Andrew Whipple

The most sensational, inspirational, celebrational, muppetational

Gaby Dunn @ XOXO 🔗

Published 11/14/2016 (Permalink 📌)

Hi friends.

A few months ago I had the amazing fortune to get to go to (maybe the last ever?!?!?) XOXO Festival in Portland, OR. I wrote about it.

The whole reason I even knew about the festival was because of a rad policy: they record all of their mainstage talks, and release them for free on the internet. They just started releasing their talks for this year's fest, starting with a discussion on contracts for creatives and knowing your worth by the fantastic Gaby Dunn of Just Between Us fame(1) talking about the financial realities of creating on the internet. Enjoy!

-Andrew W.

(1): I recently realized that Gallison is exactly mine and my friend's friendship. I'm the Allison, obviously.