations with fantastic people. And all of them were kind of like me: loved podcasts, and wanted to make ones of their own. And these conversations all had a throughline which I've struggled with for years: one of us would say they "don't have an idea" for a podcast, then when pressed would inevitably say "well, I do have an idea, but it's not original enough, or it's not something I know enough about, or it's not Important enough."

Because I'm writing a reflection on XOXO 2016, I have to include this tweet:

The #podcasts conversations perfectly showed that. Everyone at our table had major imposter syndrome over whether they deserved to be a podcaster. We all had definitions of what that meant in our heads, and none of us seemed to live up to them.

But then, the weekend happened, and at least for me, getting to listen and speak to incredible people, from all ranges in the Big and Important spectrum, did a little bit to beat the imposter syndrome out of me.

I say a little bit because, lol, duh I still have horrific anxiety about creating anything ever. One weekend ain't about to change 22 years of Feelings and social conditioning. The imposter syndrome isn't gone... but I know, especially looking at the speakers and attendees, and especially-especially the Film and Animation track, that what seems to matter more is to find the thing you want to do, and do the thing. And if it's good, even if it doesn't seem Big enough or Important enough to spend your time on, it may just end up being more than big enough, and plenty important. There's still plenty of reasons to feel impostery (will people like my thing being chief among them) but this weekend chipped away at one of them.

I'm in the process of starting two podcasts, both of which are really really dumb ideas and which never even scratch the surface of the Big and Important work being done by other podcasters and creators. But I like them, and after XOXO I want to do them. So I think I will (5).

-Andrew "Hugs & Kisses" W.

Post Note:

I do want to make it absolutely, positively clear that just because this is focusing on the not-Big-and-Important stuff, isn't meant to slam the Big and Important. This post is based on the assumption, especially in the can't-call-it-left-leaning-because-it's-so-far-left-everyone's-sideways XOXO community, that awesome stuff like Ordinary Women/Jenn Schiffer/Lucy Bellwood/Heben Nigatu/Esra'a Al-Shafei are getting deserved love for being, for lack of a better word, "obviously" awesome? And this post, being semi-focused, mainly praises other people. But again, Big and Important is awesome as well 🙃

(Also also, anyone not mentioned in this post, if they spoke or performed at XOXO, you're pretty fair in assuming I think they're rad as heck, even if they aren't in this recap. So again: 🙃)

(1): Or maybe, like me, your first thought is along these lines: Gossip Girl Cast Picture

(2): Though fun fact, apparently my manager plans RAVES in his spare time, so if anything it was a disappointment to explain that no, it's not related to the Netflix movie, it's mostly nerds trying to get over social anxiety while talking about art.

(3): Note: a rad thing about XOXO is that they post the talks on Youtube after the festival, and so this post will be updated to include links to the mentioned talks. Until then, ya get Twitters.

(4): Though from my read of Andy, I'd put more money on intentional.

(5): Stay tuned, I guess?

So I Have A New Job And Live In A New City

Published 7/12/2016

...which is strange as heck.

Yeah. I now work at a neat tech company as an Associate Technical Project Manager. Meaning I try real hard to get people to do stuff, and do it on time. It should be interesting.

And that job has me in a new city: Chicago, Illinois. In a real-life apartment with real-life roommates and real-life leases and utility bills stuff.

Though fun quirk: this new city is actually kind of an old city for me, in that this is where I was born! And lived until I was two. So I'm getting to explore a hometown I never really knew, and call it home for a bit.

Adulthood y'all. Yep. What a concept.

-Andrew "I Could Use A Little Fuel Myself (GET IT? GET THE REFERENCE???)" W.

Taylor Swift Could Hit Me With Her Car And I Would Still Love Her 🔗

Published 6/26/2016 (Permalink 📌)

I mean, I would. No doubt about it.

-Andrew "True Stans Never Say Die" W.

(Source: NY Daily News)

The Bachelor's Benn Higgins And Lauren Bushnell Land Their Own Spinoff 🔗

Published 6/22/2016 (Permalink 📌)

A new addition to the Bachelor family of products, it seems.

The Bachelor's season 20 star and the winner, Lauren Bushnell, will document their lives as a couple and their wedding planning experiences in a new reality television show.

This week's Bachelorette episode featured a scandalous mini-moment where contestants got their hands on an In Touch magazine featuring gossip about JoJo and an ex. That, plus this exceptionally "Royal Love"-esque spinoff announcement gives me the sinking suspicion that the various Bachelor Nation producers are bigger fans of UnREAL than they may let on.

-Andrew "I'm not kidding when I say that UnREAL is Breaking Bad but better if you're not watching it fix your life immediately" W.

(Source: Mashable)

Non-Retina MacBook Pro Reportedly Pulled From Some Apple Store Displays 🔗

Published 6/21/2016 (Permalink 📌)

Apparently my beloved Mid-2012, 13", non-Retina, dvd-drive sporting, spinning-disk hard drive MacBook Pro may be seeing its end days.

According to a new report, Apple has started removing its non-Retina MacBook Pro from show floors.


The optical drive-toting non-Retina MacBook Pro was last refreshed in 2012, so it wouldn't be altogether surprising to see Apple phase the model out for its Retina-equipped cousins.

A reasonable question though: why on earth is a laptop model from 2012 still being sold in 2016?!?!?

Marco Arment has the answer! Spoiler alert: not only does it sell, it sells well. Long live the King.

A similar but slightly different question is why I've stuck with this computer, and post-graduation have opted not to replace the four-year-old workhorse with a new MacBook (Pro or Air, not "MacBook" MacBook.) Certainly much of it has to do with my head first dive into iPad-land with the purchase of a new 9.7" iPad Pro (on which I'm writing right now!) Certainly a lot of it also has to do with my work providing me with a laptop to do all the work stuff I need.

But a big part is that I like this computer, and I like that I can still get at the insides and upgrade/repair stuff myself. It's heavy, bulky, and with an old CPU, but those are all things better solved by moving to an iPad as a daily driver device. For the more power-heavy things, the old MBP can still do the work, and once it can't it'll be cheaper to replace some parts than get a whole new computer.

So it's sad to see my machine go the way of the dinosaur. But it had to happen eventually. And if rumors are right that this is because it's getting a refresh, that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

The King is dead; long live the king.

-Andrew "End Of An Era" W.

(Source: iMore)

Tom DeLonge Took A Break From blink-182 To Expose The Truth About Aliens 🔗

Published 6/20/2016 (Permalink 📌)

Not kidding, this is legitimately one of the most punk rock things I've ever heard.

After a somewhat messy Blink-182 breakup last year, DeLonge is launching a multimedia franchise called Sekret Machines that will seek to investigate "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena" from a serious perspective. The franchise will include fiction books, nonfiction books, new music from DeLonge's band Angels & Airwaves and a documentary

The whole interview is worth a read, not the least for some clutch background info on lyrics from Enema Of The State.

You go Tom. Rock 'n roll.

-Andrew "No One Likes You When You're Twenty-Three, But They're Also Not Wild About You At Twenty-Two Either" W.

(Source: Mic)

WWDC 2k16: Thoughts On watchOS 3

Published 6/17/2016

WWDC, aka Apple's World Wide Developer Conference, happened this week! And with it came a whole bunch of news about a whole bunch of Apple stuff coming down the pipeline. I was originally going to write some quick thoughts on all of it, but it quickly ballooned into a giant monstrosity, so I'm going to split my thoughts up into (hopefully) several articles each talking about one chunk of info Apple shared.

Before we begin, let's all get one thing super-dee-duper clear. I am not a tech journalist, or analyst, or columnist, or any other particularly relevant or qualified -ist. I am not an Apple developer (I mean, I've made a hello worlds and a coffee timer, but that's it.) All I am is a 22-year-old who was arguably more excited to watch the WWDC than his own college graduation (which was on Sunday.) Moral of the story, my opinions, grains of salt, cool.

Anyway, the first thing I want to talk about is the improvements and additions Apple made to the Apple Watch platform, in the form of its new operating system for the fall "watchOS 3"

watchOS 3

I'm a big fan of the smartwatch as a device; for the past nine months I've been wearing some combination of the original Pebble watch and the original Moto 360, and loving the utility it provides in terms of notification triage, information gathering, media controls, and alarms on the wrist (which is the only way to be woken up, I've determined.)

I love both my Pebble and Moto 360, but there' son question that they are limited devices, especially as a member of the Apple ecosystem. They are old devices not meant to hook into my iPhone the same way a first-party device would. So while I love them both, be assured that I want an Apple Watch... I just want it to be good. And as of right now, it doesn't seem to be.

But man, did the watchOS 3 presentation damn near convince me otherwise.

Fundamentally, as I see it there are three big categories of changes to watchOS. Performance, UX, and Accessibility.

Watch Performance

Performance comes about with an acknowledgement that the Apple Watch is sloooooooooow. There was even a demonstration in the Keynote presentation on Monday showing the loading times of a third-party watch app, and it was painful. But Apple is not a company prone to admitting a problem, unless it has a solution in store, so the follow-up to the demonstration was loading times under watchOS 3, and it was instant.

Now of course, what remains to be seen is whether these loading times will bear out in actual daily use. Because this is a demo, and the OS is in beta, and there was no announcement of a hardware upgrade to match the software. This is the thing that gives me pause; I'll admit I'm very very skeptical that Apple can pull off the loading times it's claiming without a commensurate bump in hardware ability.

It may be possible, though. They did explain that a lot of the performance improvement is coming through smart prioritization of background data loading for apps. Aka, your favorite or most recently used apps will get more resources dedicated to them so that they will load faster. As a smartwatch user, I've found that in contrast to another product category in this presentation, in many ways the future of watches is not apps. My Pebble and Moto 360 work great, and are very useful at a few select tasks. Notifications are great, media controls are great, and the occasional app (almost always timers) can be very useful. But by and large, I don't find myself diving into applications that often. On the Moto 360, because of the limitations of running Android Wear on iOS, there simply aren't many apps (and none that aren't built-in and made by Google) available to an iOS user. On the Pebble, there are plenty of apps, and they could be useful... but I never find myself using them. This could be a recognition on the part of Apple that users primarily use a few key apps, and the OS can be clever about spending all of its limited computing resources on those few apps, and it will make for a better experience.

Additionally, Apple has revealed that battery life was the number one priority in the first iteration of the Watch, and that they think they may have been overly conservative with using system resources in general. The read is that Apple cares about making sure the battery lasts throughout the day, and at the moment it does so with plenty of battery to spare, so they can afford to be more proactive about using power for computing and keeping apps in memory. This is a rationale that I'm slightly less stoked about, as having a battery buffer is a nice mental security blanket. But as long as a watch can reliably last a full day of moderate usage, that checks the required boxes. And I'll willingly make a trade of battery peace of mind for usable watch apps.

This performance bump, if it pans out, would probably be enough to get me to buy an Apple Watch when watchOS 3 launches in Fall. In fact, I'm debating getting a watch now and loading the beta on it, since I have two backup watches I love already. The only worries are that Apples claims are overly optimistic, and that it seems likely that there will in fact be an announcement of new Apple Watches at the iPhone event in September. I'm optimistic about new hardware both because it would fit the iOS paradigm of new hardware launching contemporaneously with the now OS, and also because it'll have been over a year and a half since launch come September. I don't think the Watch will ever be on a one-year upgrade cycle like the iPhone, but I could see them syncing up with iPhone this fall and then switching to a two-year cycle. And while the launch of a whole new product category last spring was enough to merit its launch separate from the flagship devices, I'm not sure an upgrade merits the same fanfare. Nor do I think it is so routine as to be buried in a press release like most new Mac announcements. Basically, sitting side-by-side as a the little sibling of the iPhone fits the Watch's stature nicely, so I expect the hardware increase then.

I dunno. We'll see. Early indications suggest that the performance claims are bearing out, which is great news. Regardless, I'm not buying one tonight, so I can think about it.

Watch UX

The second category of UX behaved a lot like Performance did: Apple in so many words admitted that they got the fundamental design of how watch interactions should work wrong. They removed little-used or clumsy features like the Friends screen, Glances, and the honeycomb app screen (though the honeycomb is not gone completely, just buried as a last resort) and replaced them with things that not only are more functional, but are more familiar to iOS users: an app-switcher that is modeled after a combination of the macOS dock and the iOS app switcher, and a control center modeled after the one in iOS.

These improvements are great and necessary, and take care of a big part of the my other reservation with the Apple Watch. Even trying to futz around with it in the Apple Store, I get lost continually. watchOS 2 is just plain confusing from a UX perspective. It doesn't have consistent actions mapped to its gestures or hardware buttons, or if it does, it's for little-used features. It doesn't follow paradigms that are well-established on iOS, which is important since 100% of Apple Watch users by definition must use iOS. Some touch targets are flat-out unusable on the tiny screen. It doesn't use the clear hierarchical structure of either Pebble's or Android's watch OSes, where you know you are either diving into an app, or popping back out of it, with the watch face as home base. In watchOS 2, where things like the Friends view and even the watch face live in the hierarchy of the OS is nebulous and changing depending on the context you access the views from.

watchOS 3 makes sense, streamlines things, and like with Performance improvements, seems to be inspired by actual watch usage patterns, which I commend.

Watch Accessibility

Finally, Accessibility. The big news was announcements about improvements to the fitness apps for wheelchair users, which is awesome. And like mentioned above, this is a classic Apple move to make: the amount of money, time, and promotion given to this feature is likely not commensurate with an improvement in sales. But goddamn it, it's the right thing to do Apple. And so they did it. And they want everyone in the audience to be thinking about it too. They want people like me who get a flash thought in their head along the lines of "why are they spending so much time on this" to reconsider and think "wait, why shouldn't they be spending so much time on this, they just said they made their products functional for a whole group of people for the first time, that's a thing that is really important." Apple has cash to burn, and I'm glad that they choose to burn it in the right places from time to time.

Similarly, Apple announced a new feature called "SOS" that is activated by a three-second long press on the side button. Once activated, SOS will use either its connection with the phone or wifi (if connected to a known network) to call whatever the local emergency services number is where you are, regardless of your own country of origin. So if stupid American me had an Apple Watch while studying abroad in Paris two years ago and got in an accident, it would call 112 automatically and my stupid Americanness wouldn't result in a Darwin-like culling. It also will notify your pre-set emergency contacts that SOS was activated and with a link to your location, and will display your pre-set Medical ID on the watch face.

This feature is cool, and I would absolutely argue also counts as an accessibility feature. The fact is, I'd be willing to bet that most of the male developers in the room at the Keynote at first thought "oh, that's kinda cool, but they're really talking about it a lot." Or maybe they were, like me, enamored with the idea of automatically calling the right number in foreign countries. That's how it played: as something that will be used exceptionally rarely, but when it is used it'll work great, and you'll be glad to have it.

But for women, the feature is less of a "maybe once or twice in your life, while in a foreign country, you'll use this nifty thing." It's a safety feature that could have potential use cases every day. I'm a guy, and I don't want to wax poetic about experiences I haven't had, so instead I'll pass the mic to Katie Notopoulos at Buzzfeed:

For women, safety while walking down the street is something we think about pretty much daily, most times we leave the house. Women have long adopted their own safety measures for walking in public: holding their keys a certain way to use as a weapon, carrying pepper spray, checking the backseat of a car before unlocking it, taking a longer route because the streets are brighter and more crowded. This isn’t an afterthought or a minor convenience; it’s a core user experience of being a woman or person vulnerable to violence.

While certainly emergency calls are made by people of all genders, adding in an emergency alert feature to the wrist feels very obviously designed with women’s safety in mind.

Just like with the wheelchair users example, we have a case of Apple designing things for their users, even when those users don't fit the increasingly inaccurate picture of an Apple user that may fit in our brains.

A few other odds and ends:

  • There's now a Minnie Mouse watch face to match Mickey, and her dress is color coded to match sport bands perfectly (which I LOVE of course I want my watch face to match my band this is a no brainer that should be applied to all watch faces.)
  • A deep breathing workout app called Breathe, which seems cool, and had a Deepak Chopra quote on the screen, which tickled me as a listener to Pete Holmes' "You Made It Weird" podcast.
  • Apple Pay is now usable inside of watch apps, like how it is in the phone. I only really use Apple Pay to refill Starbucks cards, so who knows how useful this'll be (though I'd refill a Starbs Card from the Watch I suppose. Yay future!)

Overall, the watchOS 3 announcements were some of the most exciting things from the week for me. Like I said, I'm firmly pro-smartwatch and very pro-Apple, so I suppose this shouldn't be surprising. Overall, it's exciting as an Apple fan to see them admit fundamental mistakes, with regards to the first outings with the Watch. They could have been filled with hubris and kept down the bad path, but they chose to course-correct, and even poke a little fun at themselves along the way. That's a great sign.

I'll keep y'all posted if I get an Apple Watch I guess?

-Andrew "Buzzy Wrists" W.


Published 4/9/2016 (Permalink 📌)




Why Must You Tease Us So Carly? 🔗

Published 4/5/2016 (Permalink 📌)

Apparently the new video for the excellent track "Boy Problems" by the Queen of All Creation Carly Rae Jepsen is a transcendent wonderful thing.

It is so good, and the transition from gloomy grey sadness to disco-lit glee is incredible, and we don’t deserve it, but we’ve been given it so might as well appreciate below.


Update: The video has been taken down, but the official, final version will be released next week, according to Jepsen’s reps.

Now I have to wait a week like a jerk.


-Andrew "First Carly Bae Post On My New Website, That Makes It Real" W.


Published 3/28/2016


This is (I think) the 5th iteration of this website.'s history is as follows:

  1. A static tumblr page.
  2. A Node/Express/Mongodb based site, basically a reskin of starter code from a design class I took.
  3. A site using the Keystone CMS
  4. A site using the Ghost CMS
  5. This site right now, built on my own CMS using Node/Express.

The reason I switched from 4 to 5 are numerous.

  1. My site broke. Like super broke. As in I tried going to it and Heroku kept saying it crashed. Constantly. Every time. And I don't know what broke since I didn't push a change in months.
  2. I wanted to try building my own CMS. Because I'm a stupid masochist who finally took a legit web dev class.
  3. I wanted a CMS that let me: write posts in Markdown, plop them in a Dropbox folder, and appear on my site. Because I refuse to use a web-based admin panel for a site that only I will ever access and edit.

So that's what this is.

I'll probably open-source the engine once I make a clean copy that doesn't feature all the specifics needed for me (because hey why not learn about open-sourcing too?) But for now we'll call it "closed source," in that the code is all living on my github, and if you wanted to use this garbage for your own purposes I probably wouldn't get that mad, but like wait a bit and let me clean it.

But yay. Whoo. A site that works. That's a fun thing yo.

The design is pretty bare-bones, so I'll probably update that over time. But for now, it works.


-Andrew "Hey, I built a CMS, that's neat!" W.

(More posts ➡)